Forum › Trying Out Marriage With My Female Friend discussion

joined Jun 7, 2020

They need to bang already!

joined Sep 27, 2017

I’m such a sucker for scenes where two characters instantly become surprised and/or embarrassed after they realize something gay like “oh shit i DID miss her.....wait what??”

Same. Turns out they were gay all along, who could have guessed? lol

joined Mar 5, 2021

still waiting for the i'm actually gay kiss

joined Apr 4, 2021

I feel like this will be a long ride

joined Jul 15, 2016

Is that an etruscan ceramic boar?

Yeah, seriously, what's up with those clay cows recently? They've been popping up in, like, every other manga all of a sudden. :D

Takasaki Reika
joined Mar 30, 2021

just kiss already!!

joined Dec 20, 2018

Ah, you can just feel the love. Thinking of each other, wanting to be together, reaching for the other even when apart... ^_^

Is that an etruscan ceramic boar?

Yes. Yes, it is. Honestly, first thing I thought when I saw it as well. :D

joined Apr 8, 2021

Is that an etruscan ceramic boar?

Not just any etruscan ceramic boar. It's an Etruscan, 600-500 BC, Ceramic, Boar Vessel.

joined Jul 26, 2016

A castle being restored since 1965?! these people aren't in a hurry, huh?

I mean, the real things often took quite a long time to build as well.

Not really, military fortifications generally needed to get to a defensible state pretty fast after all - lest whoever they were designed against come throw sand in the gears. Examples of enemy spoiling raids on construction sites aren't uncommon in histories of volatile regions (eg. the Levant during the Crusades). For example Rhuddlan Castle in Wales was fully finished in five years (1277-1282), and its concurrent "sister" Flint already had its core defense works in place by the end of its first year of construction. Full completion might well take longer ofc, particularly if the site was large, complex and/or involved a lot of stonework (as was universal of European fortifications from 12th century onwards); for example the rightly famous Krak des Chevaliers (in what is now western Syria) took 28 years to finish. Naturally the builder's resources factored heavily - the king of a major realm or a great prince (or a powerful city-state) could obviously mobilise money and labour on an entirely different scale and ambition than some minor baron or knight (or small town).

To put this in perspective compare a standout example of a major civilian construction project, the Notre-Dame de Paris which began in 1163 and was declared finished in 1345 - 182 years later... with a fair bit of expansion and modernisation done thereafter too. This sort of timeframe was pretty typical of cathedrals btw. For another rather more down-to-earth example the Uffizi complex in Florence (originally built to house elements of the civic bureaucracy, hence the name - Italian for "offices") took 21 years.

Japanese fortresses by way of comparison were essentially just sophisticated but relatively light palisades and walls atop massive stone-faced rammed-earth ramparts (rather similar to their Chinese peers), and relatively quick to throw up compared to the extensive and tall masonry walls of the European system; eg. Matsue Castle was apparently finished in just four years.

last edited at May 1, 2021 2:38PM

joined Feb 1, 2021

Interesting, I was thinking more of the cathedrals I guess.

joined Jan 14, 2020

AIUI it didn't take centuries for cathedrals to become usable. They would be built in stages, not necessarily to a master plan; people would renovate or add on to a working cathedral, leading to style differences.

Also money availability would come and go. Also allegedly there's some need to let big heavy buildings 'settle', I guess compressing the dirt.

Lots of European castles would have been quick dirt-and-wood too, especially earlier like motte and bailey castles, or at least started out that way. Stone was something of a later style, but stone buildings are more likely to have survived.

last edited at May 1, 2021 9:40PM

joined Aug 29, 2019

Thanks for the translation! Really sweet chapters this last ones :)

joined Mar 29, 2021


joined May 3, 2020

omg i love the love after marriage trope cant wait to see where this goes!

joined Dec 4, 2019

Yeahhhh progress!!

joined Feb 21, 2021

Such a slow burn. I wonder if they'll go the route of introducing a third party to make one of them realize their feelings.

joined Jul 21, 2019

Such a slow burn. I wonder if they'll go the route of introducing a third party to make one of them realize their feelings.

Well Ruriko is already aware of her feelings: she's in love and it seems even her friend Kuroda-san and her coworker Nomura-san know this. Hell, this manga started with her saying "I like you" to Kurumi and proposing to get married in 5 years if both were still single and once she got back to Japan the first thing she did was getting the papers for it, if that's not love I dunno what is lmao. The problem is the fact that she's content with just living together and having separate lives.
Introducing a new character could help make things flow faster but where would they fit? And Usui Shio did that in Crescent Moon and Doughnuts already, not sure I want more of the same here...

last edited at May 5, 2021 10:25PM

joined Mar 4, 2018

I gotta get me a smallpox warding cow. He sure makes his rounds in manga. Perhaps we can progress from our chaste gal pals now, too.

joined Nov 27, 2017

Smooch is now officially overdue.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Looks like that was more serious than expected...

This should also help her overcome her fears, though.

joined Apr 12, 2021

Sucks to say but maybe something like this was needed

joined Dec 20, 2018

Damn, this is gonna lead to Rurika’s friends saying they aren’t good for each other because Sera wasn’t there isn’t it. I think Rurika really needs to be honest and have self worth, she should know that Sera would put her first over a concert and I’m sure Sera would tell her that too.

I mean, there's not much they can say, really... She already gave Rurika the medicine just in case, and even picked up more just as Rurika wanted to ask her when she got home and in the end decided not to call her. No one could have predicted the situation turning this serious, so as far as they both knew, Sera did as much as anyone could have expected from her, if not more.

last edited at Jun 8, 2021 6:58AM

joined Apr 12, 2021

She even said to tell her if it starts to hurt more

joined Apr 4, 2021

The slow burn is ok. It makes things run smoothly

joined May 28, 2021

You run to your wife this instant Sera and you run fast ! I hope this makes her finally start to consider Ruriko's feelings a bit more and maybe start taking notice of her own feelings as well.

last edited at Jun 8, 2021 8:44AM

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