Ohh my...
Too late Fate-chan.
Oh my! Erika sure is making Komichi feel very special! I hope this relationship of theirs lasts.
Mina, pinching her nipples go too far. Wait until you're both in a more solid sexual relationship.
Is it just me or is Nodoka's chest getting bigger with each new chapter?
If I’m not mistaken, aren’t they supposed to be sisters? Twins in fact? It is in their card names.
Raora sees all of Advent as cute.
Oh my...I wonder what they're gonna do.
Oh man, I hope Akebi accepts Erika's request for a date.
Mawwiage, mawwiage is what bwings us togetha...today.
They've corrupted her!
She’s pulling off Miorine’s garter belt so that she may toss it for bachelors.
Can you provide a link to this interview?
That last panel holy heck!!!
Now as Master Oogway would say, there are no accidents.
I can easily picture Akko showing Diana to a festival in Japan.
I love this couple!
Bae should be poking her index fingers together.
Oops! Forgot to lock their door!
I think we all miss Sana.
This makes it more heartbreaking now.
Multitasking at its finest.
Gonna miss Pomu.
Just had to add Chonkers too.
An AU where the Lycoris don't exist and aren't needed.