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joined Sep 4, 2020

Kinda sad not gonna lie

joined Feb 6, 2013

This might get angsty... ;; I'm not ready.

joined Sep 13, 2020


joined Sep 4, 2020

oh.. this looks nice

joined Dec 29, 2019

I'm already sold.

joined Oct 26, 2016

That was a cute little metaphor.

joined Feb 17, 2013

Not really been following this till now- can I assume whether someone is suitable or wants to be either a lead or a follower is tied to if they are a dominante or submissive kind of person?

joined Dec 20, 2018

Suddenly, it's a food manga.

joined Oct 1, 2020

Man, Shion's really not making a good case for herself. She probably has a good reason for ditching Alice Margatroid (whether it's because she's got an inferiority complex, is projecting her lack of enthusiasm, or simply wants Kiiki to find a partner she genuinely has fun with). She knows Kiiki isn't good with confrontations and gets easily depressed, and actively exploits this to avoid talking about why she left her high and dry. She'll need one hell of a motive (and a redemption arc) to put all this in perspective.

joined Jan 4, 2014

Not really been following this till now- can I assume whether someone is suitable or wants to be either a lead or a follower is tied to if they are a dominante or submissive kind of person?

Based on my own somewhat limited experience, but also from the statements of some of my friends who dance competitively, it's not quite that simple. At a certain level both partners will know how to dance either role. In traditional m-f pairings, it is expected that the man leads, but at a competition the two will subtly pass it back and forth in order to preserve energy. Leading is physically more taxing, and while a good pairing is way more efficient, it can still make sense to share the load a bit. Has to be done carefully though, as judges may strike off marks if it is obvious that the woman is leading. Generally also fun to pass back and forth if one of the two is significantly better -- had that with a friend of mine, where I was leading in our f-f pairing, but when we were getting boxed in, she just said "hold on for a moment", and we were suddenly on the other half of the dancefloor.

TL/DR: not that simple. You can have dominant followers etc.

joined Feb 17, 2013

^Thanks for the info- I'd gather then if its 'not that simple'- that it DOES follow to a degree in FF pairs where you have no obviously asigned gender role, that on balance the lead will often be taller and the more dominant? It will come through in the dances energy and give a better performance when they are more suitable to a role- even if they trade now and then or one is better.

@Kirin LOL- I was thinking she looks just like Alice too!

last edited at Dec 22, 2020 2:11PM

joined Jun 5, 2016

^Thanks for the info- I'd gather then if its 'not that simple'- that it DOES follow to a degree in FF pairs where you have no obviously asigned gender role, that on balance the lead will often be taller and the more dominant? It will come through in the dances energy and give a better performance when they are more suitable to a role- even if they trade now and then or one is better.

I didn't think it was too much more complex than "tall girl always gets the male/lead role because she's tall". In this case it's also cuz the tall girl hates being so tall and wants to be small and cute. So the fun in the story is that a very smol girl is stepping in and stepping up and making her feel that way. At least that's my read.

last edited at Dec 22, 2020 2:34PM

joined Feb 28, 2015

Eeeeeeeeeh kinda meh really underwhelming \ really meh but I still kinda like it and it seems nice

last edited at Dec 22, 2020 4:48PM

joined Mar 19, 2019

It feels like they're arguing who's the top and who's the bottom. The black haired girl demands to be a top and the tall one is secretly a bottom

last edited at Dec 22, 2020 5:06PM

joined Feb 12, 2016

as a 180cm girl I'm mad that she called 172cm tall

It's definitely tall for Japan, Japan's average is like 150cm for women.

I'm in a similar situation, my country's average is about 156cm for women and men's is like 167cm or so. I always have been tall, even since kindergarten I was always the tallest one all the way up to high school, I got bullied for it as a kid though so that made me pretty self conscious about my height and try to make myself smaller without noticing hahaha. Today I'm about 182cm and that's as far as it will go since I'm already 23. To everyone else in my country I'm super tall but in Latvia i.e I'd be kinda normal since women's average there is around 170cm.

Honestly it sucks being a tall woman in a country of small people, back problems and I have to shop for "men's" clothes so that they fit me well, people looking at me weird (F anxiety), even when it comes to dating it can suck, like, it would be going well and then some women would later say we weren't a good fit physically 'cuz they were kind of "intimidated" by my height and they prefer being the taller one (as stupid as that is but it's typical of butches for the most part so, meh) or they associate being tall as a "men's characteristic" that would turn them off. So, honestly, it's really refreshing to see a story were one of the women is tall and is self-conscious about it or had to leave some things behind because of it, usually they all portray it as cool or hot for height difference. This one's relatable to me.

I await the day my 5'4 self finds a cute really tall girl thats actually a yuri girl, but eh

Also, I do think this manga exaggerates a bit, but so far the various themes seem nice. I hope it isn't too predictable

joined Feb 16, 2018

She has a small stature with a strong spirit, like Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

LOL i am fucking dead, thank you for this amazing comment

joined Jun 22, 2018

tall girls, both cute and cool, are a treasure and must be protecc
can say this as a 184 tall one, though I'm much more cool than cute.

Also, the art is looking really good, even if I'm not entirely sure how compelling the drama of this one will be.

joined Aug 19, 2019

Dew It!

This is all because you're shorter than me

What are you trying to say?

Lmao that was kinda funny, but of course mean. Though it was really cute the way they made up, shared that umbrella and sorta bonded in Kiiki's room. Can't wait to see more of that, them strengthening their bond and their love for dance together.

joined Feb 18, 2015

As a short person, I can speak from experience. Dancing with taller girls is the best!

joined Dec 23, 2020

mygod this is so cute tall woman wanting to be more femme <3

joined Mar 23, 2019

Let's feel that magic in the air once again. I wanna see tall girl be bottom and float on cloud 9.

joined Feb 17, 2013

Im glad i wasn't drinking when I read the credit page lol.

joined Mar 20, 2021

We need an international childhood friend appreciation day

joined Apr 20, 2013

I was thinking "what the heck? are all my previous comments on this manga deleted?!" but I guess they must've been in Mangadex =_= but yeah I like this very much!

"She could've tried outside the school with a male lead" LOL this super simple solution didn't even cross my mind for even a second, but there's a reason why she can't, I'm glad that reason favors the yuri!

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