Okay I'm way more invested in this than I thought I'd be. It's pretty good! Yea the boobs and fan service is kiiiinda distracting, sure, but the story and characters are surprisingly compelling! It kinda feels to me like some YA novel I'd have read in highschool lol
I especially love how, since its ENTIRELY from Chikane's point of view, there's always that inkling of fear that its all an act from Himeko. That she knew she'd lose so she's trying to seduce Chikane, and it's working. That's my biggest fear here, cause the bubbly wholesome parts are so much it'd DESTROY me if they were all for naught.
Also I really love this part.

In the sacred mountain legend has it that there is at the center of the island, a small island in the sea of Mount Miwa, seals the evil Japan, far away from the God Oomikami mainland