Forum › Well Done(,) Pervert discussion

Takasaki Reika
joined Mar 30, 2021

Ganbare!! Nika-chan!!

and why is the prez always leave them alone?

joined Aug 4, 2018

Koiko respects Nika too much, so she doesn't want to force her to do anything Nika might regret.
I like how Koiko has gone from pervert to a more "wholesome" character.

It's not like she has really changed, you know. Koiko always was a reliable sempai and a trustworthy member of the Student Council, someone who takes her responsibilities very seriously. If a kouhai needs to talk, she listens. If a kouhai is in trouble, she helps. If a kouhai is doing something improper and unacceptable, she gives her good advice. It's only when her crush on prez overcomes her good sense that she turns into the eponymous pervert of the manga.

It's because of her many virtues and good points that Nika-chan fell in love with her. It's because of her uncontrollable fetishism around prez that Nika-chan wants to hit her on the head with a big stick. It's simple, really.

joined Dec 4, 2019

Ohh, I didn't know about the lemon phrase, scanlators giving the best (informative) credit page, as always!

joined Aug 16, 2018

It's not like she has really changed, you know. Koiko always was a reliable sempai and a trustworthy member of the Student Council, someone who takes her responsibilities very seriously. If a kouhai needs to talk, she listens. If a kouhai is in trouble, she helps. If a kouhai is doing something improper and unacceptable, she gives her good advice. It's only when her crush on prez overcomes her good sense that she turns into the eponymous pervert of the manga.

It's because of her many virtues and good points that Nika-chan fell in love with her. It's because of her uncontrollable fetishism around prez that Nika-chan wants to hit her on the head with a big stick. It's simple, really.

I like the meta side of the humor. The characters, especially Koiko, seem to be aware that they live in a universe governed by certain unescapable rules to which they can only resign themselves.
During her visit to the sisters' house, Koiko thinks: "I'm gonna be alone with the president!? No way, this manga doesn't work like this: her parents will be here, of course. Wait, her parents are not here?? Oh but Nika will be here to pussyblock me, as always. What, Nika is NOT HERE??? No! This cannot be! The laws of the universe are crumbling!"
Then Nika returns home and Koiko is like whew, what a relief. And btw the reason that Nika returns at that time is: "I was at the library and my spider sense started tingling and I realized that I had to return RIGHT NOW or something catastrophic could happen! Aha, Koiko-sempai is here! And she's alone with my sis! I knew it! That damn pervert!" (◠‿◠)

last edited at May 13, 2021 6:22PM

joined Jun 10, 2019

I like the way this is unfolding before my eyes~

joined May 12, 2020

"Fantasy me is bolder than the real me. "

Girl you are having masochistic day dreams about being teased by a younger girl. You arent just a sub. You are a bottomless bottom.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Obviously, her crush switched target.

joined Dec 20, 2018

A cramp just at the right time to cause a misunderstanding. Now let's see how Nika'll react and what the result of that will be. Depending on prez's feelings this could go in any direction from here...

joined Mar 26, 2020

uh oh~

joined Mar 22, 2021

Oh my god what timing Nika. I find it hilarious how paranoid Koiko is about Nika possibly watching.

joined Jan 7, 2019

A cramp just at the right time to cause a misunderstanding. Now let's see how Nika'll react and what the result of that will be. Depending on prez's feelings this could go in any direction from here...

Hmm, I mean, if that cramp didnt happen, she would've probably kiss the prez, and right in front of nika, so this is kinda less damage than it should have. i might be wrong tho.

joined Aug 8, 2020

A cramp just at the right time to cause a misunderstanding. Now let's see how Nika'll react and what the result of that will be. Depending on prez's feelings this could go in any direction from here...

Hmm, I mean, if that cramp didnt happen, she would've probably kiss the prez, and right in front of nika, so this is kinda less damage than it should have. i might be wrong tho.

See, I don't think she would have, she couldn't even manage to touch the prez's hair back earlier, I think koiko is starting to realize that her feelings about the prez are just admiration colored by her gayness, and her anxiety about Nika has started to come from a place of guilt not solely about the book, but also she may be subconsciously feeling unfaithful. It simply makes sense for both Koiko and Nika to be having similar revelations about their feelings around the same time, especially right before a big misunderstanding that will make their feelings all the more complicated.

joined Apr 4, 2021

Critical damageeeeeee

joined Jan 7, 2019

A cramp just at the right time to cause a misunderstanding. Now let's see how Nika'll react and what the result of that will be. Depending on prez's feelings this could go in any direction from here...

Hmm, I mean, if that cramp didnt happen, she would've probably kiss the prez, and right in front of nika, so this is kinda less damage than it should have. i might be wrong tho.

See, I don't think she would have, she couldn't even manage to touch the prez's hair back earlier, I think koiko is starting to realize that her feelings about the prez are just admiration colored by her gayness, and her anxiety about Nika has started to come from a place of guilt not solely about the book, but also she may be subconsciously feeling unfaithful. It simply makes sense for both Koiko and Nika to be having similar revelations about their feelings around the same time, especially right before a big misunderstanding that will make their feelings all the more complicated.

I think the reason she couldn't touch the prez is, when she is trying to push herself up so she can put her hands behind of prez's head, she realized she couldnt since she got a cramps.

EDIT: now that i re-read it, the cramps happened after, so you might be right.

last edited at May 20, 2021 9:20AM

joined Apr 23, 2021

Stuff's about to go down. HYPE

Takasaki Reika
joined Mar 30, 2021

oh god,i'm screaming in my head,Nika!!!
come on!!

joined Mar 13, 2014

Nika, noooo :'(

joined Feb 8, 2019


I can't take Nika's sadness, I want to adopt her and feed her a lot of Yuri. Seeing her sad face is just too gut-wrenching.

Btw, the credit pages are something else. Ultimate respect for Knight Heron.

joined Sep 16, 2014

Either Nika is gonna scream really loud, start crying or confess right on the spot angrily.

Maybe all three in that order.

joined Mar 5, 2021


joined Jul 6, 2020

This is like just barely enough of a love triangle to qualify for tax purposes

joined Feb 14, 2018

i don't know why, but nika's always annoyed me since it would be better to expose the mc instead of dragging on the plot with blackmail but it's probably just me

joined Jul 26, 2016

since it would be better to expose the mc While the Prez's reaction to the putative revelation is anyone's guess it's a pretty safe bet this would sour Koiko on her bigtime and basically scuttle her chances; plus she'd no longer have any leverage on her to amuse herself with.

See that's the thing about kompromat - the whole point is leveraging the threat of revealing it, if you actually do that it's spent and gone.

joined May 26, 2020

I loved Nika's ensemble in this chapter. The ribbon sets off the pattern and completes the outfit.

joined Jul 25, 2017

I've had this problem before in Anime tourism! There is also a merged shopping mall in Amanchu of locations in two differently prefectures. This needs to stop!

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