Forum › Who Decided That Blues Had To Be Cool!? discussion

joined Jan 23, 2016

That was a satisfying ending for me. Even if Ruby dropped the ball at the last minute.

I love titledrops

joined Sep 6, 2018

Bruh you can't just leave me with Ruby misunderstanding Sapphire's true nature and undercutting her acceptance speech right at the end. We're gonna be left with that forever?? HELLO????

hey wait... what's that on the horizon? Could it be... my trauma and deep-set fear that everyone who will ever love or appreciate me will actually only be interested in the persona I put up for the sake of my own safety? That thing I suspended while reading this story, confident that out MC would come to be appreciated for who she is and not the character she plays, thus helping me find resolution for my deep-seated pain that was being activated by the story's central conflict? Wow it's getting bigger really fast, I wonder what that could mea-

Suffice it to say I'm kind of in my feelings rn. The story was really fun though. Very funny, but my investment in the characters' relationships got me surprisingly invested. Excellent job lowering my guard for that sucker punch, very good stuff.

Anyway, I'm off to go find a way to suture the gaping emotional wound this gay comedy manga has opened in me. It's been real, y'all.

last edited at Jun 1, 2021 9:12PM

joined Mar 28, 2021

bruh this needs a sequel

joined May 1, 2015

Thank you for scanlating this.
Saya makes some really good stories. I wish her other works were completed too.
I had fun reading this.
I am sure that Ruby felt in love with Asuza and that is the reason why she keeps on weakening. The stronger her love the weaker she gets.
Eventually, the same thing will happen to Asuza and she will have to retire too.
Happy end

joined May 24, 2014

But she REALLY IS cool.

joined May 31, 2019

Title drop. Curtains.

Imma go to the corner and uncharacteristically throw a tantrum too.

joined Mar 2, 2019

I enjoyed this manga, thanks for translating it

The immaculate
joined Mar 19, 2020

Thank you for scanlating this.
Saya makes some really good stories. I wish her other works were completed too.
I had fun reading this.
I am sure that Ruby felt in love with Asuza and that is the reason why she keeps on weakening. The stronger her love the weaker she gets.
Eventually, the same thing will happen to Asuza and she will have to retire too.
Happy end

Y’a i thought it was because she fell in love for realsies and that that was what that whole thing afterwords was, but then that ending?? I don’t know what to make of it. I did feel kind of bad for her friend mid-chapter because she (too?) is in love with Azusa right? But the real her (or was that platonic love?). So maybe it works out in the end

joined Sep 11, 2020

Aww, sad to end. But enjoyed it a lot, thanks for scanlating!

I feel there was so much more left to do with the story and characters. Ah well =w=

joined Apr 4, 2021

To us introverts, she is really cool and an idiot :DD jk

joined Feb 19, 2016

Oh, it's over?
Honestly a little dissapointed that that's it, feels like it ended two-thirds of the way through.

joined Apr 30, 2020

The true yuri was the fwiends we made along the way. Just gotta love that title drop. Makes sense in context too. Also like how the senpai-kouhai relationship just doesn't exist between them. Super close already... as fwiends

My thanks to GoggledAnon and Urbs for bringing this cute manga here. And of course all the more grateful to the mangaka Watagiri Saya-sensei. I hope to see more of their works.

joined Dec 7, 2020


joined Feb 1, 2021

Okay now write the communist sentai series

joined May 11, 2020

Sequel: "Who Said Gems Had to be Pure?"

joined Oct 16, 2013

When Ruby did that title drop I knew it had to be the last chapter ;_; . Ahhhh I'm so sad it's over and I think they totally could have extended this more, but overall I'm really satisfied with how everything went. This was a super entertaining series and I'm happy to have read it. Thanks for all your hard work scanlating this so fast!

I hope a spin off (itd be cool to get a more detailed look at the other magical girls) or sequel will be made in the future!

joined Sep 27, 2017

This was a very fun and cute read! Thank you translation & scan team, and thank you author for this wonderful series!

joined May 1, 2015

Thank you for scanlating this.
Saya makes some really good stories. I wish her other works were completed too.
I had fun reading this.
I am sure that Ruby felt in love with Asuza and that is the reason why she keeps on weakening. The stronger her love the weaker she gets.
Eventually, the same thing will happen to Asuza and she will have to retire too.
Happy end

Y’a i thought it was because she fell in love for realsies and that that was what that whole thing afterwords was, but then that ending?? I don’t know what to make of it. I did feel kind of bad for her friend mid-chapter because she (too?) is in love with Azusa right? But the real her (or was that platonic love?). So maybe it works out in the end

We need an epilogue, but leaving it to our imagination is good too.

joined Sep 5, 2019

Some loose ends could be tied up with extra chapters but a satisfying end is always great especially for a yuri manga

Watagiri saya makes really good manga

joined Feb 17, 2013

Awwww. Good end, tho.

joined May 20, 2013

Owari. Good and cute series.

why a subtext ending!!! Dx

I personally found it pretty blatant?

last edited at Jun 2, 2021 12:38AM

joined May 24, 2017

Thank you very much Watagiri Saya-sensei. This is the best manga in 2021 for me. Both funny and serious story are done really well. The drawing is beautiful, cute, cool, and precious. It's a lot of fun reading this. And I'm sure I will read it again, many many times.

Thank you very much for translating this pure gem. It's so good. Really. Thank you.

PS. Azu in page 10 is super cool.

joined May 16, 2021

bruh this needs a sequel

TBH a sequel might be too much for this series maybe an epilogue to patch things up would be a lot better to close the story off

........... Hopefully there is one actually already made

joined Jun 8, 2017

Well, everyone else has said just about anything I might by now.

I'm sure that the writer could have dragged this out if they wanted to; whether by churning out filler or moving on to a new arc, but they had the restraint to end on a high note.

joined May 16, 2021

To us introverts, she is really cool and an idiot :DD jk

Nah man that's precisely why we love her :)

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