Forum › My Mom's a Superstar discussion

joined Dec 13, 2020

tfw you have so many lesbian sweeties that even your own daughter thinks you should just pick one and commit to her...
... and then offers you help and advice because in fact she has already picked which one is the right one for you, lmao!

joined Dec 3, 2017

ah..... the owls from the author's other series made a cameo..... ;-;

joined Dec 29, 2013


joined Dec 29, 2013

ah..... the owls from the author's other series made a cameo..... ;-;


joined Mar 4, 2018

"Normal, normal. Whole lot of normal."

joined May 1, 2015

This is actually quite cute. I'm enjoying it so far.

joined Feb 3, 2021

Omg, Li’l Youzi chose Auntie Ren in chapter 2 as her favorite ship and then this chapter they went to see Ren’s concert live! Soo cute!! Girl totally wants a second mom that will make her mom happy

last edited at Jan 14, 2022 1:10AM

joined Mar 30, 2021

Bwahaha XD

i love the kid LOL

joined Aug 12, 2021

god I love this kid

joined Feb 21, 2019

lol kid is mvp xD

joined Jun 27, 2017

Mh? Hm? Back in time again ... ?

joined Aug 4, 2018

Mh? Hm? Back in time again ... ?

I'm confused as well.
We know Youzi ships her mom x auntie Ren when she is 14 years old... but in this chapter she's 6 years old -- and already shipping them?

joined Nov 22, 2019

Mh? Hm? Back in time again ... ?

I'm confused as well.
We know Youzi ships her mom x auntie Ren when she is 14 years old... but in this chapter she's 6 years old -- and already shipping them?

She was 6 years old, her thought process probably went "mom+man=bad" and "mom+woman=good", auntie Ren just happened to be that woman at that time.

joined Jul 6, 2020

Did she wave a shipping fan up in front of live national television lmao

joined Feb 3, 2021

Did she wave a shipping fan up in front of live national television lmao

Yes, yes she did!

joined Aug 1, 2019

Did she wave a shipping fan up in front of live national television lmao

Yes, yes she did!

Now I'm curious about where this is based. I'm pretty sure you can't do that in China, they've been pushing some pretty shitty stuff lately.

I'm also curious how yuri Manhwa (did I spell it right?) are even allowed to be published over there?

joined Mar 14, 2016

ah..... the owls from the author's other series made a cameo..... ;-;


Do I want to know the context? Is it going to make me sad?

Also, where are these owls? I swear I've scanned through every page at least 3 times. Do I just have bad eyesight?

last edited at Jan 14, 2022 6:16PM

joined Mar 30, 2021

Did she wave a shipping fan up in front of live national television lmao

Yes XD

i love her LMAO

joined Jul 28, 2019

ah..... the owls from the author's other series made a cameo..... ;-;


Do I want to know the context? Is it going to make me sad?

Also, where are these owls? I swear I've scanned through every page at least 3 times. Do I just have bad eyesight?

I think they're referring to the kid's bag

joined Aug 16, 2014

Did she wave a shipping fan up in front of live national television lmao

Yes, yes she did!

Now I'm curious about where this is based. I'm pretty sure you can't do that in China, they've been pushing some pretty shitty stuff lately.

I'm also curious how yuri Manhwa (did I spell it right?) are even allowed to be published over there?

Might be Taiwan, otherwise it might have been written before the crackdown if the manhua is a few years old

joined Feb 3, 2021

Mh? Hm? Back in time again ... ?

I'm confused as well.
We know Youzi ships her mom x auntie Ren when she is 14 years old... but in this chapter she's 6 years old -- and already shipping them?

I think chapter 3 takes place after she learns about her mom at age 6. Then, by the time she’s 14, she’s met and gotten closer with the other women and has grown the closest with Auntie Ren. It seems like Auntie Ren is a long time friend of her mother’s too.

joined Aug 12, 2021

ah..... the owls from the author's other series made a cameo..... ;-;


Do I want to know the context? Is it going to make me sad?

Also, where are these owls? I swear I've scanned through every page at least 3 times. Do I just have bad eyesight?

I think they're referring to the kid's bag

the owls are a reference to another series by this author that is not on this website, it's called or the title is at least translated as "a story concerning sweets" and it's just the appropriate amount of sad because the story is primarily about a ghost and you know how stories about ghosts tend to be, haha

fair warning if you're trying to find it, most websites do not have the full story translated so you'll have to look for the right place if you want to see it in full.

last edited at Jan 14, 2022 9:05PM

joined Jan 18, 2016

thats so darn cute
supporting ur mother

joined Sep 10, 2021

this was made on the 10th this year... idk why people are making assumptions

joined Apr 6, 2019

this was made on the 10th this year... idk why people are making assumptions

Because they are Sinophobes.
You can find comparable poppycock in the comments section for every manhua in the forum.
It's sad.

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