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joined Nov 13, 2018

I just wanted to make this reference before anyone else did.

Eh, this much is normal.

joined Aug 15, 2020

them hating yatsude but also choosing to hang out with her is the most amusing shit lol

I don't think 'hating' is the right word here, it seems a bit too strong ^^"
She actually seems pretty decent when interacting with either of them. But she's also just a huge troll sometimes xD which is hilarious xD

last edited at Aug 25, 2020 5:36AM

joined Jul 25, 2020

Ya gotta pay for that, Yatsude..

joined Jul 25, 2020

them hating yatsude but also choosing to hang out with her is the most amusing shit lol

I don't think 'hating' is the right word here, it seems a bit too strong ^^"
She actually seems pretty decent when interacting with either of them. But she's also just a huge troll sometimes xD which is hilarious xD

You're right XD

joined Oct 9, 2011

them hating yatsude but also choosing to hang out with her is the most amusing shit lol

I think it's less them hanging out with her, and more her not leaving them be, so they can just do couple stuff in peace.

joined Jan 6, 2020

Do people not know what banter is...

joined Aug 15, 2020

Do people not know what banter is...

Apparently not :\

joined Nov 8, 2017

I just read all of the translated chapters, that was a fun read.

The Hinases are so similars, that, in the chapter with Hiiragi and the nurse(?), I thought it was Tsubaki instead until Utsugi was mentioned. lol
They also remind me of Yuuki Otokura from Idolmaster.

Also, I wonder how those two met Yatsude. Could be a nice flashback chapter.

last edited at Aug 27, 2020 4:58AM

joined Jun 12, 2015

Hey, I'm wondering why the chapter not upload as usual like daily upload you know, the usual upload, is there any problem?

The translation take a break between every volume. They should be back in around 2 week

joined Mar 21, 2019
joined Jun 25, 2019

That's a poggers moment

joined Sep 6, 2018

Damn I love how the more things are revealed the more context and understanding we get for the character dynamics. I loved how volume 2 explored feelings and relationships more, it’s always incredible when a gag manga has a real moment and starts to progress a bit, it’s a cerntain special feeling that’s hard to describe—like with handsome girl and sheltered girl. Is it just me, or do y’all feel that too?

joined May 25, 2019

Damn I love how the more things are revealed the more context and understanding we get for the character dynamics. I loved how volume 2 explored feelings and relationships more, it’s always incredible when a gag manga has a real moment and starts to progress a bit, it’s a cerntain special feeling that’s hard to describe—like with handsome girl and sheltered girl. Is it just me, or do y’all feel that too?

I understand sooo much what you are saying

joined May 17, 2020

Plz. We need more of this good stuff

joined Sep 6, 2018

Damn I love how the more things are revealed the more context and understanding we get for the character dynamics. I loved how volume 2 explored feelings and relationships more, it’s always incredible when a gag manga has a real moment and starts to progress a bit, it’s a cerntain special feeling that’s hard to describe—like with handsome girl and sheltered girl. Is it just me, or do y’all feel that too?

I understand sooo much what you are saying

Okay yeah, it's not just me. Maybe this is a weird comparison, but it's kind of like how part of what makes Kill la Kill exciting is that it smashes genre expectations? Like we get jaded to a certain style of doing things, and by completely changing it, it's like the first time you read a yuri manga again.

Or maybe not even that--remember the era when (almost) all of yuri was this super platonic "will-they-won't-they," the whole time, or it was a relationship where they never got past maybe kissing, or it was just straight up porn? I feel like recently we've been seeing new yuri where it's like, "will they won't they, messing around with their feelings and wistful glances--and then they figure it out, and they fuck, and now they're in a relationship and it keeps going--or during their flirting they get like massively turned on, and it always feels like, whoa, you can do this? I'm thinking of "it was just once but I regret it" as well; basically, we expect a yuri story is gonna be a certain way, and then it's like, no, the author actually has an actionable artistic vision beyond iterations on this one scenario. Shit really happens, and it's fresh, and exciting, and it feels like real life, like being a teenager and discovering your sexuality, or your orientation, and being like, "oh shit, the scrolls permit this? it can happen?"

Idk, but yeah. I'm loving it.

joined Jan 8, 2014

More than ten chs in, any yuri in this yuri?

joined Feb 21, 2019

And we’re back!

joined Jul 1, 2020

Yes! We its back!

joined Feb 14, 2018

hiragi is the definition of i'm not gay but...

last edited at Sep 16, 2020 11:00AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Huh, she's taller than I for some reason automatically assumed. Guess I'm too used to JK chars being pygmy size because uguu kawaii~

joined Aug 24, 2016

Looking at the little chapter previews I feel like this might be the most interesting vol yet.

joined May 17, 2020

Finally back! Someone better confess this volume!!!!

joined Nov 6, 2018

Who doesn't like cheesecake?

joined Mar 5, 2016

Who doesn't like cheesecake?

there's more than one kind of cheesecake and not everyone likes all of them

joined Apr 4, 2014

Yes I've been anticipating vol 3 and now its here with the one and only on the cover ah bliss. We got some new characters too nice.

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