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joined Oct 1, 2020

One person's scenic retreat is another's slasher movie. Such is life. I'm not sure if Yatsude or Tsubaki would be the likeliest serial killer among the cast though. The former could serve as the horny chick that gets murdered first, and the latter has some very innocent, honest final survivor qualities.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

I do wonder why Yatsude talks like a southerner...does she have a Kansai Dialect and the Scanlators have translated it with a Southern Accent?

The choice of a southern US accent has never made sense to me. Kansai dialect is noticeably faster than others, but southerners talk slower than northerners in the US. The single reasoning I've ever heard is that both Kansai and southern dialects are the second most plentiful as far as the number of people who use them (this was years ago, so those numbers could very well be off now). It would make more sense (to me at least) to use a dialect that replicates the feeling of Kansai, rather than the number of people using it. Something like a Boston accent or New York accent would more accurately convey the fast-paced, pronunciation-bending feel. Being able to consistently convey that through only text would be another matter, though.

When discussing Kansai with some just earlier today, I said almost this exact same thing (or tried to, anyway). Spot on! And what a great follow-up this comment had, too!

last edited at Nov 30, 2020 10:18PM

joined Oct 26, 2020

I'm a Korean so I dont truly undertand each country's regionalism but I thought 'Kansai=Southern US' cliche is somewhat accurate.

I didnt know about the pronunciation stuff but in cultural aspect, Kanto/Kansai rivarly is similar to Yankee/Redneck you know...

joined Jul 5, 2020

Did anyone else notice that the Inn's name includes the word "Yuri"? (海百合館).

joined Oct 26, 2020

Did anyone else notice that the Inn's name includes the word "Yuri"? (海百合館).

And the mistress looks like a character from mochi-au-lait's Kagaya inn(yuri natsu) lol

joined Oct 26, 2016

Did anyone else notice that the Inn's name includes the word "Yuri"? (海百合館).

And the mistress looks like a character from mochi-au-lait's Kagaya inn(yuri natsu) lol

Yuri SOL cinematic universe

joined Oct 1, 2020

Did anyone else notice that the Inn's name includes the word "Yuri"? (海百合館).

And the mistress looks like a character from mochi-au-lait's Kagaya inn(yuri natsu) lol

Every day, we grow closer to realizing that all yuri stories are set within the same universe. I, for one, like to think that all the abandoned, lonely childhood friend lesbians shall one day meet Touma-kun

joined Nov 30, 2016

For any scanlators out there that are interested in breaking the mold for dealing with dialects, i suggest checking out Working by Studs Terkel. The interviews transcribed in it capture regional, class, age, and education based dialects across America, which opens up authentic character voices already usable for written speech. Got an old rural character? The grandmother matriarch from a mining town in Appalachia is your woman! A JK with barely a high school education? Check out the high class escort. Dialogue is the opportunity for a character to be expressive, but character voices in manga are so bland and similar as it is with only canned archetypes as variation. But scanlators aren't professionals and professionals translate safely to keep jobs, so... we should take more risks

Well, all of that is really just leading me up to saying my favorite is that touhou doujin where the oni spoke Welsh. Now that was fun

joined Feb 9, 2019

Haaaah. It's back <3

joined Apr 4, 2014

So these chapters aren't part of volume 4? How long would it take to finish the volume when it hasn't even started??? Ningiyau pls...impatience aside it was a pretty funny chapter.

joined Jan 2, 2017

Well, all of that is really just leading me up to saying my favorite is that touhou doujin where the oni spoke Welsh. Now that was fun

Got a name or link?

joined Nov 24, 2017

Kanto/Kansai rivarly is similar to Yankee/Redneck you know...

It's not, though. Kansai dialect is not equivalent to slow-talking country bumpkin at all. Both areas are metropolitan areas, and the two most populous ones in Japan, at that. A more apt comparison would be the New York / L.A. rivalry.

To be fair, though, there isn't an actual perfect 1:1 comparison between Kanto / Kansai and any two US regions.

last edited at Dec 1, 2020 12:58AM

joined Feb 22, 2018

Kanto/Kansai rivarly is similar to Yankee/Redneck you know...

It's not, though. Kansai dialect is not equivalent to slow-talking country bumpkin at all. Both areas are metropolitan areas, and the two most populous ones in Japan, at that. A more apt comparison would be the New York / L.A. rivalry.

To be fair, though, there isn't an actual perfect 1:1 comparison between Kanto / Kansai and any two US regions.

When AD Vision dubbed Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi (set in Osaka) they used actors from the Houston area (ADV's home), giving it an East Texas twang.

joined Nov 24, 2017

When AD Vision dubbed Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi (set in Osaka) they used actors from the Houston area (ADV's home), giving it an East Texas twang.

Nazis and Romans in movies inexplicably have British accents, too. What's your point? Using what you're familiar with instead of attempting to understand the source just shows a superficial understanding and lack of care for the source material on the part of a lot of companies who have localized anime and manga.

joined Oct 28, 2016

The choice of a southern US accent has never made sense to me. Kansai dialect is noticeably faster than others, but southerners talk slower than northerners in the US. The single reasoning I've ever heard is that both Kansai and southern dialects are the second most plentiful as far as the number of people who use them (this was years ago, so those numbers could very well be off now). It would make more sense (to me at least) to use a dialect that replicates the feeling of Kansai, rather than the number of people using it. Something like a Boston accent or New York accent would more accurately convey the fast-paced, pronunciation-bending feel. Being able to consistently convey that through only text would be another matter, though.

The choice boils down to their similarities in the place of origin. Kansai is usually describe as more rural and suburban than tokyo, to the point that whenever farms are mentioned in anime or manga, it is almost always in Kansai/Osaka, similar to how farming is a lot more prominent in southern U.S. While semantically it would sound closer to other accents, the vibe it would give off would be quite different.

joined Apr 4, 2014

So Yatsude would be more like "Ey im walkin ere"? That's cool.

joined Oct 1, 2020

So Yatsude would be more like "Ey im walkin ere"? That's cool.

"Spwead teh neuuuhs, Ah'm cumin' 'ooome, Neeeu Yahwk, Neeeu Yahwk."

joined Feb 14, 2018

and on the secondd page why does kei look like she's having a stroke

last edited at Dec 1, 2020 4:40AM

joined Mar 31, 2017

So these chapters aren't part of volume 4? How long would it take to finish the volume when it hasn't even started??? Ningiyau pls...impatience aside it was a pretty funny chapter.

They will be in volume 4 but volume 4 isn't out yet. Maybe "next spring" was a bit optimistic for it since there's been a considerable hiatus after volume 3.

joined Oct 22, 2018


joined Jul 25, 2020


joined Jul 7, 2019

Didn't expect to see a new chapter till next spring, a suprise to be sure but a welcome one

joined Jan 24, 2018

So Yatsude would be more like "Ey im walkin ere"? That's cool.

Haaaah! That's the accent they end up with in my head, sounding like a yokel never worked for me. You can make em sound however you like in your head! I'm just stoked there's people out there translating this stuff

last edited at Dec 1, 2020 8:28AM

Firefly Fanatic
joined Feb 22, 2019

I wanna see more serious Yokoe and just more Yasude in general

joined Nov 21, 2020

So these chapters aren't part of volume 4? How long would it take to finish the volume when it hasn't even started??? Ningiyau pls...impatience aside it was a pretty funny chapter.

They will be in volume 4 but volume 4 isn't out yet. Maybe "next spring" was a bit optimistic for it since there's been a considerable hiatus after volume 3.

I'm surprised nobody seems to have mentioned this yet, but Ningiyau Tweeted a while ago about the reason for the hiatus. Apparently volume 3 was crowdfunded, and the sponsors were promised specially drawn illustrations in return, but there turned out to be more of them than expected, so she's been spending all her time drawing those instead of getting on with the manga. She's a victim of her own success.

It says there are more details in the image, but I'm too lazy to attempt a translation. Any chance of a summary, mycro?

Also, to commemorate its return, I've temporarily replaced the gecko.

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