This is kinda default the worst chapter of the manga on the simple fact that it is forced drama that’s largely been avoided so well.
That’s not to say this isn’t a bit overdue, we were obviously going to circle back around to their first encounter, and truthfully Mashiro found out in a pretty brutal way with the sisters saying Nagisa was depressed for awhile.
But at the same time, this was a bit of a dramatic reaction, mashiro hasn’t really ever struck me as someone who runs from stuff like this, and it’s frankly gotta messed up after everything Nagisa has done for her that she couldn’t at least hear her out at all. I would’ve preferred if she at least stuck around to hear more and it just went in one ear and out the other over her just running like that.
I’m really curious how this is gonna play out though in terms of pacing, next week is the final chapter for this volume, so it’s either gonna end on a decent cliffhanger setting up them making up next volume, or it won’t waste time in them clearing up the air.
I’m guessing mashiro is gonna skip school, and Nagisa is gonna be bummed and spend the chapter getting advice and motivation on how to handle the Situation.
Either way this is more and more looking a series that is gonna end after they get together probably, which is a bummer cause I just want to get time with them as an actual couple >_< can’t defy the lonely girl has definitely spoiled me