I absolutely adore protagonists like Luoluo, they're so much fun. There's something about watching selfish, scummy, dirtbag characters that's just immensely enjoyable.
Is Luoluo really...any of those things? She's trying to make money to take care of a sick relative while following her dream of being an influencer. Her only real crime is being not very good at her job, and also being kinda dumb. She got taken advantage of by a kid who's known for running away and trying to manipulate people, and that resulted in her losing a significant amount of money and a video vital to keeping her job, all because of a situation that has absolutely nothing to do with her.
While Song Li's action might have been understandable, the fact that she apparently then basically left Luoluo alone to deal with the aftermath of HER issues is the super scummy and selfish part. I get that Song Li has had to deal with a lot of shit from the paparazzi and a hostile media and she assumes that Luoluo is just another scummy person trying to make money, but that doesn't change that Luoluo is only in this situation because of Song Li's daughter and her own carelessness. I don't agree with Luoluo lying about their relationship in order to get revenge, but I understand why she'd be so pissed and feel like it's her only way to hit back at someone who has given zero consideration to her so far.
It's honestly really frustrating how this situation seems to be set up to imply a kind of "both sides" narrative, when I feel like Luoluo has been screwed over at every turn by Song Li while Song Li has basically dismissed and ignored any responsibility.