Forum › Citrus + discussion

joined Feb 14, 2019

So, critics fail to perceive the coherence of the story and the consistency of its characterizations because they’re not Asian, not female, not conservative.

Stories draw on implicit cultural context for understanding, the original audience has at least two of those things. Readers who lack that context aren't forbidden, it is just that lacking the context they would have to make an extra effort to experience the work as it was intended. They could understand the work if they wanted to. A related (works you "don't get" seeming "badly written") phenomenon it is that when you are enjoying a work you are more inclined to give it the benefit of the doubt (larger dose of suspension of beliefs), but when you don't like where it is going you withhold that and start nit-picking (when there is a genre/demographic mismatch like this your attention is focused in different places to the intended readership noticing "problems" that aren't problems at all for the target audience, like looking at a movie set from the back).

tldr: authors aren't gods, they can't create worlds that are complete and viewable from all perspectives, writing will always presume a certain perspective or range of perspectives to work.

Critics also fail to understand the way the story is deeply rooted in Japanese cultural conventions about arranged marriage even though the resolution of the story is the Aihara family—highly conservative, deeply traditional, so Japanese-that-Western-readers-fail-to-understand-the-story—staging a big full-scale lesbian white wedding which is so far removed from anything in actual Japanese culture as to be beyond fantasy.

As I am sure you know western-style princess weddings are quite popular/fashionable in Japan (and Asia in general), especially among young & affluent, and would definitely appeal to the shoujo reader demographic, and of course Yuzu (this sort of thing really makes me wonder about the good faith of your arguments). The aesthetic of the shindig says very little about the underlying culture. Same-sex marriage not being legal is mentioned in the text; rights are gradually being improved, and it should also be noted that weddings aren't strictly tied to legal recognition - there are shrines right now that do traditional-style same-sex wedding ceremonies.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Really, circamore, you’ve well established in more than one forum that you can make up in your own head wonderful explanations for all sorts of shoddily constructed manga.

But this business about how you get stories precisely how the authors intend for the original audiences to get them while others must labor mightily to see the deep cultural reasons why (for example) a writer sets up and develops a series of conflicts then declines to resolve them except by handwaving them away is really a bit rich—literary interpretation and fanfic/headcanon are distinct activities.

I have to doubt your good faith when on the one hand you give us extended lectures on how one part the story must be understood in deeply specific cultural terms about just how traditional and conservative the very specific social setting is, then handwave away a gaudy Western-style wedding between lesbian stepsisters, ffs, that would be utterly alien to that social class we’re supposed to understand so deeply.

Your arguments here amount to a game of interpretive three-card monte, with “cultural context,” “authorial intention,” and “intended audience” brought in to explain away obvious problems with plot construction and charaterization.

joined Jan 17, 2020

Man, forget about Mei. She is so boring. Why are we not discussing here what really matters: HaruMatsu again WHEN?

joined Jun 25, 2019

Man, forget about Mei. She is so boring. Why are we not discussing here what really matters: HaruMatsu again WHEN?

Never, it was just to please the HaruMatsu fans, now you willjust have teasing.

last edited at Jan 12, 2021 1:34AM

joined Apr 6, 2013

I'm really surprised this chapter didn't end in sex.

joined Jan 4, 2021

That ending is such a troll

joined Jan 4, 2021

I'm really surprised this chapter didn't end in sex.

This isn't the first time Saburouta has trolled us and it probably won't be the last

joined Dec 23, 2014

I'm really surprised this chapter didn't end in sex.

This isn't the first time Saburouta has trolled us and it probably won't be the last

Thought the exact same thing..

joined Jul 29, 2017

I'm really surprised this chapter didn't end in sex.

First time? Don't worry--you'll get used to it.

At least they got home before they got too wet . . .

last edited at Jan 20, 2021 8:35AM

joined Feb 8, 2019

I'm really surprised this chapter didn't end in sex.

I'm pretty sure this was sarcasm.

Anyway, who cares about sex - what's more important, shouldn't this chapter be censored for all that hand-holding lewdness? I'm pretty sure there are minors in here.

last edited at Jan 20, 2021 8:47AM

joined Dec 4, 2017

and here on your left, we have top yuzu in her natural habitat

joined Nov 24, 2017

Why do I even bother looking at this series periodically? Nothing's ever going to happen. I guess I like beating myself over the head with how gullible I can be.

joined Jun 17, 2016

At the page where Yuzu told Mai to lay on the bed AND with her back on it: "this ain't happening, so probably hickeys."
At the last two pages: "Yep, hickey indeed. :)"

joined Mar 1, 2018

Wait. Does this mean that Yuzu actually took Mei's ring by accident? Causing Mei to -- gasp HOW COULD SHE. But all is well that ends well I guess

last edited at Jan 20, 2021 9:56AM

and here on your left, we have top yuzu in her natural habitat


joined Oct 22, 2018

As always, the credit pages are the best ones.

joined Jun 25, 2019

joined May 16, 2012

so it was Yuzu who took the ring XD and wow that scene... mei look so hot and horny >///< how can yuzu not do anything at that moment!!!! sigh sad that sadist Sabu won't give me what I want to see... it's been years Sabu! these delaying tactics are not what I sign up for... I'm not an M sabu

joined Dec 18, 2013

I for one, am really pleased that they could just talk it out. That's a huge improvement over how their relationship during citrus and a clear example of their growth both as characters and as a couple.

Also goddammit Yuzu, you useless lesbian, why did you take Mei's ring?

joined Dec 5, 2018

so it was Yuzu who took the ring XD and wow that scene... mei look so hot and horny >///< how can yuzu not do anything at that moment!!!! sigh sad that sadist Sabu won't give me what I want to see... it's been years Sabu! these delaying tactics are not what I sign up for... I'm not an M sabu

because Yuzu is a useless lesbian, you forget that ? XD

joined May 14, 2017

Gua kira bakalan gunting²an



joined Dec 13, 2017


I knew we won't get any sex scene, but I really hoped for one. I guess Saburouta won't stop with the trolling anytime soon, eh? (Well, at least we got to see Mei being all sexy and stuff so fine by me.)

On that note, I can't believe Yuzu has been staying in the same room, sleeping on the same bed with the most attractive girl imo in Yuri manga for nearly 2 years and she still hasn't gone past making out and giving hickeys. I wouldn't last a week.

joined Oct 16, 2013

This chapter was really cute. I'm glad they properly talked it out and very fast too.

joined Jul 11, 2019

I'm really surprised this chapter didn't end in sex.

This isn't the first time Saburouta has trolled us and it probably won't be the last

Sabu didn't even let Mei and Yuzu consecrate their own marriage, in the Volume 10 Special. You really think she'll make em have sex, especially during a much less important time than their own marriage?

joined Sep 11, 2014

Anything further is off the table until yuzu cuts those nails of hers lol

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