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joined Feb 25, 2013

It was good, up until that shitty plot twist ending.

joined May 25, 2014

It was my first ABO/Omegaverse thing. I don't think I would've read it but I like the author's other works. I don't think much of that set up, but I appreciate how this wasn't that played straight (that sounds both boring and weird to me, but if that's your thing, you do you). Twists are good. I hope the MC ends up with her beloved president. Keep taking your meds child, you seem way too young to be having kids.

last edited at May 21, 2021 8:57AM

joined Apr 22, 2020

Masterful art and powerful especially given the compactness

joined Jun 20, 2018

this manga was weird. weird energy. im bonking it with the weird-energy hammer. no judgement if anyone likes it but not my thing. have a nice day

joined Jun 6, 2013


joined Jan 13, 2020

Before that ending I would have probably said the story would have been better without the ABO baggage (not because it's ~~~problematic~~~ but just because it's a ton of exposition for such a short story), but it was justified in the end, and I thought the story was much more interesting and enjoyable as a result. Glad I didn't skip this because of the comments!

Akashic Records
joined Sep 24, 2013

Normally, I tend to avoids ABO stories. I find it like a cheap excuse. A marriage between two women in Omegaverse can be glossed over as straight marriage. In fact, it is.

An omega paired with an alpha because that's how it's 'supposed to be'. How is that any different than the justification for straight relationship?

There's some exceptions, though. Like this one. The omega protagonist gets to know her love interest under the assumption that she was an alpha, it was because of some lingering pheromones to boot. But the protagonist doesn't gives up in pursuing her love interest, even after knowing she's practically is a beta. This alone has thrown away the stigma carried over by the ABO setting. I can enjoy this kind of stories.

Her resolve to stay true with her love interest, even after finding out that she was only fallen in love because of some leftover pheromones, is just icing to the cake. A very well done twist ending, and in a good encouraging way.

joined Apr 16, 2018

While this story was good, I sure do hate ABO more and more every time I read it. Alphas being genetically superior. Certain configurations being more likely to produce superior children. The whole bit where it's painted as being the omega's fault if an alpha rapes them. Sure I've got my fetishes, and ABO even satisfies them, but this whole universe romanticizes some really horrifying world views and treats them like they're just.

joined Feb 11, 2019

First page:
Chances of having an alpha child are higher in pairings comprising: alpha female with an omega male...

Chances of having an alpha child are lower in pairings comprising:
an omega male with an alpha female.

Someone doesn't know what a contradiction is.

joined Jun 13, 2020

God that ending was splendid. This story was boring me until the sister appeared and I got a hint of what was going on. Even better where it leaves the reader at.

joined Jul 28, 2016

Guys I’m confused... cuz the sister is not an alpha either... in the exposition dump they say that everyone BUT the president, her mom and her sister are alphas. I’m not really into ABO buuuutI think the (rushed) ending is another way to defy the whole societal stuff. Cuz it’s not even about alphas and omegas anymore.

I think it was saying that it's saying that everyone except her mother's an alpha (excluding the President herself).

First page:
Chances of having an alpha child are higher in pairings comprising: alpha female with an omega male...

Chances of having an alpha child are lower in pairings comprising:
an omega male with an alpha female.

Someone doesn't know what a contradiction is.

Yeah, I was a bit confused by that part too... I wonder what was actually meant there.

joined Jun 10, 2019

Aww that’s quite the ending! I could see all kinds of scenarios building from this though- great story

joined Jun 2, 2019

now wth was the ending twist for

joined Apr 6, 2020

Omega is so Alpha for her Alpha-Beta gurl (ര ᴗ ര๑)

joined Mar 26, 2021

u sure its the fin? feels like its going to be NTR the heck!

joined Mar 28, 2015

I disagree with people seeing this in a negative way.

Alpha + Omega is basically what's heteronormative in that world.

Homosexual love is what goes against what "society" expects.

So, an Omega rejecting her destiny to mate an Alpha (basically, a man), because she loves a Beta is a message from Takemiya: if you want to go against society, you'll have to fight.

Whether she will succeed or not isn't important. What's important is fighting.

Takemiya leaves the rest to your imagination. If you want to imagine NTR, I'm sad for you.

joined Mar 6, 2021

I disagree with people seeing this in a negative way.

Alpha + Omega is basically what's heteronormative in that world.

Homosexual love is what goes against what "society" expects.

So, an Omega rejecting her destiny to mate an Alpha (basically, a man), because she loves a Beta is a message from Takemiya: if you want to go against society, you'll have to fight.

Whether she will succeed or not isn't important. What's important is fighting.

Takemiya leaves the rest to your imagination. If you want to imagine NTR, I'm sad for you.

Though I do get your point and it's definitely a valid way to interprete the story, I have to say that the situation here isn't exactly the same as with heteronormativity. Because lesbians (unless I am very much mistaken) do not feel sexual attraction towards men. So in order to be in a homosexual relationship they only have to fight the societal pressure (definitely not saying that this is something easy to do, mind you).

But here our protagonist would not have to fight against societal stigma, but against her own extremely strong sexual desire. So even though it is quite likely that what you said is what the author intended to portray, I don't think it's exactly the same. The protagonist here has to fight against a part of her own nature, not something that is forced upon her externally.

I still think her choice is valid, humans have been fighting against their animal instincts for centuries anyway. I just don't think it's the same, even if Takemiya wanted to portray it as such.

PS. In case this came across weird I'd like to restate clearly that I'm not in any way trying to dismiss make light of (yes! that's the expression I'd been looking for when I was writing this!) the struggle that homosexual people face. I'm just saying that this is something external, while the story is actually dealing with an internal desire.

last edited at Jun 11, 2021 3:50PM

joined Apr 14, 2019

I disagree with people seeing this in a negative way.

Alpha + Omega is basically what's heteronormative in that world.

Homosexual love is what goes against what "society" expects.

So, an Omega rejecting her destiny to mate an Alpha (basically, a man), because she loves a Beta is a message from Takemiya: if you want to go against society, you'll have to fight.

Whether she will succeed or not isn't important. What's important is fighting.

Takemiya leaves the rest to your imagination. If you want to imagine NTR, I'm sad for you.

No, this kind of ABO mostly resulting in NTR (I said mostly not always). Because the protag is fighting her inner hormones she cant control. Honestly, I wish the president is succesful to mark her but I think it will fail because she is an Alpha-defect. The protag maybe can resist now but she cant escape forever from an Alpha's pheromone. Once you in heat, every alpha can embrace you if you not marked, you cant resist.

Also, this type of story is different from heteronormavity. The protag is not fighting the society but fighting her own primal instinct. Once she is in heat she will lose her composure (just like the first time she met the president)

[Edit] But, I do respect the protag decision to stay on the president side (for now).

last edited at May 26, 2021 9:28PM

joined Jun 13, 2012

To be frank, this is only the second Omega Verse manga I've read, so I'm not an expert in this field. I really appreciated the well done explanations so that even a newcomer like me understands the story. I also really liked the ending which I did not expect at all. The fact that MC girl rejects her instincts to be together with the president is just wonderful. Even though it will not happen, I imagine a sequel would be very dark where MC has to struggle against the sister seducing her while MC is trying to hide her real (or let's say instinct) soulmate from her loved one.

joined Dec 8, 2019

This just feels... unfinished, even for Takemiya Jin. Like she spent significant time and space doing straight-up expo dumps in both chapters (there was an entire page at the beginning of the 1st one!) like she was setting up a world for her story to take place in, and then it just ends? And the ending wasn't just a twist; it completely lacked any semblance of closure. It felt like the story is just beginning, and we're only just at the point where the central premise has been revealed. It almost seems like she pitched this as a longer piece, got to do two chapters as a trial, but didn't get the green light to go any further, and so we're left with this.

joined Dec 29, 2013

I had been trying to read this but couldn’t load it properly so I forgot for a while. I just finished reading an omegaverse story yesterday then noticed this have the same tag. If not for that, I wouldn’t have been as accepting as to how this turned out.
The ending was like a sucker punch. Takemiya can’t leave it just like that. It is cruel.

joined Jul 15, 2021

Everyone else: why the F@#k is there ABO?!
Me: Why the F@#k was her private medical information on the floor?!


joined Jul 15, 2021

Honestly, this whole thing just made me repeatedly ask "why the hell would anyone write this"... But those last 3 pages were REALLY well done.

That ending especially was genuinely badass! I can see why all the exposition was needed to make that moment hit properly (honestly, it really feels like the entire story was just in service of that moment, so I'm happy with it ending on that powerful declaration!)

Still have no idea why they wrote an omegaverse Yuri manga.

joined Jul 15, 2021

Honestly, this whole thing just made me repeatedly ask "why the hell would anyone write this"... But those last 3 pages were REALLY well done.

That ending especially was genuinely badass! I can see why all the exposition was needed to make that moment hit properly (honestly, it really feels like the entire story was just in service of that moment, so I'm happy with it ending on that powerful declaration!)

Still have no idea why they wrote an omegaverse Yuri manga at all, though.

joined Jun 12, 2015

Mods don't bother to check tag suggestions anymore?
The first part is from Galette Vol. 5 and the last part is from Galette Vol. 6.

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