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joined Oct 20, 2017

She really got in the taxi, the absolute mad lass

Sufficient Agony
joined Jan 31, 2021

She really got in the taxi, the absolute mad lass

Well, obviously Dra- Song Li owes her money!

joined Aug 18, 2015

I absolutely adore protagonists like Luoluo, they're so much fun. There's something about watching selfish, scummy, dirtbag characters that's just immensely enjoyable.

joined Jul 4, 2021

I absolutely adore protagonists like Luoluo, they're so much fun. There's something about watching selfish, scummy, dirtbag characters that's just immensely enjoyable.

Is Luoluo really...any of those things? She's trying to make money to take care of a sick relative while following her dream of being an influencer. Her only real crime is being not very good at her job, and also being kinda dumb. She got taken advantage of by a kid who's known for running away and trying to manipulate people, and that resulted in her losing a significant amount of money and a video vital to keeping her job, all because of a situation that has absolutely nothing to do with her.

While Song Li's action might have been understandable, the fact that she apparently then basically left Luoluo alone to deal with the aftermath of HER issues is the super scummy and selfish part. I get that Song Li has had to deal with a lot of shit from the paparazzi and a hostile media and she assumes that Luoluo is just another scummy person trying to make money, but that doesn't change that Luoluo is only in this situation because of Song Li's daughter and her own carelessness. I don't agree with Luoluo lying about their relationship in order to get revenge, but I understand why she'd be so pissed and feel like it's her only way to hit back at someone who has given zero consideration to her so far.

It's honestly really frustrating how this situation seems to be set up to imply a kind of "both sides" narrative, when I feel like Luoluo has been screwed over at every turn by Song Li while Song Li has basically dismissed and ignored any responsibility.

joined May 27, 2019

Yeah Luoluo is 100% a victim in all of this. I want Song Li to understand just how bad she screwed up and apologize.

joined Oct 20, 2017

Feels like this one has taken quite a few chapters to get to it's basic premise. I guess the reason these two didn't like eachother needed to be set up.

joined Jul 15, 2016

Yeah Luoluo is 100% a victim in all of this. I want Song Li to understand just how bad she screwed up and apologize.

She will, eventually.

Feels like this one has taken quite a few chapters to get to it's basic premise. I guess the reason these two didn't like eachother needed to be set up.

Have I mentioned that this story is the slowest of all the burns I've ever read? :D We haven't even seen the final (?) main character, the streamer and Luoluo's childhood friend Chilly, yet.

joined May 26, 2020

As I have previously stated, I have NO SHAME when it comes to my faves. I wanted to be in LuoLuo's place and have Song Li carry my unconscious body around.


La duchesse de Pecquigny
joined Jun 7, 2021

I absolutely adore protagonists like Luoluo, they're so much fun. There's something about watching selfish, scummy, dirtbag characters that's just immensely enjoyable.

Whether or not Luoluo really is any of those things (I see where you're coming from, I also see why some would disagree) I'm totally on your side about scummy dirtbag characters! A good chunk of my favorite manga right now have main charas who are absolute SCUM and I love every bit of their stories. They're so much fun to read! :D

joined Aug 21, 2017

On the plus side, it's easier to see where this is going now.

Somehow, I did not see it going this way... maybe in retrospect it makes more sense.

joined Aug 21, 2019

Feels like this one has taken quite a few chapters to get to it's basic premise. I guess the reason these two didn't like eachother needed to be set up.

Yeah the premise is really fun but the pacing draaaaags

joined Jun 3, 2014

This is why you always wear a seatbelt kids

joined May 5, 2022

hey heyy an update)) this one's slow to progress but i'm here for it

joined Apr 16, 2022

I honestly don't mind the pacing of this manhua. It's nice to see an "enemies to lovers" plot that spends the time to (a) establish very good reasons why they dislike each other and (b) doesn't just immediately paper it over with a "they were nice to me one time, now I'm in love" thing. I get the slow burn being annoying if you're looking for romance, but as a (more or less) realistic character drama it's already very fun imo.

Anyway, Luoluo is definitely the victim here; her life was ruined and Song Li and her manager are (so far) showing little to no remorse about it. At least she's getting paid a lot of money now, but even so, I highly doubt she fully understands just what will happen to her when she's nationally known as "Song Li's girlfriend."

joined Jun 9, 2021

Loving this story. The character portrayals are so good. Glad to see that Song Li is noticing the little details. It was set up in a way that makes it really believable that someone would mistake her signing as being for the huge payout, and not the money that she earned and lost.

Sufficient Agony
joined Jan 31, 2021

I gotta concur with the pacing of the series. In a lot of the works that I read on an abundance of other websites, the "enemies to lovers" scene always feels like they skip the whole part about being enemies.

It's been a while since I've seen a work actually provide a solid and personal reason why the two leads hate each other beyond vague things like being part of different factions at war with each other ala Romeo and Juliet.

joined Feb 25, 2022

i'm a liar if i didn't say i think about this manhua while laying in bed and watching my star projector. it's living in my head rent free. god damn

joined Apr 5, 2018

I can't wait to see more of this

joined Apr 16, 2022

Can't defend you this time, Luoluo, even though this restaurant is pretty clearly a giant scam. (Song Li even ordered the house set, proof that she needs to talk to her mitosis daughter more.)

joined Apr 24, 2022

money makes for the most powerful weapons

joined Mar 22, 2021

Pretty good chapter. Puppets were adorable. Love how the MC called out the plot of the manga lol. She's also a complete dumbass that broke the glass and will probably have spent her bribe money on fixing her messes before the plan is even done lmao.

I don't know how these two will get together as they are both idiots.

joined Jan 14, 2020

"This girl thinks of nothing but money", says the woman who doesn't have to worry about money.

joined Jul 15, 2016

Pretty good chapter. Puppets were adorable. Love how the MC called out the plot of the manga lol. She's also a complete dumbass that broke the glass and will probably have spent her bribe money on fixing her messes before the plan is even done lmao.

I don't know how these two will get together as they are both idiots.

Both have hidden depths that we haven't seen yet. As far as I can tell without understanding the speech bubbles, they'll bond over family drama.

joined Jul 22, 2014

I absolutely adore protagonists like Luoluo, they're so much fun. There's something about watching selfish, scummy, dirtbag characters that's just immensely enjoyable.

Whether or not Luoluo really is any of those things (I see where you're coming from, I also see why some would disagree) I'm totally on your side about scummy dirtbag characters! A good chunk of my favorite manga right now have main charas who are absolute SCUM and I love every bit of their stories. They're so much fun to read! :D

i can only agree, its so much fun to read !

joined Sep 26, 2020

I knew that glass was screwed as soon as the waiter / maitre'd talked about how rare and expensive it was. RIP glass. You gave your life to advance the story a tiny bit.

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