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joined Dec 4, 2019

Never thought I’d see Science babies in this series yet here we are. This together with ‘TL note: jama means nuisance.’ makes this chapter hilarious and priceless. Ch 16 also looks to be the start of a new arc, interesting.

joined Feb 22, 2019

ch 17 is raw now in japanese

joined Oct 1, 2020

Can't wait for the daughter to hit her rebellious phase and join the tokus.

last edited at Jan 3, 2021 1:04AM

joined Nov 5, 2017

power of yuri shall win in the end

joined Aug 12, 2019

"I foresee even more resonance!"

-General Cool Down, 2021

last edited at Jan 3, 2021 2:31AM

joined Sep 30, 2017

There is more than 1 kind of strength. Honey is the one winning battles for her? If she hadn't won Honey over, the aliens would already be ruling the Earth. That's real power.

So she should just be a motivational speaker, then. She seems be better at that then fighting. If it wasn't for Honey, she would've been defeated and dead more than three times now. And yes... Rapid only wins because of Honey.

You do realize that this series is chock-full of sentai references? Heroes on your daily/weekly sentai shows never go full ape-shit on people until the last five minutes of an episode. Your average 5-10 year old kid isn't going to be able to comprehend complex plotlines (or at least, studios don't think they'll be able to comprehend them), so it's a lot easier to put in villains with an interesting design each week and run the same basic fight structure all over again. Sentai makes a shit-ton of money from merchandising, so the focus is much more on equipment than it is on moves- rather than having a whole set of skills or choreographing fights with unnamed moves, these shows just feature certain devices, weapons or powers that get activated at a certain point into the fight and wipe the enemy out in one hit. The reason you have big casts is, as mentioned by posters above, to instill in kids a respect for the power of friendship and cooperation, and also to create a larger cast of merchandisable characters with their own, individual merchandisable equipment.

This isn't just sentai-exclusive either- if you've ever watched a magical girl show aimed at kids, like Precure, or even pro-wrestling (John Cena's Five moves of Doom), you'll see a very set pattern to the fights. People want to see patterns, to predict the flow of fights, to boo when the heroes get beaten down and cheer when they pop back up, to sing along with heroic themes when they blast out, to say the invocation lines they've heard a hundred times before. People don't watch sentai to be shocked or surprised- they know it's predictable, and focus more on the emotional content (which, in this case, is our leading pair of lesbians).

The point is, if you're going into this series with huge expectations of thrilling fights, you're not going to be satisfied. Sometime is pretty committed to following a sentai-based story structure and using the tropes and conventions of the medium, which is the entire appeal. Audiences in Japan (for whom the story is intended), will probably lap it up and cheer every time they see a reference to something they recognize from their childhood. You seem to want the series to be something that it isn't, and although half-a-dozen people have explained this to you in various ways, the argument's still ongoing.

Basically, this is never going to turn into some kind of shonen battle series, because it was never supposed to be one in the first place. Your problems and complaints with the way fights are portrayed will never be addressed, because for the author, they aren't issues, but selling points. What you're doing here is the equivalent of criticizing a boxing match for not featuring piledrivers, or saying that a magical girl series is shit because none of the girls come up with 500 IQ plans to ambush the monsters that they know are going to show up each week. You're missing the point, and therefore, this argument has become pointless.

As a solution, you could either understand and accept what this series is trying to do with its fights and keep reading it for the yuri, or just drop it altogether if it isn't to your liking. This isn't like some arc or plot development that'll come and go- it's a vital part of the series' identity. Otherwise, this'll just turn into another one of those Futaribeya-type threads where one person criticizes the series for being something that it doesn't want to be and never promised to be, while others strive valiantly to explain an entire genre as good or bad storytelling.

Holy crap. You wrote so much just to completely and utterly miss my point. I don't have a problem with the "complexity" of the fights or the lack of it. The action scenes are quite good. I have a problem with how completely inept the MC is. So what? A sentai or whatever genre must have a weak MC? That's inane. I don't have a problem with an entire genre. I never said that. I have a problem with this one and it's proagonist. I can't take her serious.

Also, this is not an inate problem of Sentais. There are several Sentai MC who are strong on their own. Vivid and Nanoha - the apex of friendship crap - is a good example of it. You also used John Cena's example (weird, but okay). He rarely loses fairly. And it's an extremely simple storyline with a "MC" who is legitimatly strong and a rather good balance between losses and wins.

You read too much into it and read it complety wrong... Bringing up a genre I have no problem with. And no work is free from criticism and I should just accept a work because it's yuri? The tag says "action", so I gonna judge it because of the action as well. People give Citrus shit because of the forced drama not because of the yuri in it. I'm not gonna focus on one aspect of a series and ignore the other. They are both part of it.

The manga is trying to send the message of friendship to little kids? Cool. But they can do that without presenting a hero so damn weak. There are examples of that.

You sure do like to complain a lot for no reason, huh? If you dont like a series, theres a simple fix. Dont read it.

And if you don't like what I have to say, then don't reply and ignore it. Simple fix as well. Nobody is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to take part on this.

joined Jan 18, 2016

When you hate your boss so much, her name has become an insult.

joined Jul 23, 2017

Rooting for the yuri family

joined May 12, 2020

What is the point of all this technology if you cant make science babies? But we need more villains soon. I cant hate these sappy sods.

joined Jan 22, 2017

Now I wonder if there will be more science babies in the future.

joined Jul 9, 2020

power of yuri shall win in the end

A victory for us all.

joined Jul 8, 2019

Don't care about naysayers - chapter 17 proves again that Hayate is a true heroic character. I'm unironically following this series for heroics instead of for yuri since several chapters ago.

joined Dec 4, 2019

I’m loving this science and otaku little family unit and their #1 shipper on deck and their weird but also hilarious boss.

joined Feb 19, 2016

Can't wait for the daughter to hit her rebellious phase and join the tokus.

Omg now I need this to be a thing both because it'll be a tried true toku trope and I'm sure it'll be hilarious to see both the mom's reaction to it, especially Kyouka

joined Aug 13, 2020

Why is every comments the same

joined Jul 15, 2016

Why is every comments the same

Because a lot of people only use the forum to express their opinions, rather than to read the others' and to engage them in conversation.

last edited at Jan 4, 2021 7:14AM

The immaculate
joined Mar 19, 2020

Why is every comments the same

Because a lot of people only use the forum to express their opinions, rather than to read the others' and to engage them in conversation.

I don’t get why that’d make them the same tho.

joined Jul 23, 2017

Why is every comments the same

Because a lot of people only use the forum to express their opinions, rather than to read the others' and to engage them in conversation.

Because that always ends well here.

joined Apr 2, 2018

I was impressed that they were fighting on a moving train. I had the false feeling that the story could end badly like this:

It's obvious that this never happens in a manga. lol xD

last edited at Jan 19, 2021 1:11AM

joined Nov 21, 2020

I was impressed that they were fighting on a moving train. I had the false feeling that the story could end badly like this:

It's obvious that this never happens in a manga. lol xD

(I fixed the image links.)

And that's what should have happened in any universe where train tunnels are constructed to a standard loading gauge. What's with the twenty feet of spare headroom? They could stand one on the other's shoulders and still not be in the slightest danger of scuffing their helmets...

joined Apr 2, 2018

I was impressed that they were fighting on a moving train. I had the false feeling that the story could end badly like this:

It's obvious that this never happens in a manga. lol xD

(I fixed the image links.)

And that's what should have happened in any universe where train tunnels are constructed to a standard loading gauge. What's with the twenty feet of spare headroom? They could stand one on the other's shoulders and still not be in the slightest danger of scuffing their helmets...

You're right. It's absolutely impossible that two people on top of a train managed to get through the tunnel so easily without actually getting hurt, especially when they were.

Oh, and thanks for fixing the post images. I completely forgot to use the "!" in the right moment. I'm a fool! xP

joined Jul 29, 2017

Reminds me of a scene in ToQger where they fight on a train, go into a low tunnel and the monster's weapons are snapped off.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Well, that escalated quickly.

joined Jul 8, 2019

useless lesbian superhero

joined Jul 29, 2017

Oh god, they're in the Toei Warehouse (TM)!

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