I'm conflicted how the narrative seems to support the thinking that scars and hunting are manly but I think overall it's a moving piece. It's a frank and realistic depiction of dysphoria and the state of trans healthcare. The dream surgery scene was especially powerful; I have had similar daydreams, though as a trans woman they instead had doctors stretching my hipbones and sewing my vocal folds tighter and stuff like that.
I also love that the very first page is like..."Chiaki...is a MAN." A very clear thesis statement from the jump.
For what it's worth, GID is not a diagnosis in the DSM for almost 8 years at this point. I don't know how it is in Japan though, maybe they still do that. The more accepted term now is "gender dysphoria", which more accurately describes the problem as the dysphoria felt about one's body rather than the identity discrepancy itself.
While not the primary focus, showing the extreme effects of cancer treatment was also heavy but honest, which I respect.
PS - re: [slur] cringe - The good news is that I never felt the need for a report function until right now, but the bad news is I don't know of a way to let mods know we have a chucklefuck on our hands. Hopefully that's the last we hear from them though.