Forum › #Wasurete Shimau Watashitachi discussion

joined Dec 20, 2014

woah that was kinda nice, hit close to home in this day and age

joined Apr 25, 2020

Holy shit

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

I almost didn't click on it because of the absent yuri tag but it was a nice read, I'll be back to read the philosophical comments from other people

joined Jun 19, 2014

I always feel sad when I lurk in someone's profile and I notice they haven't posted in years. I wonder where they are now and hope they've just moved on to better things. Hope they finally quit that shitty part-time job or whatever they were always complaining about and are happier now. That's the strangeness of parasocial relationships, I guess. Must be weird being a nobody that has another nobody they've never met wondering what they're up to now.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Lord, why do some new-gen scan groups adopt the most Nintendo of America type localization policies? Translate, don't localize. "Stan" is western slang. When you localize instead of translate accurately, that's erasure of the original cultural background.

It makes me miss the old days, heaps of translator notes and all.

joined Aug 19, 2019

The amount of times I've seen stuff like this actually happen on the internet.

joined Jun 25, 2019

When you localize instead of translate accurately, that's erasure of the original cultural background.

Every good translator out there will tell you it's better to localize rather than translating accurately. The goal of a translation is NOT to give an accurate word by word translation, because you can just read the raws and it's the same, the goal is to translate and localize will keeping the meaning of what the author wanted to say.

joined Mar 5, 2016

Lord, why do some new-gen scan groups adopt the most Nintendo of America type localization policies? Translate, don't localize. "Stan" is western slang. When you localize instead of translate accurately, that's erasure of the original cultural background.

It makes me miss the old days, heaps of translator notes and all.

english is a western language. of course they're going to translate a japanese slang term into an english slang equivalent. that's the point of translation. you're just mad that they use slang you think is trashy. "erasure of the original cultural background" lmao as if translating female japanese idol fans into the queen's received pronounciation of english is any more accurate. you might as well complain that it says "cute" instead of "kawaii (the untranslatable japanese concept of cute)"

afkeroge Uploader
Noca Scans
joined May 29, 2015

When you localize instead of translate accurately, that's erasure of the original cultural background.

Excuse me, what? Accuracy in translation means getting the original message across, not being a glorified machine translator. "Stan", while I don't completely agree with the usage here, is perfectly acceptable and gets the intended vernacular meaning across well enough. Better than leaving it as "oshi". I don't even understand what you mean by "erasure of the original cultural background". What's there to erase with the "localization", in your own words, of the word "推し"? Care to enlighten us?

last edited at Feb 1, 2021 7:07AM

joined Oct 16, 2016

Lord, why do some new-gen scan groups adopt the most Nintendo of America type localization policies? Translate, don't localize. "Stan" is western slang. When you localize instead of translate accurately, that's erasure of the original cultural background.

It makes me miss the old days, heaps of translator notes and all.

The future is now, old man.

joined Oct 10, 2020

this is very accurate for what a lot of e-celebs and idols have been going through

joined Jul 23, 2020

this reminded me of some streamers and i just wanna bawl my eyes out

joined Feb 28, 2015

this reminded me of some streamers and i just wanna bawl my eyes out

I get what you mean the last part was I think a clear reference and I got so scared aaaah now they are vtubers instead of idols or streamers It would be cool if people could think these things are two sided both idols and vtubers

joined Jun 10, 2019

I'm just glad there was something of a happy ending out of this. I suppose some people may go to great lengths to "be seen" or cherished in some way, but sadly end up feeling more alone. Such disappointment... I wish there was always someone out there for someone else- someone who really cares

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

I always feel sad when I lurk in someone's profile and I notice they haven't posted in years. I wonder where they are now and hope they've just moved on to better things. Hope they finally quit that shitty part-time job or whatever they were always complaining about and are happier now. That's the strangeness of parasocial relationships, I guess. Must be weird being a nobody that has another nobody they've never met wondering what they're up to now.

I do the same thing, you're not alone. I suppose it's because we kind of have a small community here, normally seeing the same people comment on most mangas/doujins. You could even join the community right now, binge read older manga and see familiar profile pictures each time in the comment section only to find out that they haven't posted in a few years or more and wonder why that is the case. Some people come back every year or two, others don't. It's quite a melancholic cycle to think about.

last edited at Feb 1, 2021 11:27PM

joined Sep 19, 2014

Oh, i hope one day one of those vtuber rage out like in pag 33 and 34
Just for fun

joined Jun 6, 2013

That was good. The culture these days is interesting huh? I watch Twitch so makes sense.

joined Sep 17, 2020

I liked it

joined Oct 6, 2014

Damn this one hits hard.

Translate, don't localize.

I mean if you wanna be lazy and just translate word for word, why don't you just run the manga through Google Translate? You'll get confusing terminology and odd wording but that should be okay for you, right? No need to take into account any contextual information such as the possible relevance of the term "stan" to emphasize the point being made by the story in a way that the target audience will easily understand.

joined Aug 23, 2015

translation is an art, not a science, or so ive heard. this story got real though...

joined Aug 19, 2018

Dang, that was so scary to read cause it just feels like you're getting closer to the inevitable. I'm glad it ended on a better note and i hppe LPE and MC would remain close friends. I doubt LPE really had any so having some to help support would probably help her

joined Apr 19, 2018

Before lockdown and all I couldn't even wrap my head around what stanning and idol culture even meant fast forward to the present and now not being able to see "virtual" anime girls, heck even some of the YouTuber or streamers breaks my heart

It's scary how forgetting saves one and dooms the other one

Dynasty Reader
joined Sep 7, 2021

That was kinda dark.

joined May 24, 2022

fuck, the author got the suicidal tone and feel of talking uncomfortably accurate. translators did good too ofc

streamers, idols, anyone hates feeling disposable. Having to sell yourself to people you can't get close to, to make them like you, your personality and all it encompasses, that's horrible. It's like permanently being on the edge of some sort of connection, like a kid that never really gets fully included.
I can't seem to put my thoughts into words about it, but this connects with me on a more fundamental level than "oh, a parasocial relationship, those suck" because it's not just about changing idol interests. She talks about it herself: she met these people, did stuff with them, even let them fuck her, but in the end got mentally disposed of just the same as any graduated idol. Parasocial relationships aren't a real connection, and neither were those. What she wants in the end isn't more parasocial relationships, it's that real connection. Moving on without a thought for her is just a symptom of the problem, not the problem itself.

Really good, made me think about things. Kept from being a total favorite bc the ending could've been a little bit better, but definitely worth the read. Dunno if you can say the same about my rambles, lol.

last edited at Jul 25, 2022 1:47AM

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

I really like this. I wish the ending had been just a little stronger. Like one or two more pages of content. It was a little abrupt.

To be honest, I don't understand idol, streamer, vtuber, etc. culture in the slightest. Precisely because, it feels too fake. A love of a character transposed onto a real person, the selling and consumption of both real and exaggerated qualities.

But what did resonate a lot about this story was the cycle of fervor and then forgetting, on both sides even. The rant was both beautifully written and beautifully translated. When I saw the walls of text in the bubbles, I immediately thought "this is going to be good". Her bitterness is raw, and to cap it off, we never learn her actual name. She's just LPE-chan the whole time. But it seems like that's what she wants. To be remembered and genuinely loved to some extent no matter what character is needed for that purpose.

It makes me wonder if I have been guilty at least once of that offense she mentions. Probably at least a little...

But yeah, good story.

Also if someone's suicidal and in imminent threat of attempting to kill themselves, don't ride an hour to reach their residence while their means of killing themselves is right there, call the police lmao.

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