Forum › My Girlfriend's Not Here Today discussion

joined Mar 8, 2019

There certainly doesn't seem to be a lot of trust in the relationship. If it were a real life relationship, I certainly wouldn't expect it to last if they can't even be a little bit honest with each other.

Probably why the cheating thing will play out later on.

This is true, but Yuni ought not to tell her she's okay with it when she's not okay with it. Imagine thinking that someone is supporting you and your dream behind the scenes, only to find out later they've been trash talking you instead.

As previously stated, Yuni's afraid and rightfully so. Her status with Nanase is hanging by a thread where Nanase seems like she has ultimate control.

I don't see what she's doing as trash talking. She's venting out her feelings. There's a difference between saying "My girlfriend doesn't care about me." and "My girlfriend is a piece of sh!t who always runs off with her friends". Plus, Nanase asked if she was mad and I think Yuni was more sad than any thing.

Yuni probably shouldn't be putting such specifics about what's going on but I think she's reaching out in the internet because she wants to hear that she isn't insane for feeling the way she does.

As I said, she needs assurance and validity that Nanase seems to be unable to provide. But I understand why she's staying and enduring. She loves her and hopes one day, Nanase will choose her.

Also, being that numb to your lover's feelings also speaks out to the type of person Nanase is. One could ask why she's bothering with a relationship if she finds it so easy to set Yuni aside. I mean, she doesn't even know how long it's going to take yet she's willing to let Yuni wait...

Yuni = doormat and it's not just by Yuni's own design.

last edited at Jul 22, 2021 4:36PM

joined Feb 25, 2014

While usually I dislike love triangles and cheating in general, I still going to put this on read since I'm curious what will happen to the sport girl, if she just dating her girlfriend for the sake of idk just coz she can then I want to see her suffer as her girlfriend is taken away

last edited at Jul 22, 2021 5:08PM

joined Jun 11, 2021

this give me chills... and not the good ones

joined Apr 20, 2021

While usually I dislike love triangles and cheating in general, I still going to put this on read since I'm curious what will happen to the sport girl, if she just dating her girlfriend for the sake of idk just coz she can then I want to see her suffer as her girlfriend is taken away

We know that Nanase confessed so I think it will be just a case of "oh I am extremely scared of anyone finding out and I will almost make it look as if we are not even friends in school".

joined Oct 1, 2014


joined Sep 27, 2017

Just delete your Twitter account? Like seriously the quickest way to deal with your problem for good is to just delete the account.

this give me chills... and not the good ones

Yeah the manipulativeness here feels gross. I feel like this is a series where I'll check back to see what happens after it finishes.

joined Jun 4, 2018

Lol. My bullshit detector just went through the roof. A couple of dudes on the prowl for girls wouldn't seriously say "fuckin' gross, man" when two cuties out themselves as a couple. They'd definitely be intrigued.

Honestly though, her and Nanase should probably just break up. I get why she hasn't even considered it yet but if she's that afraid to be found out and her life naturally makes it difficult to be together, there's no future for these girls. At least creepy Yuuko isn't afraid to hold your hand.

I mean but of course we gotta go through a whole cheating plot, depression arc, with a dash of will they won't they, and then finally the climax where everyone is broken apart and the story ends.

I also love how she checks here entire twitter history to see if she outted Nanase by name. Just private your damn twitter or in the worst case delete it. That rather in depth life record of yours is precariously public, girl.

last edited at Jul 23, 2021 3:19AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

I would beat the shit out of anyone who approached me saying “I’ll be your girlfriend number 2”

joined Oct 10, 2014

Yuni is wondering if Fuuko is into girls when the girl is stalking her, flirting with her and just said she would be fine with being her #2 GF?

The amount of stupid is pushing the limits of my suspension of disbelief.

joined Jun 3, 2021

Lol. My bullshit detector just went through the roof. A couple of dudes on the prowl for girls wouldn't seriously say "fuckin' gross, man" when two cuties out themselves as a couple. They'd definitely be intrigued.

You’d be surprised at how badly some dudes act after being rejected.
joined Jun 6, 2020

Lol. My bullshit detector just went through the roof. A couple of dudes on the prowl for girls wouldn't seriously say "fuckin' gross, man" when two cuties out themselves as a couple. They'd definitely be intrigued.

  • You would be shocked. Then there was that case of the lesbian couple in London who got beat up on a bus because they wouldn't kiss in front of a bunch of drunk guys and told them to leave them alone
joined Apr 28, 2019

Not me liking Fuuko cause she's clingy lol

joined Mar 5, 2021

no wonder the art style is godly this is the same dude who wrote luminous blue and he's still doing the love triangle thing with weird setups.

joined May 11, 2015

hmm its interesting rn for me, i think stuff like that happens irl tbh; relationships are complicated

joined Jun 13, 2016

mmm juicy, i like

joined Jun 11, 2021

If she gets blackmailed seriously fuck this. Especially after that talk.

I can already see it coming, she gets threatened and instead of talking to her GF and telling her they should go public she'll be fine as she told her she's not like that other girl in middle school she'll just clam up and get strung along by the other one. I don't even dislike the other one, cause current gf isn't great either but seriously not like this.

last edited at Aug 20, 2021 1:31PM

joined May 12, 2020

Holy shit. No wonder her girlfriend cant bring herself to break up with her. Miss Tool has great fashion sense. She is tall too.

last edited at Aug 20, 2021 3:08PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

You will had to convince me hard to make me support Miss Stalker here.

joined May 15, 2021

Where did i left my shotgun? I need it to talk with Miss Stalker

joined Sep 11, 2019

Now I'm not sure if I want to continue reading this. But I'll give it some more chapters before I run out of fucks to give

joined May 27, 2019

You know what'd be a fun direction? If Yuni was fully transparent with her GF about this (maybe not the twitter account, but at least the blackmail). A bad reaction from the GF to being caught could be just as damaging as acquiescing to whatever the stalker wants.

joined Aug 20, 2021

my ntr instinct telling me that nanase girl cheating the MC.

just break up with that kind of girl seriously the ntr aura on that nanase is STROOONG!!!

joined Jun 11, 2021

my ntr instinct telling me that nanase girl cheating the MC.

just break up with that kind of girl seriously the ntr aura on that nanase is STROOONG!!!

Stalker-chan might just find that out now that she knows nanase is the gf lol.

joined Jul 7, 2021


joined Mar 8, 2019

OooO. Hope they don’t go the blackmail route…. Really curious how this is going to go because the obvi choice is blackmail but I don’t want to expect the obvi…

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