Forum › A Yuri Story About a Girl Who Insists "It's Impossible for Two Girls to Get Together" Completely Falling Within 100 Days discussion

joined Apr 4, 2014

The translation in the light novel is fine. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it as I do this manga. This is so good Marika's transition is so gradual and natural. Aya is so clever and crafty like a fox.

joined Jul 21, 2020

I'm really liking this manga, a lot. Also, Marika is my favorite! I like how she is slowly changing her mind even though she still tries to deny it

joined Feb 17, 2013

Sorry, but i need to say, that AV are kind of wrong, morally speaking

If everyone involved wants to be, I dont really see how. Who does it hurt? Im sure there is plenty of bad stuff in that industry- but, fundementally morally wrong?

last edited at Apr 19, 2021 12:16AM

joined Sep 1, 2017

The story has gotten a lot better after those first couple borderline rape-y chapters. I'm glad I've stuck with it.

With that said, was I the only one thinking Aya was giving Marika a roofie colada.

last edited at Apr 19, 2021 12:28AM

joined Dec 18, 2013

Marika is so straight that in three chapters, tops, she will be eating pussy like a champ.

joined Sep 5, 2019

The art here really looks gorgeous

joined Jan 6, 2015

We need a good series set in a cozy lesbian bar like that. Have each chapter feature a short story with a new couple while the owner and bartender share an overarching story. Gimme gimme.

joined Jul 15, 2016

We need a good series set in a cozy lesbian bar like that. Have each chapter feature a short story with a new couple while the owner and bartender share an overarching story. Gimme gimme.

You are welcome. :-)

joined Aug 17, 2020

After finishing the novel, I just wanna say... I freaking want an Aya, gimme gimme gimme

joined Oct 22, 2018

Also, Aya? Aya...ya? AYAYA!

TFW you don't even watch and have never watched Jojo, yet still think you saw a Jojo reference.

joined Jan 11, 2019

Forget the creepy manipulative girl who has no respect for your boundaries, have a threesome with the bartender and her girlfriend instead.

joined Feb 17, 2013

@BV Is that some kinda joke I dont get? Its clearly a kiniro mosaic reference?

last edited at Apr 19, 2021 6:49AM

joined Mar 24, 2021

Also, Aya? Aya...ya? AYAYA!

TFW you don't even watch and have never watched Jojo, yet still think you saw a Jojo reference.

In this situation pretty sure it’s the kiniro mosaic reference but that in itself has become a Jojo reference.

Takasaki Reika
joined Mar 30, 2021

yeah,i don't think we need 100 days

joined Jul 19, 2015

I think it's a bit weird for the manga to try and show the line between the "right" straight people and the "wrong" straight people, when just a couple chapters ago the very character trying to explain that was sexually assaulting our MC while forcing her to watch hours of gay porn-- which would probably place her on the "wrong" side of her own group. From my point of view, blondie is in no position be giving out moral lectures. The manga works alright when it's just doing silly things for the sake of being silly, but when you try and bring in a more important problematic and tackle it in a serious manner to make your readers think, they will also think back to all that stuff in the previous chapters and see it in different light too. In my opinion, the author should pick what exactly they want this story to be and stick with it.

last edited at Apr 19, 2021 9:45AM

joined Mar 5, 2021


joined Feb 17, 2013

@Arujin Firstly, stories can be about many things at once- secondly sometimes authors dont have a clue what their story is 'about' - message wise, and just make stuff up as they go along a general theme - such as 'ecchi schoolgirl yuri.

And sometimes I guess they do have a plan, and may execute it well- or badly.

In this case, I kinda think its no 2 - they made it up as they went, fluctuating each chapter as the mood took them.
But just to say, thats not neccisarily bad- and a story does not NEED to stick to one 'thing' its trying to be or say.

last edited at Apr 19, 2021 11:23AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

^ Eh, I doubt it's quite that bad. Well, regarding having no plan, at least. There certainly is a clear thread here of getting Marika used to the idea of lesbians existing and accepting it through various media and now actually meeting some in person, while at the same time also influencing her through physical contact to accept the possibility of having such feelings herself.

As far as having a 'message' is concerned, though, you're probably right, there's not need to look for anything deeper than just a fun story of a girl in denial being seduced and taught better.

last edited at Apr 19, 2021 12:49PM

joined Sep 11, 2019

Aya speedrunning to the gay zone

joined Jun 13, 2012

I also think this chapter is way better than the last few ones. It really shows how Marika gradually learns to accept the concept of homosexuality. And we even see that she starts to understand Aya better.

But still, Aya's methods were a bit over the top. I would never convince (or even force) someone to watch gay porn just to make them more accepting. Encouraging them to read soft yuri manga is fine, but I think that introducing them to actual gay people is a way better method, since then they can realize that those people are humans like everyone else, with the only difference that they love people from the same gender. So, in my opinion, Aya should have done this right after the manga session without the unnecessary porn part.

joined Dec 20, 2018

But still, Aya's methods were a bit over the top. I would never convince (or even force) someone to watch gay porn just to make them more accepting. Encouraging them to read soft yuri manga is fine, but I think that introducing them to actual gay people is a way better method, since then they can realize that those people are humans like everyone else, with the only difference that they love people from the same gender. So, in my opinion, Aya should have done this right after the manga session without the unnecessary porn part.

I do agree Aya can go a bit too far at times, although you also have to consider that she's not just trying to make Marika accept the existence of gay people. The bet is about Marika herself falling for Aya, and the crazy plot with the porn and physical contact is less about accepting other people and more about getting Marika herself aroused.

joined Apr 19, 2021

The first two books of the light novel are available translated with a third book that came out like a month or two ago. It doesn't shy away from the smut, but it has some real sweetness and it's a little heart warming. It's an enjoyable read if you're interested.

Do be aware that the translation's kinda shit though. Very stilted and literal, and constantly flips between past and present tense seemingly at random

I recently proofread most of the first volume to try to try to make it more enjoyable to read, but it's still pretty awkward in spots. The original translation was genuinely incomprehensible in spots, and pretty rough overall, so it took a ton of time to try to get it up to a more readable standard. Not sure if you read the original or my version, but if you read the original, you might find my version more enjoyable.

joined Jun 7, 2020

LN readers, how raunchy does this get? I'm talking full on sex or just fondling/kissing? Please spoil. Thx in advance.

joined Apr 19, 2021

LN readers, how raunchy does this get? I'm talking full on sex or just fondling/kissing? Please spoil. Thx in advance.

They actually have full-on sex in chapter 4 of the manga (ch 1 of LN). However, in the LN, the scene is super short (~100 words) and not very detailed, and in the manga, it's barely a single page and somehow even less detailed. The first graphic sex scene is in chapter 3 of the LN, but considering how much the manga toned down the scene in chapter 1, I'm not really sure how far it'll go. Assuming the manga follows the LN exactly (which it probably will), that scene will be in chapter 6 of the manga.

last edited at Apr 19, 2021 2:59PM by OrangePekoe

joined Jun 25, 2019

LN readers, how raunchy does this get? I'm talking full on sex or just fondling/kissing? Please spoil. Thx in advance.

They actually have full-on sex in chapter 4 of the manga (ch 1 of LN). However, in the LN, the scene is super short (~100 words) and not very detailed, and in the manga, it's barely a single page and somehow even less detailed. The first graphic sex scene is in chapter 3 of the LN, but considering how much the manga toned down the scene in chapter 1, I'm not really sure how far it'll go. Assuming the manga follows the LN exactly (which it probably will), that scene will be in chapter 6 of the manga.

Put in between the spoiler tag please. Just because they ask to get spoiled that everyone here want to be spoiled as well.

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