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joined Oct 15, 2016

You know, if you ignore the very out of left field mystery murder plot, this story has been really good so far. There's drama, side characters relationships being developed and the main couple is also getting nice development. I really like the how everything is going so far. Let's hope the murder mystery doesn't ruin the vibes in future chapters.

joined Oct 1, 2020

I'm guessing the murder mystery will be one of those 'I didn't actually do anything, but feel guilty because I couldn't stop bad shit from happening, so is it okay for me to be this happy?' variety.

Though it'd be hilarious if the Prez was actually a murderer and the Miko forgives her for it, because nothing says 'Come Rain or Shine' like sticking with your girlfriend while she's on the run for homicide.

joined Nov 24, 2017

I'm guessing the murder mystery will be one of those 'I didn't actually do anything, but feel guilty because I couldn't stop bad shit from happening, so is it okay for me to be this happy?' variety.

Exactly what I was thinking. Her father might have died while doing something she asked him to do, and she blames herself. Or some freak accident happened that nobody could have predicted. Whatever it is, the fact that she feels so terrible about it and it's affected her entire personality seems enough for me to believe she didn't straight up murder him.

joined Apr 19, 2018

I wasn't actually liking it before they really toned done the comedy, I do still miss it, but they are doing good with the plot/romance for the past 2 chapters
I'm feeling this one now
Pumped up for this now

joined Nov 24, 2017

Comedies aren't supposed to make you cry....

joined Aug 11, 2019

We thought Pengin was pushing progress at rocket speed due to her singlemindedness, but actually it was her pent up feelings as she has been staying by Shishimaru's side and watching her all this time. So sweet.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Yeah dunno, call me insenstitive but i can't care enough for the two of them to appreciate the chapter.

joined Apr 20, 2013

TctyaDDK posted:

We thought Pengin was pushing progress at rocket speed due to her singlemindedness, but actually it was her pent up feelings as she has been staying by Shishimaru's side and watching her all this time. So sweet.

Seriously, the author played the cards very well with this ship, I get why they did what they did and now they're on the same page and it was so nice... Now, I want Penguin to know the whole story and why her gf was "reborn" that should be very sweet !!!!

joined Aug 1, 2015

Some great art this chapter. The title page was very striking and the rest of the chapter kept that. Arata Iri is so good at conveying a character's multitude of emotions with just a single panel.

Also. that hug. I'm crying the the club right now

joined Apr 2, 2020

Great writing wow... i’m kinda impressed

joined Oct 1, 2020

"Mayday, Roger, we're recording critical levels of lesbian activity within this highschool. Lesbians on roofs, lesbians in the mess hall, lesbians in the faculty room, lesbians in corridors, lesbians on the move, lesbians moving on, and don't even get me started on the lesbians in the closets."

On a more serious note, though, I really liked how intense this chapter was willing to get. Shishimaru's suicidal tendencies were dealt with in an appropriately nuanced manner, Pengin is a wonderful mess, and our main couple made strides as well, even if they were in the opposite direction from each other. We've sure come a long way from all the complaints about how the author might pad and bloat the story with side characters- right now, they stand perfectly on their own, have compelling narratives, set up decent parallels with the leads, temper the overall mood with both heavy emotions and comic relief as required, and lend the school a wonderful sense of liveliness and habitation, as opposed to being a space full of faceless characters intended solely to frame our leads. This is auxiliary character writing at its best, and I'm amazed how far the author has come from Tovarisch, where I couldn't even tell who was who. Lastly, I loved that scene where Shishimaru gets flustered in the middle of her planning when Pengin draws too close- those subtle, Did I leave the stove on at ho- oh shit, I'm gay moments really lend a sense of physicality to the scene, as if these characters are spontaneously interacting and reacting to each other's presences instead of robotically mouthing their lines in the limbo of a black-and-white panel.

The anticipation for Mikoto and Nekozaki to finally talk about the kiss is quite literally killing me.

joined Oct 22, 2018


joined Sep 6, 2018

This went from, “shoujo manga tropes in a slice of life setting,” to “hyper-repressed lesbians with serious issues are soft and panicky together and some background fuckery is afoot” real fast.

Man, the emotions are so vivid, and there’s so much more to the side characters than one would initially think. I always love it when authors are like, “haha, unsatisfying anime trope” and then “we’re going fucking deep now kiddos” all of a sudden, and break out of the mold with something original and informed by life.

I have to say, the moment when nervous Mikoto gets into that bed, and is swamped by the feelings she doesn’t understand and gets all blinky-eyed and lovestruck and puddl-y, and she’s like, “I might have stopped seeing Nekozaki as a friend. And I want to go deeper in,” I was like, “oh fuck, it’s going down.” Most satisfying to thing to my gay hindbrain that I’ve seen like all year. Very nice, very nice.

I’m really loving the trend lately of yuri that establishes its dynamic and what’s allowed, much the way real life has its sort of rules of social conduct, and then pushes through and under that and lets things happen. It’s like, “oh, you thought we were keeping this PG/light/plausibly deniable platonic? Nah, the publishers weren’t telling us to do that, it was an artistic choice to set you up for this shit right here.” It’s got this exciting sense of realism, doesn’t it?

last edited at Nov 9, 2020 6:34PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

It’s got this exciting sense of realism, doesn’t it?

Not really

joined Feb 21, 2020

This went from, “shoujo manga tropes in a slice of life setting,” to “hyper-repressed with serious issues are soft and panicky together and some background fuckery is afoot” real fast.

Man, the emotions are so vivid, and there’s so much more to the side characters than one would initially think. I always love it when authors are like, “haha, unsatisfying anime trope” and then “we’re going fucking deep now kiddos” all of a sudden, and break out of the mold with something original and informed by life.

I have to say, the moment when nervous Mikoto gets into that bed, and is swamped by the feelings she doesn’t understand and gets all blinky-eyed and lovestruck and puddl-y, and she’s like, “I might have stopped seeing Nekozaki as a friend. And I want to go deeper in,” I was like, “oh fuck, it’s going down.” Most satisfying to thing to my gay hindbrain that I’ve seen like all year. Very nice, very nice.

I’m really loving the trend lately of yuri that establishes its dynamic and what’s allowed, much the way real life has its sort of rules of social conduct, and then pushes through and under that and lets things happen. It’s like, “oh, you thought we were keeping this PG/light/plausibly deniable platonic? Nah, the publishers weren’t telling us to do that, it was an artistic choice to set you up for this shit right here.” It’s got this exciting sense of realism, doesn’t it?

Everything about this comment is epic and I agree with it.

joined Jan 31, 2015

I stepped away for like two chapters, and... What the hell happened in here?!?!?

joined Jul 26, 2016

I stepped away for like two chapters, and... What the hell happened in here?!?!?

h e a v y b a c k s t o r y

joined Jan 30, 2013

I didnt realize shishimaru was so tall lmaooo

joined Dec 27, 2019

Holy sht... Shishimaru thank you for hanging on, it doesn't matter why or how you did it, what does matter is that you now have a better support to start moving on, give ur gf a chance lol

joined Feb 1, 2020

That was a very nice hug :3 I forgot how small Pengin was lol

joined Sep 6, 2018

It’s got this exciting sense of realism, doesn’t it?

Not really

It’s fine if you don’t like something, but does this contribute to the discussion?

Well, I’ll use this as a chance to refine my thinking anyway. Okay, realism is perhaps not the right word. The stuff that happens here resonates on an emotional level (maybe not with everybody) but yes, it certainly isn’t trying for verisimilitude; it’s presenting a fictionalized version of these emotions.

What I mean by “exciting sense of realism,” is how it evokes that wobbly feeling when you get close to someone you are crushing on; the “oh shit, wait, something could actually happen here?” feeling, or the roiling and breaking of sexual and romantic tension. It’s the feeling of when you’re out with a girl you get along well with, and think is kind of cute but is unavailable, and while you’re sitting on a bench she puts her hand on yours and leans in and you sort of jump, and you think “is this happening?? Is this allowed?”

I think a lot of it is about the way this new wave of works plays with genre. We are used to—or at least I am—manga that keep romantic subplots in motionless gay baby jail forever, that don’t have the guts or the permission to resolve or progress things. We’re used to those unsatisfying boundaries, so when a work calls them to mind—and then transgresses them—it’s like that feeling of “girls? Real girls? And they kiss me??” Which is inherently satisfying, especially to all us internet-going queer ladies who are too used to the taste of disappointment.

joined Apr 23, 2016

gaaahhh gay panic

man this story's so cute. i wonder what's gonna happen with that murder thing though; that was definitely an unexpected issue. not sure when the author's gonna bring that back up though, since it's a gay panic spree with these latter chapters lol.

joined Nov 9, 2020

hi guys

joined Feb 17, 2019

Blessed chapter

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