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joined Aug 19, 2019

Got my hopes up in the beginning for a sec and once again near the end but then i'm like "nahhhhh they wouldn't do it yet"

Also lol Ayaka slowly realizing she's gay.

joined Jan 14, 2020

Normal manga: We want to be together, but our parents/society/personal situations won't let us.
This manga: The entire multiverse is on wingman duty, but we've still got doubts.

Heh. Like the mom who "forgot" to turn on the rice cooker.

This title is crossings streams with "Even if it was just once" in my mind, though.

joined Mar 2, 2020

It'd be hilarious if the mom joins the group on their beach trip and teams up with the two friends to get Sora and Ayaka to start dating.

It'd be hilarious if the mom joins the group on their beach trip and teams up with the two friends to get Sora and Ayaka to start dating.

Yes indeed

joined Nov 13, 2018

thank you for ayaka's mom

joined Jun 6, 2013

God this manga is so good.

joined Sep 27, 2020

Me lowkey wishing Ayaka and Sora were caught in the act and Ayaka out of her wits trying to explain herself.

joined May 1, 2018


joined Sep 6, 2015

You are gay, Ayaka.

joined Jul 25, 2020

She's fucking hold herself back and nooooooo

joined Dec 20, 2018

Someone wants to kiss. :D

joined Oct 22, 2018

It just keeps getting better.

joined Nov 24, 2017

This is moving faster than I ever expected after the sudden braking last chapter. With any luck they'll be drowning in their own gayness before the beach arc is over.

joined Oct 22, 2018

I really hope that them finally officially becoming a couple won't be the end of the manga.

joined Jul 1, 2018

Me lowkey wishing Ayaka and Sora were caught in the act and Ayaka out of her wits trying to explain herself.


joined Nov 14, 2014

Damn this chapter was just GREAT! For me, this manga is way better than say Adachi to Shimamura. Imagine having an anime of this manga!


joined Sep 7, 2016

Damn this chapter was just GREAT! For me, this manga is way better than say Adachi to Shimamura. Imagine having an anime of this manga!


Yup, not trying to hate on Adachi to Shimamura but I dont understand the hype behind it. Maybe I should start reading the light novel instead of the manga because I'm just not feeling it

joined Oct 22, 2018

Damn this chapter was just GREAT! For me, this manga is way better than say Adachi to Shimamura. Imagine having an anime of this manga!


Yup, not trying to hate on Adachi to Shimamura but I dont understand the hype behind it. Maybe I should start reading the light novel instead of the manga because I'm just not feeling it

I've just finished reading volume 2 of the novel, but I think I can already highly recommend it.

joined Sep 5, 2019

Normal manga: We want to be together, but our parents/society/personal situations won't let us.
This manga: The entire multiverse is on wingman duty, but we've still got doubts.

Heh. Like the mom who "forgot" to turn on the rice cooker.

This title is crossings streams with "Even if it was just once" in my mind, though.

I forgot those two were different and wondered why she invited her to her house even though they lived together

so much yuri shares the black haired MC and blonde love interest I swear, this, "even if it was just one, i regret it", "citrus", "futaribeya", "futari monologue", "fuzoroi no renri" probably lots more

joined Jul 29, 2020

I really hope that them finally officially becoming a couple won't be the end of the manga.

yup, me too

joined Mar 6, 2020

When Honda was on top of Ayaka i screamed so loud that my mom came yell at me bruh

last edited at Oct 24, 2020 3:46PM

joined Oct 1, 2020

Damn this chapter was just GREAT! For me, this manga is way better than say Adachi to Shimamura. Imagine having an anime of this manga!


Yup, not trying to hate on Adachi to Shimamura but I dont understand the hype behind it. Maybe I should start reading the light novel instead of the manga because I'm just not feeling it

Considering that the light novel is paced slower than War and Peace being read out by one of those faulty text-to-speech Windows systems from the 2000s, I don't think your opinion of it would improve too much. I like AdaShima, but only in small doses, because binging it makes me realize how little actually happens, whilst reading bits and pieces ensures that you'll never get anywhere. It's one of those novels that seems immensely relatable to some people and suffocatingly pointless to others, especially because the author seems to have a personal grudge against the Show, Don't Tell rule. I personally feel like the manga are the best formats for consuming the story, because they cut out a lot of the more meandering segments and use expressions and panelling to convey information far more efficiently than fifteen-page text blocks debating the social dynamics of hypothetical phone calls to not-quite friends at two in the night in the unique liminal space that is winter break in the second year of highschool in a prefecture with close-knit community sentiments best seen in restaurants that offer generous part time jobs to girls looking to buy hypothetical gifts for the girls they kindasorta have crushes on as a result of their shared backgrounds, foregrounds, middle grounds and playgrounds, even if their sentiments aren't grounded in reality or the clichés of instant, love-at-first-sight works in the yuri genre, which are- wait, what was AdaShima about again?

TL;DR: AdaShima has ridiculous amounts of slow-burn and navel-gazing in every medium, so the only choice you have is the degree of slow burning you'll be subjecting yourself to. And again, I'm saying this as someone who actually likes the damn story.

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

They’re playing gay chicken and at least one of them doesn’t realize it yet

joined Oct 20, 2017

TL;DR: AdaShima has ridiculous amounts of slow-burn and navel-gazing in every medium, so the only choice you have is the degree of slow burning you'll be subjecting yourself to. And again, I'm saying this as someone who actually likes the damn story.

This is true, and I actually happen to like the novels too. I prefer romance between characters who already know each other, and I also like long conversations, monologues and tangents, which are harder to do in manga. Adashima happens to fall into this niche, so even though I consider it pretty flawed, I'm still compelled to care about it. The anime could iron out these wrinkles and become the best version of the story, but there's no way to know yet.

joined Apr 27, 2018

I feel like the blackmail tag us kinda unnecessary... I mean the blackmail is really only in the first few chapters.

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