Forum › Even If It Was Just Once, I Regret It discussion

joined Oct 23, 2016

I came to look at how sad everyone felt for landlady thinking the confession was fake, only to see a thread on politics and other serious shit.

Like guys, calm down, its just a manga and a cute one at that. Leave that shit for a reddit thread. Ya'll killing the whole vibe.

last edited at Aug 11, 2020 1:48PM

joined Oct 28, 2016

This chapter, angst. Aaaangst. AAAANGSTT

joined Sep 6, 2018

This manga is actually super exciting because of how... real, it feels, for lack of a better word. Like, so many of the developments and emotions feel very earned, and so I can 100% get on board with them. Which is making the sort of unexpected blossomings of romantic and sexual attraction out of what appeared to be a cozy chill yuri with a very basic, consistent conceit satisfying (and... pretty hot ngl). It feels like it's breaking genre expectations, and the moments where it stands out (that handholding scene, and now recently, MC pinning miss landlady and thinking "I want to mess her up) sort of break past my jaded yuri barrier so that I feel like a teenager first discovering there's manga with girls kissing (and maybe doing more?)

I completely understand how people might be squicked out by the real-world implications of this manga, and I think that's a totally legitimate reaction and criticism to draw toward this series, but the writing, the art, and how they set up the relationship and play with expectations is next level. This is some good shit.

joined Apr 16, 2020

The big difference between fiction and real-life, of course, is that authors can give us access to the thoughts, feelings, and desires of all the characters, establishing their motivations and reactions. That’s why (to me) the arguments that “if this were real life, such-and-such action would be [some version of Not OK/criminal/abusive, etc.],” while often quite true, are of limited use in analyzing fictional narratives.

Even in a real world setting, there are people who will tell you they don't feel coerced or violated even though their friends would say otherwise. Are their feelings less valid than what their friends think or are they supposed to feel what their friends think? Obviously we can't do the above quote in real life, we can only be that friend; and we'll never understand another person's mechanisms unless we are them.

joined Sep 23, 2013

A lot of words...this manga has created controversies since the beginning. I really like this manga and its a bit sad that landlady does not acknowledge Kozuka’s feelings

joined Oct 9, 2019

This is getting more spicy.....I LIKE IT

joined Aug 17, 2012

Love the latest chapter and how the story is progressing

joined Dec 27, 2014

yes yes yes to all of this

joined Jul 31, 2019

The chapter was cute and all, but I can't help but be baffled by this panel:

I know it's probably supposed to be someone's legs but I swear the more I look at it, the less sense it makes, it looks more like some sort of sleeping aquatic creature with a weird hat

joined Jan 9, 2017

The chapter was cute and all, but I can't help but be baffled by this panel:

I know it's probably supposed to be someone's legs but I swear the more I look at it, the less sense it makes, it looks more like some sort of sleeping aquatic creature with a weird hat

Looks like an ant eater

Scissor me timbers!

Scissor me timbers indeed lmao, I was wonderin why the author made Miss Landlady sit like that to hold down her feet, cuz usually you'd be faced the other way to sit on someone's feet to hold em down, it was all for the ecchi chefs kiss I hope we get to see them reenact that for real in a chapter sometime.

joined Sep 19, 2017

Just please, moreeeeee

joined Jan 23, 2020

The chapter was cute and all, but I can't help but be baffled by this panel:

I know it's probably supposed to be someone's legs but I swear the more I look at it, the less sense it makes, it looks more like some sort of sleeping aquatic creature with a weird hat


joined Apr 30, 2020

That was just your normal safe for work exercising. Nothing sexual at all.

joined May 20, 2013

Ch. 13: Feet

joined Aug 21, 2020

Don't you hate it when you're just doing sit ups with your pal and you start accidentally scissoring?

joined Nov 24, 2017

Don't you hate it when you're just doing sit ups with your pal and you start accidentally scissoring?

Wait, you're supposed to make it look like an accident?

joined Jul 31, 2019

The chapter was cute and all, but I can't help but be baffled by this panel:

I know it's probably supposed to be someone's legs but I swear the more I look at it, the less sense it makes, it looks more like some sort of sleeping aquatic creature with a weird hat


... oh yeah it is a plushie, I can see it in previous chapters now :P never mind then

joined Jul 26, 2016

Kozuka: too stupid to Twice Shy
Landlady: too stupid to not Twice Shy

useless lesbians at their finest

joined Sep 6, 2018

(Ch. 13) I hope we don’t get into a holding pattern of rom-com hijinx now. Or actually, maybe that would be a good thing: I think the author is trying to re-establish the new state of their relationship as familiar, but this time with a lot more sexual tension, so when the next Big Thing really does happen, we’ll get some really hot payoff again.

joined Apr 1, 2014

We can say this count as sex...right?

joined Jan 27, 2019

that trope where they somehow fall into a sex position but this time it's a lesbian one, now i've seen it all

joined Jun 20, 2020

that trope where they somehow fall into a sex position but this time it's a lesbian one, now i've seen it all

joined Oct 4, 2018

The accidental scissoring is one thing but did landlady actually get off to just feeling Kozuka's feet move while dong sit ups?

I mean... That moan

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