Well, damn...
Although on the other hand, her turn to cry now.
I don't care about the moving out as long as they keep contact and we don't have a timeskip ending where they run into each other on the street randomly 10 years later, grab coffee and we're left with an open ended ending.
I see your grabbing a coffee timeskip and I'll raise by a '5 cm per second' barely missed each other ending.
Hey, don't just throw spoilers around like that!
Sigh... I know it came out, like, a decade ago, but I was planning on watching that....
Sorry, I considered using spoilers for it, but it's so well known by now I didn't think it would be necessary. Although, honestly, it's pretty clear how it'll end for the two from the moment they miss their meeting in the very first part (and obviously also the title), even if the movie keeps trolling viewers by giving us from time to time the slightest glimpses of hope, only to have it all come to nothing in the end. But anyway, not the place to discuss it here.