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joined Oct 30, 2021

My mind is so twisted about Japan christmas night that the first thing it came to my mind when Wakana said Yuina was staying the night was very unholy XD

joined Aug 18, 2021

Ahhhhhh such a cute chapter!!! Sora x Ayaka moments are very cute, ofc, but I also love the growing relationship between Ayaka and Kotone. So wholesome.

Also, I need the next chapter to be about the Wakana x Yuina sleepover.

I am pleased to see from all the comments that I am not alone in wanting more Wakana and Yuina action. Not that I don't enjoy our main couple, because they're super cute, but there is just something seriously charming about Wakana looking so obviously flustered while Yuina is just the cat that ate the canary (or will be later), lol.

Same thing. I've been shipping them since chapter 10 lmao (when they formed the "secret sora/ayaka fan squad").

last edited at Dec 25, 2021 3:06PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Wakana and Yuina not even trying to be subtle lmao

Oh, they're trying. But not succeeding at all. :D

joined Jul 20, 2020

Wakana and Yuina definitely kissed

joined Aug 19, 2019

Wakana and Yuina definitely kissed

Maybe even went farther than Ayaka and Sora by now tbh

joined Jun 25, 2019

Wakana and Yuina definitely kissed

Maybe even went farther than Ayaka and Sora by now tbh

Just how ? Like, am i really the only one wondering how and when it happen ? You have just a "I could be the one one who make you happy" line after the childhood friend mini arc and that's all, no more hints after that and all of sudden they're going out and all without any warning ? As much as i don't have a problem with them going out, it's seem rather strange to be that all of it happen behind the scenes.

joined Dec 2, 2021

The Wakana and Yuina ship is sailing quite steadily with no leaks to be seen or torn sails...I like it

last edited at Dec 26, 2021 5:31AM

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

I sort of thought it was more of a staying over to figure stuff out between them, hence the being opaque with their friends, but nice to see them moving into some sort of relationship.

joined Aug 29, 2019

I sort of thought it was more of a staying over to figure stuff out between them, hence the being opaque with their friends, but nice to see them moving into some sort of relationship.

I agree with that interpretation, but it's understandable that fantasies run wild given how little info we have ;)

joined Jan 4, 2022

This. Is. So. FUCKING. CUTE! GAAAHHHHHH! I love this series so much!

joined Jan 12, 2021

This. Is. So. FUCKING. CUTE! GAAAHHHHHH! I love this series so much!

Saaame. It's so cute and pure.

joined Feb 21, 2019

just wanna say, kotone with the small fang is so cute! the art of this series is top notch, Kashikaze-sensei really is an amazing artist

also Wakana and Yuina ship full steam ahead! glad to see it

last edited at Jan 14, 2022 10:41PM

joined Jan 31, 2018

Yuina may be quiet but she's definitely not subtle, when she knows what she wants she goes for it haha.

joined Feb 3, 2021

Side ship, side ship confirmed?!? What was that?!? Completely caught me off guard. They look great together and that confession/kiss was super cute!

last edited at Jan 24, 2022 9:54AM

joined Jan 2, 2022

the fact that 23.5 went from 0 to 100 real quick made me tear up a bit

joined Jun 25, 2019

So underwhelming if you ask me.It's like the author forgot to put an explanation for last chapter and put it as an extra. For me, it should have been before or more longer. It go so quickly that it feel surreal.
Being honest here, the whole side couple subplot has been very underwhelming to me and a bit forced. Like, i don't really see a reason why they need to be pair up,other then pairing the spare. Like, theirwhole gimmick was to be the wingwomens, the romantic subplot was kinda bring out of nowhere.

joined Nov 15, 2016

new ship has been sailing.

joined May 1, 2015

Damn. Wakana and Yuina already did more than main couple over Christmas. The thirst is strong.

joined Oct 22, 2018

While re-reading the entire manga a little over a week ago, I was just kinda thinking that Wakana is someone that looks like she should be top but very isn't. As for Yuina, before making this comment I also remembered how some people in multiple threads elsewhere on this site comment something along the lines of "it's always the innocent-looking ones". Tho it is kinda redundant to muse about that now, this extra adds to those, particularly for the Wakana bit.

joined Apr 23, 2021

Big marty mcfly energy there.
Nobody calls me chicken!

joined Jun 21, 2021

the fact that 23.5 went from 0 to 100 real quick made me tear up a bit

Right like god damn Yuina has no chill lmao

joined Oct 9, 2021

Stacies don't fuck around

joined Aug 27, 2021


joined Jan 6, 2017

If this manga was about those two it'd last less than a volume

joined Nov 12, 2020

The comic would then devolve into them having daily flirts.

Which some can reach several volumes of doing just that.

And remember,kiddos,grab yer whamen,hold 'er tight,and go in for the kill.

Don't let ye chance slip away,ya hear?

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