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joined Jun 19, 2014

i came for cute girls in love but what I got was sudden mommy issues

ok well at least chap 19 was good eatin except author couldnt resist including one last interruption, thanks for that...

last edited at May 29, 2022 12:56PM

joined Oct 22, 2018


joined Oct 6, 2021

Ended kinda suddenly, but was a still a good read. Definitely wasn't expecting an NSFW final chapter though, was a nice surprise :)

joined Apr 15, 2013

Another Arata Iri series done. Hopefully we'll get another one soon.

joined Apr 1, 2015

Huh, well Ok

joined Jun 24, 2013

This was no Sougou Tovarish, it wasn't very good. Glad is done, thanks for the translation work. The main couple were great I cannot remember the names or faces of anyone else because their only job for most of the manga was to just get in the way of the main couple. The Nekozaki family issue was so weirdly put together and awkward, and so it was the suicide thing. I hope Arata Iri takes away some notes of what didn't really work here and comes back with a more solid history because this for sure wasn't it.

joined Sep 11, 2020

Saw the writing on the wall but I didn't expect the sudden time warp three years into the future with literal "gee do you remember X from within the time warp?" segments

....I still loved this though. The last volume is a noticeable drop off, but frankly I'm just glad it got to finish this time. I'm ALSO glad for that steamy sex scene, hell yea.

Found my new favorite reaction image, too.

Something I like about this that I kinda just realized is that this is just "a bunch of lesbians hang out through school" and it's NEVER brought up. No mention of the fact they could have just named the club "The Lesbian Club" and it'd be accurate, like, no gay panic of "oh god what if am gay". Nah. Girls good, wanna kiss girls, only anxiety about whether that girl should wanna kiss ME

Into it.

last edited at May 29, 2022 2:04PM

joined Apr 12, 2021

Congratulations, to a manga that was axed get revival and finish properly is a great thing

joined Apr 20, 2013

Super happy ending!!! time skip included woah... yeah I wasn't expecting the full nsfw sex! AMAZING really enjoyed it, thank you so much! even translating the extras too, and it looks like they just switch between top and bottom and that's also very nice.

I really like Tsubaki (Kobayashi) after all haha, I hope she gets some exras in twitter.... And one more thing I love about this time skip is to see how much Mikoto and Nekozaki have matured into more chill and assertive people, they feel more confident too, so they're not just draw bigger.

I'm really happy, wasn't expecting this surprise ... The drama with the mom was an exaggeration imo, making it sound super dark and then solved quickly but the yuri was goooooooooooooood and not just the main couple, I like all the couples!!!

Mom... will you stay single? because... nothing a couple of twitter extras couldn't fix you know?

joined Sep 6, 2018

I really, really liked the whole premise and everything of the manga, even from the original. but this final volume dude... like, they could've done thigns so many other ways, the whole reveal was totally immersion-shattering because real people don't fucking act like that, like my dude what??? it was so fucking weird and then it got immediately shoved under the bed, and there were so many better ways they could've decided to cut all that out. Like, just make her feel guilty about her dad leaving and then him getting into an accident and passing, and her feeling like her inability to keep him around led to his death. boom. there's the emotional realism. and her mother is surveiling her because she's wondering how her daughter is doing but she's an emotionally unavailable, manipulative, and kinda shitty person, which makes sense in that story context, and she serves as a foil to Nekozaki, who started out kind of manipulative but realized the impact it could have on the people around her and decided to brave the danger of honesty. Boom. quick tie-up of all the themes and everything, and you don't have to waste space.

tbh this almost makes me want to write a fix-it fic of the story, but I'm already juggling way too many large projects... le sigh.

joined Apr 4, 2021

Awwww I was hoping to get more scenes with takkun and yozora (i think that's the name??). Oh well its pretty nice NJFSDSFDS

joined May 15, 2020

the whole thing has its ups and downs, but it was enjoyable nonetheless, glad I could read such a nice manga, I'll miss it tho

looking forward for the author's next work

joined Apr 27, 2021

So it's over, huh?

It's a nice story and the art is sublime. But I agree with what others have written, it could have been so much more, so I still feel kind of conflicted.

As it is, the story is still a good and nice yuri, but after the first half it looked poised to become a great yuri, an all-time favourite, the Arata Iri we wanted and deserved after the forced rushed ending to Sougou Tovarish,.. So knowing what could have been leaves a bit of a bitter taste in an otherwise still high-quality manga.

On a positive note, this series was a significant improvement when compared to previous series, so maybe the next Arata Iri series is going to be great and the one after that a true masterpiece? I'm definitely up for experiencing their final form :D

last edited at May 29, 2022 3:43PM

joined Oct 1, 2014

i might need to reread this 'cause i'm so lost

joined Sep 23, 2021

yeah, i love the art and there were some really sharp bits of writing, and scenes and mini-arcs that worked very well, but thanks to some convoluted plotting and unearned melodrama, overall i can't say it quite hangs together as the cohesive masterpiece it might have been.

still, i absolutely think arata iri is one of the most talented working in the genre, and absolutely has the potential to create something truly amazing in the future.

joined Aug 28, 2019

It was a great Yuri series even if I am disappointed with how they concluded the story of Nekozaki and her mom despite all that great build up. Even if they only had a couple chapters to wrap it all up, I would've honestly still been satisfied if she didn't reconcile with the mom so easily but just told her she can finally move on from her past cause she has people around her that really care for her now. Hell, this would've still been great even if Nekozaki was able to move on just with Mikoto's presence and support without having to introduce the mom at all actually. Still loved the ending though with the time skip.

last edited at May 29, 2022 5:22PM

joined Feb 1, 2020

Caught a cold but at least I got to see the end of this

joined Aug 10, 2015

i´m really happy that arata iri was finally able to finish a manga, her art and panel lay out improve a lot and the manga had some great moments but i really feel like it was such a missed oportunity, with some minor changes uchoten had the potential to be as good as school zone . I really dont get why they decided to go on a completly different direction

joined Mar 23, 2022

omg god bless author for the sweet vanilla scene didn't expect that commmminng. (^་།^)

joined Jul 26, 2016

Yeah the wrap-up could definitely have been smoother. By and large a good manga regardless, Iri is great at screwball ensemble comedy.

joined Jun 15, 2021

I never expected what happened in the last chapter before seeing the NSFW tag. Then again, I didn't expect this manga to get a reboot either. It was nice seeing these characters again.

Time skip was nice showing how chaotic things still are. Wonder how many times they have been interrupted though.

joined Feb 15, 2019

All well that ends well, that was a great manga 10/10. Thanks to the translators, you're all good people.

joined Jan 14, 2020

I feel neutral overall. Strong/appealing start, but then got weird, with forced drama, and stupid uselessness. Then whee, time skip! Nice ending.

joined Sep 6, 2018

A “Bloom Into You” ending. Just an observation. No complaints.

joined Sep 5, 2019

Awwwww, it really is an Arata Iri manga when it ends in a crazy way lol. I am gonna miss this series, missed it the first time when it was the original series, gonna miss it again with this finished state. Hope to see another series soon.

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