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extorting physical services for rent
Cool erotica trope.
cheese in gyoza
I'm out of here!
But seriously, yeah, whew that chapter 8!
As for earlier discussion, why is "pay rent money, or I evict you" a legitimate business transaction, but "have sex or pay money, or I evict you" extortion?
Biology. Sex acts release neurochemicals that stimulate emotional dependency and build intimacy. As such, human society, in general, tends to afford greater weight to sexual activity than other behaviors, and so forcing someone to engage in them without honest consent is traumatic, and therefore immoral.
It's not the same for everyone, because people are different, but in general, this is why sex crimes are more traumatic than non-sex crimes, and why casual sex is so hard of a concept for a lot of people.
Simply offering an alternate payment form really isn't proper extortion. Depending on where you are it could probably fall afoul of prostitution laws but that's a different can of worms. Traditional extortion would be more along the lines of "pay me your rent and if you know what's good for you give me some nooky on the side or we will find something to evict you for."
For something to be blackmail or extortion there must be a threat made. Simply offering somebody an alternative option to save them from becoming homeless due to their own fault and failure to pay rent doesn't meet that requirement. The Land Lady made no threat.
The threat of eviction is still a threat. Legally, demanding sex for continued lodging is extortion.
As for people describing this as rape. Again that's a completely false statement and a misuse of the word. For rape to occur the sexual act must not be consensual. Prostitution and rape are not synonyms.
Having sex with someone who is drunk is rape. They aren't able to consent. Period. It's not complicated.
extorting physical services for rent
Cool erotica trope.
cheese in gyoza
I'm out of here!
But seriously, yeah, whew that chapter 8!
As for earlier discussion, why is "pay rent money, or I evict you" a legitimate business transaction, but "have sex or pay money, or I evict you" extortion?
Biology. Sex acts release neurochemicals that stimulate emotional dependency and build intimacy. As such, human society, in general, tends to afford greater weight to sexual activity than other behaviors, and so forcing someone to engage in them without honest consent is traumatic, and therefore immoral.
It's not the same for everyone, because people are different, but in general, this is why sex crimes are more traumatic than non-sex crimes, and why casual sex is so hard of a concept for a lot of people.
Simply offering an alternate payment form really isn't proper extortion. Depending on where you are it could probably fall afoul of prostitution laws but that's a different can of worms. Traditional extortion would be more along the lines of "pay me your rent and if you know what's good for you give me some nooky on the side or we will find something to evict you for."
For something to be blackmail or extortion there must be a threat made. Simply offering somebody an alternative option to save them from becoming homeless due to their own fault and failure to pay rent doesn't meet that requirement. The Land Lady made no threat.
The threat of eviction is still a threat. Legally, demanding sex for continued lodging is extortion.
As for people describing this as rape. Again that's a completely false statement and a misuse of the word. For rape to occur the sexual act must not be consensual. Prostitution and rape are not synonyms.
Having sex with someone who is drunk is rape. They aren't able to consent. Period. It's not complicated.
Exactly. Most robust—and morally meaningful— definitions of consent require that the consenter have access to all relevant information, be of sound mind to make reasonable decisions, and not be coerced. I’m too tired right now to make the full argument of why “have sex with me or I’ll evict you” and “if you have sex with me I won’t evict you” are not meaningfully different with regards to coercion.
Personally I think some things that would be blatantly morally impermissible in real life can be quite enjoyable to see in fiction so long as we acknowledge what’s problematic with them, but that’s just my two cents.
last edited at May 5, 2020 1:45AM
Either I have become so unawear of how much off a weeb faggotte....
Not even sure what that's supposed to be, but If you could leave the "fag"-adjacent stuff wherever you found it, that'd be swell. Given the site is full of gay stuff and the forum equally full of gay readers, no need to make it all weird.
And no, in case you're wondering, you're not in trouble or anything.
Sorry I didnt really think about choosing the right words in this as it seems. Overall it was just a shitpost and tbh I dont even use the word as it was originaly used. I used the term weeb/weeaboo faggot as a joke on myself not really to insult anybody other than myself tho especially on this website it sure can look a bit weird too choose exactly this kind of phrasing. Next time I will a) write with more care and b) if needed weeaboo trash instead xD
(Thank you tho for pointing it out. Might have saved me some future trouble xD also I could really keep it down woth swearing words... these days even if meant ironically I often find myself using them too often :/)
last edited at May 5, 2020 3:56AM
Either I have become so unawear of how much off a weeb faggotte....
Not even sure what that's supposed to be, but If you could leave the "fag"-adjacent stuff wherever you found it, that'd be swell. Given the site is full of gay stuff and the forum equally full of gay readers, no need to make it all weird.
And no, in case you're wondering, you're not in trouble or anything.
Sorry I didnt really think about choosing the right words in this as it seems. Overall it was just a shitpost and tbh I dont even use the word as it was originaly used. I used the term weeb/weeaboo faggot as a joke on myself not really to insult anybody other than myself tho especially on this website it sure can look a bit weird too choose exactly this kind of phrasing. Next time I will a) write with more care and b) if needed weeaboo trash instead xD
(Thank you tho for pointing it out. Might have saved me some future trouble xD also I could really keep it down woth swearing words... these days even if meant ironically I often find myself using them too often :/)
I hear you on that one. It can be tempting to take language that's absolutely fine in one context (say, among your friends while you're playing a game) and just start using it everywhere, where folks might not get your intent so clearly. Thanks for being so chill about the whole thing.
LMAO chapter 8.2 is labeled insane amounts of sex?! It's kinda not wrong. Somehow it's more lewd than actual sex. This author is a genius.
Either I have become so unawear of how much off a weeb faggotte....
Not even sure what that's supposed to be, but If you could leave the "fag"-adjacent stuff wherever you found it, that'd be swell. Given the site is full of gay stuff and the forum equally full of gay readers, no need to make it all weird.
And no, in case you're wondering, you're not in trouble or anything.
Sorry I didnt really think about choosing the right words in this as it seems. Overall it was just a shitpost and tbh I dont even use the word as it was originaly used. I used the term weeb/weeaboo faggot as a joke on myself not really to insult anybody other than myself tho especially on this website it sure can look a bit weird too choose exactly this kind of phrasing. Next time I will a) write with more care and b) if needed weeaboo trash instead xD
(Thank you tho for pointing it out. Might have saved me some future trouble xD also I could really keep it down woth swearing words... these days even if meant ironically I often find myself using them too often :/)
I hear you on that one. It can be tempting to take language that's absolutely fine in one context (say, among your friends while you're playing a game) and just start using it everywhere, where folks might not get your intent so clearly. Thanks for being so chill about the whole thing.
To be honest, faggot isn't really used as a homophobic slur anymore from what i gather. It's more of a slur tossed at someone you see as a coward or overly sensetive person, although that might have it's origins from negative stereotypes. The word will probably become more and more distant from homophobia and change meaning completely with time though. Language changes over time after all. Like how gay only meant fun or something similiar way back. Disclaimer though, english isn't my first language and this is what I've seen on the internet which is the only place i regularly use it.
Still not so uncommon in the US in homophobic circles, especially high-school age people, especially now that “queer” has lost a good bit of its sting by being adopted by LGBTQ people.
I hear you on that one. It can be tempting to take language that's absolutely fine in one context (say, among your friends while you're playing a game) and just start using it everywhere, where folks might not get your intent so clearly. Thanks for being so chill about the whole thing.
To be honest, faggot isn't really used as a homophobic slur anymore from what i gather. It's more of a slur tossed at someone you see as a coward or overly sensetive person, although that might have it's origins from negative stereotypes. The word will probably become more and more distant from homophobia and change meaning completely with time though. Language changes over time after all. Like how gay only meant fun or something similiar way back. Disclaimer though, english isn't my first language and this is what I've seen on the internet which is the only place i regularly use it.
That is the internalization of the homophobic message. Calling someone that because they're a coward or overly sensitive stems from questioning their manhood or masculinity, which is seen as negative because of internalized sexism and homophobia. It's still hurtful and upsetting, and yeah, not at all uncommon as an anti-gay slur in the United States.
Yes, language changes over time, that doesn't mean the history and recent usages of words don't matter.
Now i get that handholding is a stable joke, But that doesnt mean you can put the "Insane amounts of sex" tag on the chapter that has handholding But No actual sex
Now i get that handholding is a stable joke, But that doesnt mean you can put the "Insane amounts of sex" tag on the chapter that has handholding But No actual sex
Are you new here? ROFL
Ah, yes, I've been waiting for this to appear here. The planetarium they talk about here is actually real. It's the Konica Minolta Planetarium, and it's in Tokyo.
That said, this is one of my all-time favorite yuri manga. I just want to inject that cute shit directly into my veins!
last edited at May 17, 2020 12:10PM
Oh man how fun and cute would that be to lie down and look at the stars with someone u love.
Go on a date and kiss and FALL IN LOVE!!!
Go on a date and kiss and FALL IN LOVE!!!
Contractual relationship>>>> complicated relationship, I really thought they'd say it's complicated I don't know why
Now i get that handholding is a stable joke, But that doesnt mean you can put the "Insane amounts of sex" tag on the chapter that has handholding But No actual sex
Are you new here? ROFL
No, thats why i prefixed it
Now i get that handholding is a stable joke, But that doesnt mean you can put the "Insane amounts of sex" tag on the chapter that has handholding But No actual sex
Yeah, I think it would just be confusing for readers who don't participate in the forums and get the in-jokes.
but "insane amounts of sex" is exclusively handholding tag, so it's not that bad
extorting physical services for rent
Cool erotica trope.
cheese in gyoza
I'm out of here!
But seriously, yeah, whew that chapter 8!
As for earlier discussion, why is "pay rent money, or I evict you" a legitimate business transaction, but "have sex or pay money, or I evict you" extortion?
Biology. Sex acts release neurochemicals that stimulate emotional dependency and build intimacy. As such, human society, in general, tends to afford greater weight to sexual activity than other behaviors, and so forcing someone to engage in them without honest consent is traumatic, and therefore immoral.
It's not the same for everyone, because people are different, but in general, this is why sex crimes are more traumatic than non-sex crimes, and why casual sex is so hard of a concept for a lot of people.
Simply offering an alternate payment form really isn't proper extortion. Depending on where you are it could probably fall afoul of prostitution laws but that's a different can of worms. Traditional extortion would be more along the lines of "pay me your rent and if you know what's good for you give me some nooky on the side or we will find something to evict you for."
For something to be blackmail or extortion there must be a threat made. Simply offering somebody an alternative option to save them from becoming homeless due to their own fault and failure to pay rent doesn't meet that requirement. The Land Lady made no threat.
The threat of eviction is still a threat. Legally, demanding sex for continued lodging is extortion.
As for people describing this as rape. Again that's a completely false statement and a misuse of the word. For rape to occur the sexual act must not be consensual. Prostitution and rape are not synonyms.
Having sex with someone who is drunk is rape. They aren't able to consent. Period. It's not complicated.
You don't know what you are talking about. It's not complicated.
You seriously believe every person that's ever gotten drunk with someone else and had sex with them is a rapist?
For something to be a threat a person has to imply they are going to cause or do something that isn't already going to happen to you. In other words if you tell somebody that they can come inside if they give you a cookie because it's raining and they will get wet if they don't, that is not a threat.
last edited at May 17, 2020 11:33PM
Now i get that handholding is a stable joke, But that doesnt mean you can put the "Insane amounts of sex" tag on the chapter that has handholding But No actual sex
Are you new here? ROFL
No, thats why i prefixed it
Lmaooo i got excited when it said insane amts of sex bcs yk BUT THERE WAS NO NSFW tag and i kept reading and died of laughter, i think its a funny joke, people shouldn't take this stuff too seriously
they're basically married
Ah yes, semi-anonymous internet forums, the premier location for intelligent discourse about the place for and nuances of consent.
As for people describing this as rape. Again that's a completely false statement and a misuse of the word. For rape to occur the sexual act must not be consensual. Prostitution and rape are not synonyms.
Having sex with someone who is drunk is rape. They aren't able to consent. Period. It's not complicated.
You don't know what you are talking about. It's not complicated.
You seriously believe every person that's ever gotten drunk with someone else and had sex with them is a rapist?
She didn't get drunk -with- her, she found her drunk and took advantage of her impaired state.
And yes, if you are sober, and you take advantage of somoene's drunken state to have sex with them, that's RAPE. Legally and ethically.
If they had gotten together, then it would just be an accident, because neither of them was in a situation to make an informed decision. But that isn't what happened. One person was drunk, the other person wasn't. The person that wasn't drunk has a responsibility to refuse sex from the impaired person, because they -are- capable of making an informed decision. If they decide to fuck the drunk person, THAT IS RAPE. YOU WILL GO TO JAIL FOR THAT IF YOU ARE CAUGHT. A lot of people skate those kinds of charges because "beyond a reasonable doubt" is hard to prove on something like that, but there are currently people in jail because they decided to bang someone who was inebriated.
It is the simplest. fucking. thing. If someone's ability to make an informed decision to consent is impaired, DON'T DO IT.
In the case of this series, you can argue that it's more ambiguous, since it's unclear whether she noticed she was drunk before she did it. Certainly when she made the offer she had no way of knowing, and she doesn't explicitly take notice of the beer cans until Chiyo can't remember the following morning. (Of course, that's all a good example of why you shouldn't have sex with a stranger on impulse when you don't know their mental or physical state.) And if it turns out Chiyo doesn't mind, that also mitigates the consequences a lot. Of course, none of that does anything about the other problem of extortion.
For something to be a threat a person has to imply they are going to cause or do something that isn't already going to happen to you. In other words if you tell somebody that they can come inside if they give you a cookie because it's raining and they will get wet if they don't, that is not a threat.
It absolutely is. You're leveraging your power over someone to extort a reward. (give me something or I'll make you stand in the rain.) It's relatively innocuous in that case, neither the demand nor the consequence are very harmful in that situation, but it's still a threat (I will make you stand in the rain), and you're an asshole if you do it.
Less of an asshole than someone who demands sex to let someone stay in their home rent free, but still an asshole.
Let's take the concept to the other extreme to illustrate the point.
If you're hanging off a cliff, and your fingers are slipping, and I have the ability to push a button to extend a platform that will catch you and prevent you from harm, and I refuse to push the button unless you give me your life savings, what would you call that? Oh, yeah, that's extortion. Because I can easily take an action that saves you, and my refusal to do so is conditional to you giving me something.
It's the exact same logic, me not doing anything will harm you, but if you take it to the extreme, it is clearly monstrous.
Either way, I promise you, legally, demanding sex in exchange for lodging most places would at -least- get you in the line of fire for extortion, possibly solicitation of prostitution, and it's definitely morally bad to use your position of authority to get sex from someone.
Ah yes, semi-anonymous internet forums, the premier location for intelligent discourse about the place for and nuances of consent.
I will have this argument with anyone, anywhere, because people need to understand that it is not okay to have sex with someone who can't consent.
Ah yes, semi-anonymous internet forums, the premier location for intelligent discourse about the place for and nuances of consent.
I will have this argument with anyone, anywhere, because people need to understand that it is not okay to have sex with someone who can't consent.
Yeah, I respect that.
Oh it's onnnn :))))