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joined Dec 11, 2017

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I just recently noticed that Konatsu's father is still wearing his wedding ring, so it can be assumed that Konatsu's mother is dead rather than divorced.

Most likely, although another explanation might be if they're divorced and he's not over it.

Random Wanderer
joined Dec 3, 2016

i ordered yuri why am i suddenly thirsting for their HOT AND THOUGHTFUL DADS

Beats me. I was annoyed that the dads were taking up all the screentime that should have been spent on HOT GIRL ON GIRL ACTION. :P

joined Jan 25, 2017

I keep wanting to ship the dads and then feeling bad because I forgot that Koyuki's mom is still right there and has had multiple good scenes and everything.

joined Oct 10, 2016

This stuff got licensed in Poland. Huh.

joined Oct 5, 2016

seem like fathers accept the engagement for their girls :))))

How funny would it be if the dad's just like
"Hey... By the way, you know our girls are super gay for each other, right?"
"Oh, yeah, totally, how could you not They're mega-gay."

...And then we just go back to normal friend ship for another 10 chapters.

joined Nov 8, 2017

Where's the gay

I keep wanting to ship the dads and then feeling bad because I forgot that Koyuki's mom is still right there and has had multiple good scenes and everything.

I mean, I ship Izuku and Bakugou's moms despite them being married to men, so. lol

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

Dawwww. I love stories where characters face their demons (cute innocent salamanders) and come to accept them.

joined Nov 3, 2018

Since this chapter sets up Konatsu being without Koyuki in her third year of high school, I hope it doesn't get skimmed over or outright skipped because there's potential there. Both with Konatsu's point of view where she takes over the aquarium club and has to live up to Koyuki's legacy, and from Koyuki's where she tries to get used to her new life in Tokyo. And then they could meet a few times throughout the year before reuniting for good at the end with Konatsu also going back to Tokyo.

joined Mar 29, 2019

^That sounds great, but if thwy do go in detail with that, that just means there may be even more chapters of them separated so I hope we can have a good handful of chapters of them together before that ;w;

joined Nov 3, 2018

Yeah, same. Like, come on, let them go on a cute non-explicitly-romantic-but-totally-romantic Christmas date.

joined Jan 25, 2017

Yeah, same. Like, come on, let them go on a cute non-explicitly-romantic-but-totally-romantic Christmas date.

I'd really like to see them go to the next Summer Festival and have it go better, myself. No overzealous dads trying to crash the party, no misunderstanding when Konatsu tries to ask Koyuki about their feelings.

joined Nov 3, 2018

I couldn't remember if summer had already passed but yeah, I guess it hasn't so that could still happen too. They go up a school year in chapter 24 and since then Konatsu took some time off from the club, but they didn't say anything about summer break so it should be coming up soon in the story. Maybe it'll happen.

joined Mar 29, 2019

Think if it ended on this chapter, that would be the lamest ending ever.

This manga really devolved through time into a weird touchy, feely depression story. Odd. It started off super yuri.

The two girls fit together so well and yet...they don't hang out anymore because no reason, they just get super depressed on their own. It's weird the different directions this has taken simply to avoid being yuri at all.

If they're just friends and say goodbye and then say hello in Tokyo then fuck, I'm gonna' cry. It would be the perfect bad ending of a girls' friendship but not friendship manga. Two girls isolated on their own but still friends because they're in yuri jail, manga.

Maybe they were afraid of being gay? Super scary.

Everything was undoubtedly pointing that way initially. Maybe author had to go in another direction once they knew it was getting publication? Depression/loneliness manga is way more accessible. A lot of people really hate gay manga.

It just doesn't feel like a true expression of the mangaka's will anymore. This story is screaming for beautiful girls' love. How do you explain how this or that girl suddenly just decided to stop hanging out at all? It's inexplicable. It's felt unnatural for a while.

There was no reason they had to stop hanging out unless...editor didn't like it. But that's just my suspicion I guess. Maybe the author really wanted to go that way? It makes no sense to me since their depression didn't have a cause.

But gay lady love has a cause, and that's cuz smelly girls are lovely.

joined Jan 16, 2019

unfortunately to me, this rift felt painfully realistic. i've had similar rifts that seem to come from nowhere, but the both of you are hurting and don't know how to resolve it until admitting your vulnerability. in a lot of manga, i think the solution doesn't seem to fit the issue, but in this case it was perfect - they just needed to communicate to assuage both of their fears.

i am just as baffled as everyone by the lack of yuri this far in, though. not because it's gotten less gay - but because it's gotten MORE so. this drama felt far more characteristic of a fight in a relationship just before you agree to become serious about it. i don't know how this will be able to culminate in anything short of "life partners who live together" if nothing else.

joined Dec 13, 2019

I feel like im alone in this but i kinda dislike konatsu's dad :|

joined Apr 20, 2013

Lvia posted:

I feel like im alone in this but i kinda dislike konatsu's dad :|

I've seen people banned for less... >_> just kidding, it's because he's too carefree?

last edited at Jun 10, 2020 2:13AM

joined Dec 13, 2019

I've seen people banned for less... >_> just kidding, it's because he's too carefree?

Yea. Well, you could say that at least... He just doesnt feel at all like a father, konatsu might be in acceptance with her loneliness but she shouldnt have to.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I've seen people banned for less... >_> just kidding, it's because he's too carefree?

Yea. Well, you could say that at least... He just doesnt feel at all like a father, konatsu might be in acceptance with her loneliness but she shouldnt have to.

Point taken, but he doesn’t make the top 1000 of “worst absent manga dads who have to work somewhere else.”

joined Sep 14, 2016


joined Sep 19, 2017

Koyuki was so fast walking to Konatsu's house lol

joined Dec 20, 2018

Even Konatsu's classmates see the yuri.


Nothing will stop me from considering that a confession.

joined Nov 3, 2018

Yeah, it certainly feels like Kaede and Yamagishi see it a certain way if they think Konatsu would be willing to transfer a year before graduation just to remain close to Koyuki.

joined May 28, 2017


joined Apr 30, 2019

With so much drama I forgot that she did not tell Konatsu that she would go to Tokyo

joined Feb 19, 2016

The "Moon is beautiful" phrase is always a confession in my book. I've seen it used soo many times in yuri subtext works that I'm sure it's just authors code for "they gay"

last edited at Jun 27, 2020 9:03AM

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