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Forum › Big Girl and Small Girl (Web ver.) discussion

joined Jul 28, 2015

Not once does the supposed grade/elementary school girl explicitly say she's that young.

It's all in the MC's mind because she sees the backpack. I mean, the girl isn't even wearing a uniform whilst carrying the backpack.

Then in the next scene she's seen running to the pool with a smaller girl who could be her sister (despite not saying Oneesan). It's safe to presume the backpack belongs to the little girl and that her older sister takes her swimming once a week.

I think this is the author having fun with the reader and that if there were further chapters, we'd learn that big girl and small girl are practically the same age.

Now this I can accept. Can’t deal with this “adult attracted to a literal child” trope at all...

Though it’s still kinda whack and nasty that MC, after assuming that the other MC is a child, is still looking at her /that/ way

last edited at Aug 8, 2020 4:06PM

joined Mar 20, 2017

Hey, why do I have a feeling that the "small girl" is the mother of that little black hair girl? (Please don't)

Also, she used "boku" to talk with the little girl

joined Mar 8, 2016

Why? When did the manga assume to be realistic in any way?

I agree that the premise is probably creepy, but I won't readily dismiss an author's premise because it is, after all, an author's premise.

Why what? I'm not saying it has to be realistic in any way. I'm saying people are irritated by the premise because it's poorly developed and defies all logic for a story set in our world with no explanation for it. Because a few people asked why others are finding this particular work so annoying, and that's my explanation, at least. Also, because of the title and the inability to tag it properly (it's technically loli, but then again, it isn't), readers who would normally not be interested in a story like this are going to end up reading it, so therefore you're going to end up with a lot more "WTF" comments since people aren't self-selecting not to read it, like they would if it had the loli tag.

The author is of course free to establish whatever premise they want. And readers are free to critique the premise as implausible, unbelievable, underdeveloped, poorly explained, etc. I don't have to agree that the premise makes sense or is any good.

Let's look at this from the other side. A reasonable person would never see an adult-looking female (tall, woman's curves, big breasts) wearing a childish backpack and immediately jump to the conclusion that she must be an elementary school student, as the protagonist does here. Which means one of two things:

  1. The protagonist, despite being either a career woman (or college student - translator here is confusing) is deeply stupid and is making a ridiculous assumption from a very circumstantial bit of information. There's no evidence that this is the case so far, but if this turns out to be the twist I'd find this premise dumb too.

  2. The situation is intended to be taken on face value, that for some unexplained reason there actually is a tall, voluptuous elementary school student at her gym for this woman to get thirsty over. Which I have already stated my opinions on, and which to me as presented so far is less of a premise for a story and more of the author's special fetish being manifested. (And, sure, fine for them - their time, their art, their story, of course they can indulge their fetish like every other mangaka does. Doesn't make it immune from critique.)

last edited at Aug 11, 2020 2:45AM

joined Jul 28, 2015

Why? When did the manga assume to be realistic in any way?

I agree that the premise is probably creepy, but I won't readily dismiss an author's premise because it is, after all, an author's premise.

Why what? I'm not saying it has to be realistic in any way. I'm saying people are irritated by the premise because it's poorly developed and defies all logic for a story set in our world with no explanation for it. Because a few people asked why others are finding this particular work so annoying, and that's my explanation, at least. Also, because of the title and the inability to tag it properly (it's technically loli, but then again, it isn't), readers who would normally not be interested in a story like this are going to end up reading it, so therefore you're going to end up with a lot more "WTF" comments since people aren't self-selecting not to read it, like they would if it had the loli tag.

The author is of course free to establish whatever premise they want. And readers are free to critique the premise as implausible, unbelievable, underdeveloped, poorly explained, etc. I don't have to agree that the premise makes sense or is any good.

Let's look at this from the other side. A reasonable person would never see an adult-looking female (tall, woman's curves, big breasts) wearing a childish backpack and immediately jump to the conclusion that she must be an elementary school student, as the protagonist does here. Which means one of two things:

  1. The protagonist, despite being either a career woman (or college student - translator here is confusing) is deeply stupid and is making a ridiculous assumption from a very circumstantial bit of information. There's no evidence that this is the case so far, but if this turns out to be the twist I'd find this premise dumb too.

  2. The situation is intended to be taken on face value, that for some unexplained reason there actually is a tall, voluptuous elementary school student at her gym for this woman to get thirsty over. Which I have already stated my opinions on, and which to me as presented so far is less of a premise for a story and more of the author's special fetish being manifested. (And, sure, fine for them - their time, their art, their story, of course they can indulge their fetish like every other mangaka does. Doesn't make it immune from critique.)

Agreed. I’d like to further your points! Mangas doesn’t have to be “realistic” because after all, they are fictional. However, good mangas always have a set of logic they abide to (e.g: art style, world setting, etc). Usually when a character defies the standard logic set in the fictional world (in this case, an “allegedly” elementary schooler looking like an adult, when obviously the author knows how children are supposed to look like) there should always be a plausible reason/background why, because that’s how good writing works. One might try to explain how a kid can look like an adult IRL, but that explanation so far doesn’t contribute to the plot at all in this manga. It’s more of an excuse for the fetish.

Still, I have hopes that it will develop in further chapters into something else like “Oh I’m not an elementary schooler LOL I’m a college student” but still an adult fawning over an “allegedly” kid is still yikes.

last edited at Aug 11, 2020 6:13AM

joined Aug 27, 2013

2008... 2014...2020

yup! One every 6 years!
We'll get a sequel in 2026, like clockwork.

joined Jan 27, 2019

So, to sum up —
* This thing that actually happens is deeply unrealistic,
* The protagonist is a monster for being attracted to an attractive person, and
* A lot of people are desperately hoping that they're not also monsters under this formulation.

(I'd point out that while the randoseru backpack might not be perfect evidence that this girl is going to elementary school, the little crime buzzer on the strap kinda is. I'd also point out that Tae really is trying her best to shut the whole thing down; she's barely spoken two sentences to the girl, and isn't doing anything to "fawn on" her but blush.)

joined May 21, 2020


joined Sep 6, 2015

So, to sum up —
* This thing that actually happens is deeply unrealistic,
* The protagonist is a monster for being attracted to an attractive person, and
* A lot of people are desperately hoping that they're not also monsters under this formulation.

(I'd point out that while the randoseru backpack might not be perfect evidence that this girl is going to elementary school, the little crime buzzer on the strap kinda is. I'd also point out that Tae really is trying her best to shut the whole thing down; she's barely spoken two sentences to the girl, and isn't doing anything to "fawn on" her but blush.)

Basically this. Judging by the sheer length of this thread one would assume this is some sort of hardcore loli hentai manga. Instead it is a 10-page long Twitter comic in which literally nothing happens, yet people are arguing about its premise and backstory and explanations and whatnot like they are reading "Anna Karenina".

Also agree on the main character. She is first smitten with the elementary schooler because the girl looks like an adult and the MC does not know her actual age. Once she figures out her age, she rightly decides it is a no-no.

As for her being "nasty" and "fawning over" a kid, the fact that the kid looks completely like an adult is not going anywhere. Attraction works (in large part) on physical appearance, she can not help it if she finds that body attractive. What is important is that she is not making any moves on the grade schooler. The main character is obviously not a paedophile, if she were she would be attracted to this kid, not the one that looks like a grownup.

joined Nov 24, 2017

Man, I totally forgot about this one. I hope it's continued, because it's pretty hot.

joined Sep 28, 2017

Man, I totally forgot about this one. I hope it's continued, because it's pretty hot.

Oh It is! but not here because... reasons I guess? Well, just look it up elsewhere, I don't wanna get banned again.

joined Oct 10, 2020

I do have chapters 2 through 13 that I can upload, didn't do chapter 2 myself but did the rest.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Thank you, urbs! Our numbering is a bit different from /u/'s and MD's, given that we combined the first and second chapters at their release.

This thread has been pruned slightly, as the first upload caused some troubles. However, tags have now been adjusted. If you intend to keep reading this series, please avoid making posts commenting solely on a single tag. Thank you, take care.

last edited at Mar 23, 2021 4:38PM

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

Oh nice, I've been looking forward to this one coming back on Dynasty. This series always gave me the biggest mixed feelings (but like, in a good way, if that makes any sense).

joined Feb 17, 2013

Somehow I have never seen this manga before??

Anyways I like it - she reminds me of Hotaru from non non biyori but even more exagerated :) At least Hotaru is fairly small in stature and often ACTS her age even if she looks a lot older- this woman/child acts like a sophisticated flirting adult most of the time- so Im not sure if she really is in elementary school or not? (i.e maybe the author is misleading us as well as the mc.)

Not that I mind either way, its just im pretty sure no 10 year old has ever existed who looked like that lol.

last edited at Mar 23, 2021 4:18PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Mai has such absurd top energy, it's great

this woman/child acts like a sophisticated flirting adult most of the time-

Only in the punchline pages/frames. Whether she casually asserts dominancedoes similar stuff more generally or if Tae just gets... special treatment is obviously way beyond the scope of the format and not terribly relevant anyway.

joined May 20, 2013

How did I only just discover this.

This is hilarious.

joined Jun 3, 2014

Thankfully dynasty uploaded the rest, this series is priceless

joined Jun 22, 2018

I mean, all things considered? Thought this was pretty cute, I like the art and all.

Though... I know this has already been beaten to death, but... I thought this "she's a grade schooler" thing was a joke through 90% of the read, until it dawned on me that the author is actually serious about this. They could've at least made her 14 or so, imo. Like, are all of these flirty shots of her meant to be "real" or just the MC's imagination? 'Cause, either way, it opens up a whole can of worms. And honestly- I think the MC being attracted to this girl is the least of the issues at hand. I mean, she does look really mature.

Anyhow, it's amusing to see people make it into a big deal. To me it's more just a "really? okay then..." kinda thing. An amusing read

joined Jul 26, 2016

Like, are all of these flirty shots of her meant to be "real" or just the MC's imagination?

Well they ARE shot in TaeVision™ and against her better judgement she does have a raging crush on the girl, so there's probably certain amount of pink lily filter applied. People in love do be like that. Other than that it's also quite possible Mai is
A) at least in some cases imitating "big girl stuff" she picked up from TV or manga or wherever without really understanding its meaning simply because she finds Tae's reactions to it funny (and who doesn't)
B) really just that much of a natural heartthrob by the grace of God
C) whynotboth.jpg

joined Feb 17, 2013

I mean... its cute. If disturbing, a bit...

joined Oct 18, 2017

holy lilyfields, how did i not know this was actually continued as a series?

joined Jan 13, 2019

This comment section: "why is there an age gap in this age gap tagged doujin?

joined Oct 10, 2020

holy lilyfields, how did i not know this was actually continued as a series?

This has actually been serialized, but those raws aren’t digitally available to us. These shorter chapters are posted directly to the author’s Twitter

joined Jul 26, 2016

This comment section: "why is there an age gap in this age gap tagged doujin?

joined Jul 19, 2015

Its been a while since I read a story this intelligent

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