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joined Jul 17, 2022

Another excellent chapter. Even if we didn't get a lot of Yorihima content, they were still there showing off their growth and wholesomeness by the end. I really like the band plot as well and it was a great chapter for SSGIRLS. Mari and Kaori are extremely cute too, they deserve more appreciation.

joined Jun 12, 2021

This is great and all, but I still can't get over the fact that all of this drama is over a teen's unreasonable tantrum and inability to admit she is a complete and utter asshole.

joined Jul 17, 2022

About the band's name, I saw someone from Japan saying that Sunny Spot comes from the word Hidamari: “Soft light and warmness that subtly illuminates a place, it gives me the impression that mentally it calms and appeases the spirit”. And that's where Himari's name seems to come from as well, because she's Yori's hidamari (and everyone's hidamari really, she's like a little ray of sunshine for anyone next to her). And also, if we take Sunny Spot's initials we have SS and the band might be called that because the group and music are the girls' safe and sunny place and their music is meant to be just like that for everyone, fun and sunny.
Meanwhile, we have Lorelei, a band with a siren's name, alluring and enchanting, but with songs meant to luring men to their deaths.

joined Feb 11, 2022

^ ok? That’s interesting, but it doesn’t explain why the band was called SS girls long before the Sunny Spot song was written.

joined Jul 17, 2022

^ ok? That’s interesting, but it doesn’t explain why the band was called SS girls long before the Sunny Spot song was written.

Yeah, I just thought it was interesting as well, mostly because of Himari. I'm inclined to believe in the S-rank videogame meaning. Anyway, only Eku herself knows for sure lol

joined Jul 29, 2017

^ ok? That’s interesting, but it doesn’t explain why the band was called SS girls long before the Sunny Spot song was written.

Yeah, I just thought it was interesting as well, mostly because of Himari. I'm inclined to believe in the S-rank videogame meaning. Anyway, only Eku herself knows for sure lol

I just randomly saw a game blurb (I’m no gamer) this morning that featured an “SS-rank” character.

(And I really expect that the WW 2 SS meaning is incredibly remote in contemporary Japanese culture.)

last edited at Jul 20, 2022 1:47PM

joined Jun 23, 2015

Is it bad that I prefer the side characters over himari and yori? I still love them, especially any scene with himari interacting with anyone, but I adore the side characters. Akki is my absolute favorite and shiho is a close second. The writing in this series is so interwoven and complex that every scene feels rewarding no matter who's in it.

Also I just finished AnoKiss for the first time and am in the mood for ensemble cast stories. Side pairings forever!

joined Aug 20, 2022

i recently bought the first 4 volumes of the official english release, and reading this story again made me want to revisit the latest updates here. i do just want to say something about the band name SS GIRLS. i've always associated "SS" as a prefix for certain ship names (like steamboats or whatever). it is unfortunate though that it shares the acronym of something so awful. but i always thought "oh the band is a boat named Girls." what's a good alternate name for them? the single-screw steamship Girls? The Girls semi-submersible crane vessel? "Everyone Here is a Lesbian" cruise ship?

in any case, i've thoroughly enjoyed this series so far (gay teenage drama and all, as eye-rolling as it is sometimes). would love to see more HimaYori flirting. i hope we get another chapter of them just being really cute together and kissin' and stuff lol

joined Jun 25, 2019

How to make an unlikable character more likable ? Just give them a tragic story, add a dead loved one in the mix and a promise and boom.

joined Jul 31, 2018

It's been a while since we have a chapter like this Jesus, it was really good. The side characters in this series are far more interesting than the main ones lol

joined Feb 11, 2022

Shiho is the most interesting character in the series.

joined Mar 1, 2013

Is it only me that feels this, supposed tragic, background story with the violinist that passed away feels very awkward and abrupt?

joined Oct 15, 2014

I'm guessing there's probably a lot of HajiMomo shippers who got thrown for a loop this chapter (myself included).

last edited at Aug 23, 2022 11:55AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

How to make an unlikable character more likable ? Just give them a tragic story, add a dead loved one in the mix and a promise and boom.

Do we then have to wait some time for that formula to work? Because apparently the effect is not always immediate.

joined Jan 11, 2018

Is it only me that feels this, supposed tragic, background story with the violinist that passed away feels very awkward and abrupt?

The author realized "Damn none of these new characters are interesting and the bitchy character is way too annoying. I know I'll add in her dead sister to make people sympathize with her even though that doesn't directly relate to her being an ass." Like there was already a reveal that could have made her more sympathetic, why have two?

joined Apr 28, 2022

I was not prepared for a sad depressing yet at the same time happy chapter. I need to realize before I start reading things while at work that I will look weird if I'm crying at my computer and someone walks in haha.

joined Oct 25, 2014

Are we supposed to feel sorry for her? Because if anything, this chapter just made me roll my eyes.

last edited at Aug 23, 2022 12:20PM

joined May 31, 2020


also i actually love their band bc i adore shiho (i'm a firm supporter of women wrongs so she can be as bitchy as she wants) rip kyou thank u for being the reason why Laureley / Lorelei exists

  • i thought momo was dating hajime lmaooo but then again maybe they are??? maybe they have a chance of happening??? it was a flashback so maybe they can get together since kyou is 6ft under lol
joined Jun 11, 2016

are we supposed to feel sorry for her? Because if anything, this chapter just made me roll my eyes.


How to make an unlikable character more likable ? Just give them a tragic story, add a dead loved one in the mix and a promise and boom.

Do we then have to wait some time for that formula to work? Because apparently the effect is not always immediate.

Glad to see that I'm not the only here who doesn't feel a shred of empathy towards these side characters.

This chasing-after-dead-person-dream reveal is just dumb and forced. Now I don't just hate Shiho, I hate the whole fucking band and this dead character whose name I already forgot, because they're fucking dumb and unnecessary.

We could have had a wholesome story about love between two girls. Instead we get this shit.

joined Mar 19, 2022

Cool, I'm going to go cry now. The rest of you are heartless bastards.

joined Jul 29, 2017

are we supposed to feel sorry for her? Because if anything, this chapter just made me roll my eyes.


How to make an unlikable character more likable ? Just give them a tragic story, add a dead loved one in the mix and a promise and boom.

Do we then have to wait some time for that formula to work? Because apparently the effect is not always immediate.

Glad to see that I'm not the only here who doesn't feel a shred of empathy towards these side characters.

This chasing-after-dead-person-dream reveal is just dumb and forced. Now I don't just hate Shiho, I hate the whole fucking band and this dead character whose name I already forgot, because they're fucking dumb and unnecessary.

Wasn't there another yuri series with a "we were music rivals and I looked up to you and also hated you and then you died and so now I suck" character? Or is that just my brain being a manga-memory Mixmaster?

joined Apr 20, 2013

For me, it's like it subverted my expectations, I had no hope left for Shiho, this makes all her past decision have an extra layer of conviction that justified some her actions better, but only some... While she's doing something memorable with her band, she's still deep inside a total bitch who's drive is most of the times just jealousy, ego and malice while the rest of the band pretends not to see.

Is like pretending that the spirit of the dead girl will only see the end result concert and not everything else.......Anyway, we now know why her band doesn't look like they're having fun playing, it's almost a curse.

I wish the author could've hinted that there was more to the band than just being better than anyone, because this chapter was good and needed, very nice in fact, but it comes out of nowhere too, in fact you could've made up any other kind of tragic past like "my sister only has a year left to live" or we're aliens and music will save our planet, and it would fit because there really was no indication of something else going on.

joined Apr 6, 2013

are we supposed to feel sorry for her? Because if anything, this chapter just made me roll my eyes.


How to make an unlikable character more likable ? Just give them a tragic story, add a dead loved one in the mix and a promise and boom.

Do we then have to wait some time for that formula to work? Because apparently the effect is not always immediate.

Glad to see that I'm not the only here who doesn't feel a shred of empathy towards these side characters.

This chasing-after-dead-person-dream reveal is just dumb and forced. Now I don't just hate Shiho, I hate the whole fucking band and this dead character whose name I already forgot, because they're fucking dumb and unnecessary.

We could have had a wholesome story about love between two girls. Instead we get this shit.

Jesus, I forgot how stupidly angry this manga makes some of you guys. Like okay you don't like it, I get it, but somehow your dislike has turned into a seething rage you for some idiotic reason feel compelled to inflict on everyone else.

Obviously this type of layered complicated story telling is too high level for you, you should maybe try something a bit more simple and on your Bluey.

joined Oct 25, 2014

are we supposed to feel sorry for her? Because if anything, this chapter just made me roll my eyes.


How to make an unlikable character more likable ? Just give them a tragic story, add a dead loved one in the mix and a promise and boom.

Do we then have to wait some time for that formula to work? Because apparently the effect is not always immediate.

Glad to see that I'm not the only here who doesn't feel a shred of empathy towards these side characters.

This chasing-after-dead-person-dream reveal is just dumb and forced. Now I don't just hate Shiho, I hate the whole fucking band and this dead character whose name I already forgot, because they're fucking dumb and unnecessary.

We could have had a wholesome story about love between two girls. Instead we get this shit.

Jesus, I forgot how stupidly angry this manga makes some of you guys. Like okay you don't like it, I get it, but somehow your dislike has turned into a seething rage you for some idiotic reason feel compelled to inflict on everyone else.

Obviously this type of layered complicated story telling is too high level for you, you should maybe try something a bit more simple and on your Bluey.

You're kidding, right? There's nothing "layered" or "complicated" about it. This backstory doesn't even explain why Shiho's a bitch. She was like that before Kyou died, and keeps being so even after her death. No character development whatsoever. That's not layered or whatnot. That's just lazy writing.

All there is to Shiho is that she's obsessed with being number one, and every time she can't, she runs away. She ran away from Kyou because she couldn't beat her at music, and ran away from Aki because she couldn't be her number one in love. That's all there is to Shiho. She's a one-note character. That's why people don't like any of this. It's a pointless storyline about a pointless one-note character. And there's no character development and no progression and nothing.

This backstory did explain why the other members of the band put up with Shiho's bullshit, but that's about it. The problem has always been Shiho herself, and this backstory doesn't change anything about her.

last edited at Aug 23, 2022 1:44PM

joined Nov 3, 2018

Someone here totally called Kyou being dead several chapters ago. I'm too lazy to go back and find the post, but congrats.

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