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joined Apr 8, 2021

Don't worry you can be gay and homophobic you are right now

What did I say that was homophobic? Is criticising the gay community for how it treats other minorities homophobic? If so, I guess I'm a homophobe. Didn't realise being gay was supposed to give us all a free pass to be bigots, maybe my pass got lost in the mail. But I mean, it's no big deal if I'm a homophobe, since, after all, we do get that free pass.

It's gross and dehumanizing

honestly all of you can go fuck yourselves, this is why i normally don't engage. literally nobody here has presented an argument about why incest is supposedly morally wrong, everyone just keeps calling it gross and disgusting and asserting that as fact. with the sole exception of the one person who equated incest to CSA

last edited at Mar 7, 2022 7:05PM

joined Apr 8, 2021

a lot of people are uncomfortable with incest for very good reasons (CSA among them)

Yes, and a lot of people are uncomfortable with homosexuality for the same so-called "very good reasons", claiming that gay men are pedophiles because pedophiles that are gay exist. Conflating CSA with homosexuality was the exact same tactic used to justify persecution of gay people.

it's fair to let people be squicked.

Imagine saying this about homosexuality, that it's okay to go and proclaim how revolting you find just the sight of gay couples to be. Not gay sex, not a kiss, not even as much as physically touching each other at any point - just a brief mention of a gay couple in a piece of fiction immediately met with "wow, homosexuality is fucking disgusting, gross".

are you seriously equating being gay with being incestuous?


How does homosexuality equate or compare to incest?

Literally every argument you can make for accepting homosexuality applies to incest, and literally every argument against incest was also used against homosexuality at one point (with the caveat of [not] having children being weaponised in different ways). That you think finding it "ick" is enough reason to justify hatred is the same reason homosexuals were (and in many places still are) oppressed for so long.

OK homophobe.

I am gay, which gives me all the more reason to call out the hypocrisy of the gay community. I've seen more than enough of other gay people trampling on trans people, incest, whatever minority they can find that's even lower on the social pecking order than they are to become disillusioned. It's fucking infuriating to see people who were subjected to oppression turn around and do the literal exact same thing to other people. I expect that from hets, certainly not a website dedicated to fiction about gay love.

Homosexuality isn't a perversion, unlike incest.

Who decides what a "perversion" is? You? If not you, then there are hundreds of millions of straight people out there who disagree and label homosexuality as a perversion to justify their bigotry, so congratulations, you're in the exact same camp as actual homophobes while accusing me of being one.

last edited at Mar 7, 2022 6:52PM

joined Apr 8, 2021

Gay people: It's none of your business what two consenting adults do in private together. We have the freedom to live how we want. Love wins!

siblings love each other

Gay people: wait no not like that

don't normally comment on this subject anymore but was pretty sad to see the tl afterword

joined Apr 8, 2021

Looks like you got it right and it's Murata who doesn't know how guitars work.

Why are foreigners so quick to assume that they know more about Japanese than native Japanese? シールド is common shorthand in Japanese, just because you don't know the language doesn't mean the author is clueless.

joined Apr 8, 2021

Homophobia sucks, can we just go back to them being cute and gay? I liked reading this because it made me happy, 'realistic' or not this does not make me happy.

also how you just gonna leave the groceries there. now thats something to get mad about, not kissing a girl

last edited at Feb 26, 2022 10:23AM

joined Apr 8, 2021

I think it had gone way past just being about the illustrations decades ago. In fact I think just the title itself has been considered a racial slur since at least as far back as the 60's.

Nobody in Japan knows that "Sambo" is an English slur, and it's thought of as simply being a foreign character's name like any other. Without the context of that word's English meaning or offensive illustrations, there were/are no racist undertones to the story Japanese children read.

joined Apr 8, 2021

Out of allllll the alleyways, they just happened to pick the same one. Talk about contrived, you might as well have just had her see them walking by on the street.

joined Apr 8, 2021

O Goddess of Yuri, even though this is Not Yuri, please give me more.

joined Apr 8, 2021

Is Japan a very unequal country? Or do they love the supposed sophistication that the rich people have? I always see stories of rich girls and middle class girls falling in love. It’s like a cliché in yuri stories

The exact opposite, actually. Japan has among the lowest inequality by various metrics. Wealth, celebrity, and royalty just capture people's imagination, and I think that's a common fixation in fiction all over the world. There's certainly no shortage of it in Western stories, with everything from Cinderella and Frozen to Lord of the Rings and A Song of Fire and Ice featuring them prominently.

joined Apr 8, 2021

What is it with anime girls and cockroaches? They're not even in the top ten scariest bugs imo.

nothing to do with anime, i would literally die if one crawled on me

i've only directly touched one once in my life, when i accidentally stepped on a dead one, and it's still a traumatic memory many years later

they aren't "scary", they're disgusting. by far the most repulsive, filthy, vile things nature has to offer. just looking at them makes my eyes feel violated. what they lack in physical danger they make up tenfold with psychological damage

joined Apr 8, 2021

this chapter needed a trigger warning holy hell

joined Apr 8, 2021

not really a fan of the "my girlfriend died young and I'm going to spend the afterlife with her but might as well marry a man in the meantime and then not spare a single thought for him after dying" thing going on here

last edited at Jan 31, 2022 5:20PM

joined Apr 8, 2021

idk man, this veered from wholesome to fetish material in 0.2 seconds. whiplash inducing

joined Apr 8, 2021

I didnt attack the author

You defended somebody attacking them, same difference

defended someone elses right slag the author off

I guess we have fundamentally incompatible worldviews if you think people have a "right" to be an asshole. Whether or not you like the work, there is no justification to insult the author's intelligence.

joined Apr 8, 2021

^^ Thats their honest opinion tho..

I'd say "It's their honest opinion" is not an excuse to be a complete asshole. But, if you want to believe it is, here's my honest opinion: you people are sub-room-temperature IQ and have no place to be attacking the author when you can't understand humour.

That first post, "Is this MEANT to be as super creepy as it seems to me?"....... YES, OBVIOUSLY. THAT'S THE JOKE. You can even see in the second-to-last panel the typical disgust lines that make it seem like she's creeped out and is about to reject her, only for the author to subvert expectations and give her a cutesy, mildly exasperated response.

That's literally the entire point of the one shot. The punchline is the way she reacts. And yet we have people attacking the author for them being too dumb to realise it's a joke??

Remember, this is my honest opinion. So that makes everything I just said to you perfectly okay, you'd better not have double standards and get upset now that somebody's giving an honest opinion of you.

joined Apr 8, 2021

Anyone know where I can have a look at the raws for the 2nd chapter? Kind of want to see the original handwritings :p

This should work.

Wow, the font the scanlators used did not do this justice. I think the average foreigner has better Japanese handwriting than this. I'm slightly disappointed the typesetter didn't give it their best shot in MS Paint to really capture the authenticity.

joined Apr 8, 2021

The 404 Straight People Not Found trope where the other regular characters turn out to be gay as well.
clearly lesbian version of wish fulfillment

Vehement disagree. Does wanting to be equal really count as "wish fulfillment"? I've had more than enough homophobia in reality; hell if I want to spend my recreational time seeing more of it. Just because reality sucks doesn't mean fiction for gay people has to suck too. Gay people being a minority isn't some fundamentally important aspect of homosexuality that needs to exist in other worlds.

And it's like, you could write a story, and if it's heterosexual it's fine, but if you write the exact same story with genderswapped characters so that everyone's gay - now it's tropey, bad writing, and lesbian wish fulfillment? I don't think I've ever disagreed with a take about yuri so hard in my life. Gay people should be able to enjoy romance the same way hets can, with no strings attached to how it "should" be written just because the characters are gay.

joined Apr 8, 2021

yonurime = culture

joined Apr 8, 2021

Posting pictures of a chapter that is not translated yet is spoiler, no matter how you turn it

only absolutes
no nuance allowed
you post picture with chinese text on english forum? straight to jail

joined Apr 8, 2021

I'mma be honest, I find lewding or even shipping Vtubers to be a bit creepy. Sure, some of them are actresses playing a distinct character, but others seem like real people showing their authentic personality, just behind a cuter avatar. I watched some Crossick clips because of people mentioning them being yuri but I just felt like a voyeur listening in on a real couple.

joined Apr 8, 2021

Gosh, I wish this author wrote a TeruMoko manga. I’ve been really wanting something of this quality for that pairing. I have no particular interest in Eirin or Keine, let alone shipping them, but this was a captivating read. This was one of the most refreshingly natural romance manga I've ever read. For better or worse, most yuri is full of samey tropes and two-dimensional characters. Relationships often develop in one extreme or the other - either the characters are the densest known material in the universe and take 5000 pages to acknowledge each other, or the relationship building is rushed in an instant because the author just wants to draw the pair being gay together. Which isn't inherently bad, but that being the standard makes me appreciate this all that much more. I'd go so far as to say this feels like real literature, not just a gay nerd comic.

Also, pg 78
What a rascally wabbit

joined Apr 8, 2021

Wow, this is the first doujin for this pairing ever uploaded on Dynasty? That's shocking. And it was too short, I need more.

joined Apr 8, 2021

Make love, not war

joined Apr 8, 2021

This doesn't even have anything to do with the normal stuff you rant about, not liking people moralising about fiction or whatever.
We're talking about a manga literally named after the scumbag character being a scumbag, and you're suggesting that this is not only completely fine but normal in real life. I have no problem with the manga because it says what it is on the tin, it's just weird that you're saying you steal from your parents IRL and have a clean conscience about it.

joined Apr 8, 2021

I'd hardly call a fresh 18yo ronin an "adult already", especially in Japan where the age of majority is 20

Old enough to spend all the money that was meant for her education on prostitution
No matter what Blastaar tells you, don't do this at home, kids.