Forum › And Kaede Blooms Gorgeously discussion

joined Nov 15, 2019

I've issue with a lot of "dark" works of media that they're unfortunately very immature and i feel that is the case for this one

i feel it happens a lot with japanese media in particular since manga is so easily available for young authors to initiate in comparison to the western comics industry (although webcomics come across the same issues), the work is meant to be very dark and somewhat disturbing but the framing and presentation are so heavy handed that it almost loses all impact

the issue here is that kaede isn't really a complete character, she has a backstory that we're learning about, but we jumped straight into her being a tortured slave and having severe ptsd, which is sad, but you can't really call that a character. So everytime she has a breakdown it just feels kind of out of nowhere, not because the author hasn't justified it on her backstory but because Kaede hasn't really earned our sympathy, she's less a person and more a very sad kicked dog, which is still sad, but isn't really that interesting.

Also, certain level of subtlety is very important when portraying things that are meant to be disturbing, not necessarily because they can be shocking but exactly the opposite, going for too much can quickly turn a situation cartoonish, it's important to temper very heavy and out there material (like slavery, torture and ptsd) with equally strong grounding elements and restraint to keep it from being so extreme that ones suspension of disbelief starts acting up and one remembers this is not really two people but two characters that an author has put in this situation to elicit an emotional response

That isn't to say that these things cant mimic real life or that extremely bad situations do occur in real life but narrative media is inherently different from real life and the way it elicits emotions is also different, a good example of this are horror movies, no one can deny that having some maniac with a knife attempting to kill us would be terrifying in real life but that doesn't mean just putting a man with a knife in a movie is going to be scary, there is extra work that needs to be done to generate the feeling of tension because first we need to become absorbed in the narrative to get to the point we are able to simulate the terror on our own, and the way you do that is you get the reader/watcher to empathize with the characters in the story, once you care about the characters you can care about what happens to them.

The manga is, again, very heavy handed and jumps directly into telling us how terribly tortured our main character is without really showing us or even giving us time to know them properly, so it constantly feels like its trying to have sad and tortured moments without having earned them

TLDR; the manga tries to have a lot of sad moments but we never really got to know or empathize with the main character or her experiences, all we know is shes a slave and she was tortured, which are bad things to happen to someone but they're not really character traits, it's a very heavy handed attempt to get us to care for a kicked dog basically, which we still could, but it isn't good writing.

and yes, i was really bored that i wrote all that

joined Mar 14, 2016

I'm intrigued by the plot, but the dialogue itself is just sort of odd. I can't tell if it's just the translation or if the choice of words was originally very odd.

Whatever it is it also kind of reminds me of the one author who has the entire plot dialed up to 11 and everyone is screaming constantly and there was something about a heart transplant and I really don't remember much else so it won't help me even if I tried to look it up...

Basically, that, but slightly more restrained.

joined Aug 2, 2015

I feel like I hear about human trafficking all the time. Wasn't there that case about that truck in the UK recently that had a bunch of people die because they were being trafficked in a truck? They couldn't breathe and it got too hot I believe. It is rather ironic to see someone say this never happens when this manga touches upon this very issue lol

If you meant the Vietnamese case, just so you know, they were all willing to go. They paid a sum of money to the traffickers in exchange for a better life in some foreign land. Aka illegally crossing borders. I don't know whether it's considered human trafficking. And it's not a truck, but within a cargo. Sea or land, I'm not sure.

lol maybe it wasn't considered trafficking, I just remember it because of the mother getting texts from her daughter from inside the truck talking about the moment she couldn't breathe and that she was sorry. It was over land though, and yes cargo, but 'at the back of a huge truck' sort of cargo, if that's what you mean, because that's what I meant.

Obviously, in terms of trafficking, there's plenty of cases of missing kids and people (and not one huge isolated incident) and there's even coded words these traffickers use to get your attention or to stall for time before they take you. It's a scary world out there.

joined Jun 5, 2016

lol maybe it wasn't considered trafficking, I just remember it because of the mother getting texts from her daughter from inside the truck talking about the moment she couldn't breathe and that she was sorry. It was over land though, and yes cargo, but 'at the back of a huge truck' sort of cargo, if that's what you mean, because that's what I meant.

Usually it is and often it results in a form of indentured servitude or debt bondage which is basically slavery. Lotta times the people in charge of the "transportation" will confiscate passports and other important ID to guarantee the people in question don't run off without repaying what is also usually a virtually unpayable debt. So yeah....

But back on topic more or less, yeah this manga is heavy handed but I so far am still giving it a chance just because the premise is different from most that I've read so far. That and I have kind of a thing for eyepatches, ngl. lol

joined Dec 9, 2019

I'm having a hard time reading the texts. But I like the art and the premise of the story.

joined Sep 5, 2018

Whatever it is it also kind of reminds me of the one author who has the entire plot dialed up to 11 and everyone is screaming constantly and there was something about a heart transplant and I really don't remember much else so it won't help me even if I tried to look it up...

In case you want to have another look: that author and that story.

Basically, that, but slightly more restrained.

Yeah, that author’s stories are always at 110 % tension. This one seems to switch between 1 % and 99 % from one panel to the next.

Also, elaborating on the “she’s light” comment on the toilet visit page: it’s not that well visible, but the mistress seems to have half of each upper leg remaining, so we have to apply these body mass correction factors for amputations: two half upper legs (2x0.5x0.116), two lower legs (2x0.053), two feet (2x0.018), one upper arm (0.035), one lower arm (0.023), and one hand (0.008), so 0.324 in total. Assuming a Japanese woman of her stature with all limbs weighs 50 kg, the mistress weighs about 33.8 kg. That’s not a lot for an adult, but still a lot compared to what most people carry around in their daily life.

last edited at Mar 12, 2020 1:39PM

joined Jul 27, 2019

I hate how I'm reading something as dark as this while my headphones are yelling, "YOU MAKE ME FEEL SPECIAL"



joined Apr 6, 2018

How did she even see the mistress' face at chapter 9 when her mistress is showing her back to her?? Sure a side view may help but ehhh.

anyways that dark aura was so nice and cool to see. I guess if someone could make such a face then some parts of the world is beyond sickening.

I really like the "my" in Kaede there. Even the "tch" look. I was like ma'am this mistress is a keeper.

joined Jun 12, 2019

I hate how I'm reading something as dark as this while my headphones are yelling, "YOU MAKE ME FEEL SPECIAL"


joined Jun 12, 2019

Idk how I feel about this manga. I feel a bit sad and it’s a bit scary but it’s kinda interesting. I’ll see how it goes

joined Jan 23, 2019


joined Aug 12, 2019

shit's going down!

joined Dec 16, 2015

Honestly reading these in order (since I just noticed them), you can notice ALL the red flags with the mother. From her reaction in the park, to Kaede's face in Ch10 page 2, to even the drawing of the 3 in the bottom left of that page.

joined Jun 12, 2019

The chapters are short as hell but like I feel so bad for her she’s gone through so much she deserves some happiness

joined May 1, 2019

It took me longer than it should have to figure out that the scribbled out text says "parents"

joined Nov 13, 2018

What kind of idiot just goes and open their door late at night? It feels OOC for a character who is traumatized and afraid to suddenly be very trusting to just go and open the door without being overly cautious, specially after her abuser came to their house not too long ago...

This story has a lot of issues, but I'm hoping it doesn't go down a route of predictable writing like it seems to be headed to.

last edited at Mar 26, 2020 2:24AM

Yuri Girl 1001 Uploader
Fly by Yuri
joined Mar 29, 2013

What kind of idiot just goes and open their door late at night?......

My mother, that's who. I was up like 2 or 3 in the morning in my mom's living room, when suddenly there came a knock at the door. Scared me to death. So I went and got my mom, and she just went and answered the door?!! Fortunately, whoever it was had already given up. Then in the morning, my mom finaly realized how stupid of a thing it was to do.

Yes, I think every reader out there saw this coming. It was inevitable, just like a horror movie.

last edited at Mar 26, 2020 3:33AM

joined Jan 9, 2017

Senpai Sofa San

joined Jan 9, 2017

What kind of idiot just goes and open their door late at night? It feels OOC for a character who is traumatized and afraid to suddenly be very trusting to just go and open the door without being overly cautious, specially after her abuser came to their house not too long ago...

This story has a lot of issues, but I'm hoping it doesn't go down a route of predictable writing like it seems to be headed to.

She is a little kid who has not been allowed to grow up

joined Feb 10, 2020

Ok, I am going crazy. What is the scribbled out word on 14-3, can anyone make it out?

joined Dec 29, 2019

Ok, I am going crazy. What is the scribbled out word on 14-3, can anyone make it out?

"Parents", I think.

joined Jan 24, 2018

Wooooo dayum I'm exited to see shit go down!!! Go get yo arm/legs slave Torso-chan!!!!

joined Jul 22, 2017

Ok, I am going crazy. What is the scribbled out word on 14-3, can anyone make it out?

"Parents", I think.

Thank you. I saw "WENIS" and I couldn't unsee it

joined Jun 27, 2017

What kind of idiot just goes and open their door late at night?

Where do you live that requires that level of paranoia? I'd just assume it was someone I know who had some sort of problem (missed the late bus or somesuch thing), not a kidnapping/murderer/slaver/abuser/etc.

But, granted, given those girls' backgrounds, yeah, it's a bit stupid. At least have a door spy.

On the other hand: if you plan to kidnap someone, would you just go to their place, ring in the middle of the night, and assume it'd work out? Especially if there's multiple people living there. Seems even more stupid actually. ^^

last edited at Mar 26, 2020 2:22PM

joined Dec 27, 2019

What kind of idiot just goes and open their door late at night?

Where do you live that requires that level of paranoia? I'd just assume it was someone I know who had some sort of problem (missed the late bus or somesuch thing), not a kidnapping/murderer/slaver/abuser/etc.

But, granted, given those girls' backgrounds, yeah, it's a bit stupid. At least have a door spy.

On the other hand: if you plan to kidnap someone, would you just go to their place, ring in the middle of the night, and assume it'd work out? Especially if there's multiple people living there. Seems even more stupid actually. ^^

I thought it was a universal agreement that opening your door at the middle of the night was a bad omen..

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