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joined Aug 1, 2015

Gotta love it when the slow burn finally pays off. Thank you to Kirin-kun for getting the chapters translated into English so quickly for us. Seriously, weekly uploads for 3 years while translating other series too is no joke, even if its just 4 pages.

joined Aug 1, 2015

It's nice to see these two again. Feels like meeting an old friend for the first time in a while.

Reliance discussion 13 Apr 00:50
joined Aug 1, 2015

The Shiki residence is very lively lol

Reliance discussion 07 Apr 12:39
joined Aug 1, 2015

Wow, some really great panels this chapter. I love the focus on hands. Clasping, holding or letting go.

This manga is so fun to read. Love how overdramatic it is

It really gets how dramatic interpersonal difficulties can feel in middle school. These chapters are cleverly in Tachibana's (over)zealous perspective most of the time, so an objective frame of reference that could bring her feelings into ugly melodrama territory is obfuscated. If Tachibana wasn't the MC and alternatively was introduced from another character's perspective, she would've been annoying to deal with as a reader. Kind of like how Shiki was to many readers in the original run of 14-sai no Koi. It really shows how much the mangaka has evolved since then.

And now that I'm thinking about it, it's fun to see the similarities between Shiki at the beginning of 14-sai no Koi and Tachibana. Shiki had a lot more self-awareness, but Tachibana is less shrewd in her attempts to get closer to her crush. Maybe Tachibana can be this forward with her infatuation because she lacks that same awareness of her romantic feelings? I can't wait to see what happens when she finally achieves gay enlightenment lol. She's getting there! Slowly but surely!

Reliance discussion 21 Dec 18:41
joined Aug 1, 2015

I really love how much Tachibana is like a jealous puppy, desperate for attention from her owner. Her face lights up instantly from so little as a glance from Shiki.

joined Aug 1, 2015

now kiss

joined Aug 1, 2015

Very excited for this! I needed another OL yuri now that Still Sick is finished.

joined Aug 1, 2015

Some great art this chapter. The title page was very striking and the rest of the chapter kept that. Arata Iri is so good at conveying a character's multitude of emotions with just a single panel.

Also. that hug. I'm crying the the club right now

joined Aug 1, 2015

Happy birthday! 10 years went by in a flash.

School Zone discussion 01 Jul 17:02
joined Aug 1, 2015

Tomboy, height gap AND childhood friends? The planets have finally aligned. This is going to be a fun read.

joined Aug 1, 2015

Mentioning the heart stone gave me intense Girlfiriends nostalgia. Hell Nanoha and Chidori already look like Akko and Mari, this has got to be an intentional homage/reference to it.

joined Aug 1, 2015

Thanks for the update, really appreciate all of you for keeping this series going.

Image Comments 05 Jul 19:37
joined Aug 1, 2015


joined Aug 1, 2015

those were some pretty backgrounds, love the style.

joined Aug 1, 2015

very wholesome.

Citrus + discussion 18 Dec 17:03
joined Aug 1, 2015

Now with 2000% more kissing?

hopefully lol

it's no surprise citrus got a sequel seeing how popular it is, I'm looking forward to see where this story goes.

joined Aug 1, 2015

looks promising, I like how angular Azuma's face is.

Image Comments 24 Nov 22:28
joined Aug 1, 2015

oh i see it now, i thought it was part of her nose lol
time to get my iq checked!

Image Comments 24 Nov 22:15
joined Aug 1, 2015

what does the seemingly random "drip" speech bubble mean? am i just dumb and missed something?

Image Comments 24 Nov 22:05
joined Aug 1, 2015

@katewarner that's what I assumed too. i love hidden gems like this pic on this site, its kinda refreshing

Image Comments 24 Nov 21:56
joined Aug 1, 2015

are we just gonna ignore that the landscape behind them is deteriorating? lol

joined Aug 1, 2015

I love that Maho is drawn as being fairly muscular, instead of lazily having the same body type. Her and Darjeeling look really good together!

Came here to say this. The default "fluffy" body type get boring after awhile

joined Aug 1, 2015

How is this still tagged as yuri?

Because Jun exists.

(To the original commenter: This isn't directed at you specifically- this is a question I think a lot of people have asked, so I am just offering my view in general, not trying to call anyone out or start an argument.)

Jun is a big part of it, but I do think there's more to the yuri than that. One of the reasons HxB has always been one of my favorite manga is because its way of handling girls who love girls is so unorthodox. When interviewed, Hayashiya said she doesn't even think about creating "yuri". Since she was young, "yuri and gay have just existed within her like air". To me, that's a pretty good description for how HxB does things. At its core it's not a romance, so it never establishes a romantic mood. At the same time, it portrays lesbian sexual desire through characters like Jun and Hayate, obvious crushes between young women, and a couple who can only be described as life partners (Kaicho and Miyamoto). The shinyuu system is an obvious parallel to marriage. The crushes tend to develop a lot over time, even though it's subtle, and although those crushes aren't the main plot points, they heavily influence the characters' actions. It doesn't get brought into the spotlight, but I've come to love that over the years. Hayashiya incorporates all of this into her stories by treating this love between women as though it's the most normal thing in the world, to the point where we see the kind of slapstick you would normally only see in comedic situations between heterosexual couples. When characters comment "that's gross" when Jun or Hayate say something sexual, imagine Jun and Hayate as guys and tell me that they wouldn't get the exact same response. Having lesbian attraction, both sexual and romantic, be subjected to the same standards as heterosexual attraction is really refreshing, for me at least.

Long story short, I think you're right that HxB isn't exactly yuri. It's just really really gay, and as a lesbian, I love the fact that HxB allows so many girls who like girls to exist outside of a romance setting, because we do exist outside of our relationships. But since Dynasty doesn't really have a tag that can describe that, the closest we can get is the yuri tag. And I think it's really important that the gay aspects of this manga be expressed through that tag, because they are an important part of it.

You pretty much hit the ball on why I enjoy this manga so much. It's not a romance manga, it's an action/comedy manga. The action is top notch + actually funny slapstick humour? not to mention 99% of the characters are hella gay. It's an enjoyable series even without the snippets of romance, but it's definitely the flavourful icing on the cake that makes HxB so wonderful.

Citrus discussion 18 Jun 10:08
joined Aug 1, 2015

Harumi and Yuzu definitely have more chemistry than Yuzu and Mei. Overall this series felt pretty shallow with some crappy drama that left a sour taste in my mouth. It's nice to see a serial series coming to a close though, even if it was pretty mediocre imo.

joined Aug 1, 2015

Damn, lets hope this is the last of the biphobia in this comment thread, I don't want to read any more comments like this. Pure lesbians lmao

No wanting hetero or bi relationships in your yuri story is not really biphobia.

this is last thing im going to say about this, but saying that is what makes you biphobic. people are bisexual irl and their sexuality should be respected even in yuri. Let us enjoy our Korean yuri without your "pure lesbian" rulebook.