Forum › Ebisu-san and Hotei-san discussion

joined Nov 18, 2017

''Yuri is subtle, its beauty lies in its ambiguity...'' (though it means different things to different people). I agree with this definition, I'm not closed for certainty but, wouldn't you agree that the most memorable couples and stories are the ones that does not completely satisfy us? (I think I already made a point of this before somewhere) legends like MioRitsu, NanoFate, KyoSaya, NicoMaki (etc) all have something in common.
Besides, They are living together ... they are basically married!

Gonna have to partially agree but mostly disagree. I do think the most beautiful romance stories are subtle ones
but it still feels like a cruel joke when it's never made fully clear, even in the very end, whether the characters' feelings are mutual. I honestly don't think a kiss at the end would have hurt this story, even though I love it as is.

IMO, the best ones are the ones that are established around half way through a story, that way, the rest of the story can be spent developing their time as a couple, and developing their life ve for each other as opposed to leaving it Ambiguous or ending it immediately after they get together. But if they don't end up together or it stays ambiguous, this is the kinda ending I want (excluding extra), as it solves the major conflicts with the characters, creates a strong feeling of happiness and hope towards a brighter future, and makes the characters better, stronger people than they started.

But the extra was perfect, the best possible ending to this story. It was charming, sweet, and just perfect.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Is there an english release for this? Damn I want to buy it

joined Mar 18, 2018

This was a pretty good little story.
Sometimes ya just need something short to read. And this fit the bill perfectly~

joined Feb 22, 2019

As much as I would love to see a kiss between the two, I really like the way they ended this.
.....But I still wanted to see a kiss.

joined Nov 21, 2018

Re-read it again. Still have no idea what's people mad about. Just use your imagination.

joined Jan 31, 2015

What manga is this

It's not necessarily from anything. Tsubomi just likes to have various cover illustrations. But you can check out a selection of that illustrator's other works here.

joined Jan 14, 2020

Cute story.

Yeah, I think the tendency to avoid a simple kiss or "we're dating" is basically rooted in homophobic censorship.

Still, in a way this was less ambiguous than official NanoFate... who share a bed but for all we see could be a couple of complete asexuals. Here we got Hotei groping Ebi, and Ebi saying "she steals everything I love, so reject her passes", and the kid scene. So there's desire.

"Hotei pays monthly rent apparently" -- out of what income?

last edited at May 25, 2020 3:45AM

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

"Hotei pays monthly rent apparently" -- out of what income?

Probably a part-time job while Hana is at school. She is the cook, and Ebisu Onee-san helps, so neither of them pay for food. I assume she pays a minimal rent since she's the housekeeper and replaces daycare. Honestly I think it's so Hotei won't feel like a burden on Ebisu-san, and so Ebisu-san's professional image won't be harmed by essentially having a wife.

last edited at Jun 15, 2020 12:40AM

joined May 8, 2017

This is such a great manga. I enjoy re-reading this.

joined Apr 1, 2014

This is such a great manga. I enjoy re-reading this.

I am rereading this also like very year once it's just too good.

joined Apr 1, 2015

This is such a great manga. I enjoy re-reading this.

I am rereading this also like very year once it's just too good.

That sounds about right, am due for a reread

joined Feb 5, 2020

Beginning: I hate you
End: I love you and want to take care of you, our daughter, and our second wife

joined Jul 29, 2017

Beginning: I hate you
End: I love you and want to take care of you, our daughter, and our second wife.

When you open your heart, miracles happen.

joined May 8, 2017

Beginning: I hate you
End: I love you and want to take care of you, our daughter, and our second wife

What is hate, if not love in disguise?

joined Jul 6, 2020

This is part of the ultra-exclusive club of yuri manga where the couple raises a kid and I love it for that.

I really love the extra chapter where Ebisu and Hotei are super close on the couch and pull away as Hana comes in, as well as Hana taking a second to think about how she should define Hotei to her friend.

joined Dec 7, 2020

Like many others, I remembered loving this manga but being extremely dissatisfied about the fact there was no kiss scene or explicit confession. But upon reread, this ends almost perfectly save for being a bit abrupt. That moment where Shrimp Mayo is playing with Hotei’s hair while the two are giggling in utter bliss is so intimate that no kiss or even sex scene can at all compete. Like seriously, they’re in their own world having a “couples go die” sort of moment. Hana and her Hotei-esque friend is a cute touch as well.

I guess I was truly miffed that I wouldn’t see more of these characters because they’re great and fun to read about (except the big sister who I could never really like).

Also I know this is old but shouldn’t this warrant a Tsundere tag? Hotei fits the bill: starts off hating Ebisu, gossips about her, steals her shoes, goes on to become her wife.

Edit: Apparently there is a doujin where Hotei and Shrimp Mayo have sex but it leaves MUCH to be desired.

last edited at Jun 8, 2021 11:39AM

joined Jul 7, 2017

Sooo cute i love rereading this heehe

joined Jul 23, 2020

although there wasn't a single kiss, the ending was satisfying

Beginning: I hate you
End: I love you and want to take care of you, our daughter, and our second wife

this was too accurate lol

Apparently there is a doujin where Hotei and Shrimp Mayo have sex but it leaves MUCH to be desired.

where can i read it??

joined Jul 22, 2017

Just reread this. So goooood! I especially love the epilogue where Hana explains her unique family situation

joined Jun 24, 2020

although there wasn't a single kiss, the ending was satisfying

Beginning: I hate you
End: I love you and want to take care of you, our daughter, and our second wife

this was too accurate lol

Apparently there is a doujin where Hotei and Shrimp Mayo have sex but it leaves MUCH to be desired.

where can i read it??


last edited at Dec 1, 2021 1:56PM

joined Mar 21, 2019


Well that went from zero to a hundred in no time flat.

last edited at Dec 1, 2021 1:58PM

joined Jun 24, 2021

that was a nice read

joined May 13, 2018

This one's an oldie, but it's still good work.

I love rereading this every once in a while

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