Forum › Tsuki to Suppin discussion

joined Dec 5, 2019

It is just being overly complicated and overthinking stuff. Here in Spain the engagement ring may be worn in either hand depending on the region and the wedding ring goes on the other hand... or not. I know a lot of people who slaps both together in the same finger and call it a day. So something like this would be utterly wasted over here as people don't give a single fuck.

yeah, I kind of forgot to explain - the meaning is "right things is done by right hand and there is nothing more rightful than that" so I thought that it's cool.
and isn't seeking for deeper meaning fun? though of course in this case it's incorrect.

Around here the engagement rimg is worn on the right hand and the marriage one is worn on the left so to me it sounded like its on the right because thwy are engaged and it will go to the left soon because they'll marry

You're probably right.

last edited at Feb 27, 2020 1:37PM

joined Apr 23, 2015

This is so nice. And so what I've wanted from a yuri manga for a long time. We can have at least one like this right?

joined Apr 23, 2015

Sweetest chapter yet! Such normal problems.

joined Nov 6, 2018

46.5 kilograms is not even close to overweight. In fact, it seems a underweight assuming Akari is over 5 feet tall.

joined Jan 24, 2020

46.5 kilograms is not even close to overweight. In fact, it seems a underweight assuming Akari is over 5 feet tall.

She'd have to be under 4'6" for that to be overweight. Is she really that tiny?

joined Mar 2, 2020

I admit I wasn't that fond of Shiho when I first picked this up but she's really grown on me. Such a relaxing couple~

joined Sep 5, 2018

46.5 kilograms is not even close to overweight. In fact, it seems a underweight assuming Akari is over 5 feet tall.

The pointer is still moving to the right. There’s even an arrow for emphasis. I think the author wanted to avoid giving a specific weight.

joined Oct 15, 2014

46.5 kilograms is not even close to overweight. In fact, it seems a underweight assuming Akari is over 5 feet tall.

The pointer is still moving to the right. There’s even an arrow for emphasis. I think the author wanted to avoid giving a specific weight.

It's pretty much anime/manga tradition to never reveal what a girl's weight is. (Logistically, an exact figure might give readers/viewers the wrong idea of what's actually considered "fat".)

joined Jun 27, 2017

It's just manga crap. According to those, even middle school students will diet if they reach something like 35kg or something ... ^^

joined Nov 24, 2017


joined Dec 31, 2018

Weird flower..

joined Jul 29, 2016

I get this manga is trying to be that easy cute slice of life story but glasses girl has less personality than a bot, every now and then she says something nice but most of the time seems really inconsiderate?? In a passive way. She must be mad good at eating pussy otherwise this story makes no sense. Maybe mc hates herself and thinks this the best relationship she can get I dunno

joined Nov 6, 2018

I get this manga is trying to be that easy cute slice of life story but glasses girl has less personality than a bot, every now and then she says something nice but most of the time seems really inconsiderate?? In a passive way. She must be mad good at eating pussy otherwise this story makes no sense. Maybe mc hates herself and thinks this the best relationship she can get I dunno

She's a kuudere.

joined Nov 6, 2018

Weird flower..

There's only ONE explanation for this.

last edited at Mar 25, 2020 9:51PM

joined May 31, 2015

I get this manga is trying to be that easy cute slice of life story but glasses girl has less personality than a bot, every now and then she says something nice but most of the time seems really inconsiderate?? In a passive way. She must be mad good at eating pussy otherwise this story makes no sense. Maybe mc hates herself and thinks this the best relationship she can get I dunno

"Really inconsiderate" Have you been reading this, it's pretty clear you aren't?!!?!? Jk but no, she may not talk much but when she does it holds a lot in the few words. And Shiho does plenty to make Akari smile. I.e this chapter with the flower. She walked out at night in the rain to move the flower!

joined Sep 13, 2018

I get this manga is trying to be that easy cute slice of life story but glasses girl has less personality than a bot, every now and then she says something nice but most of the time seems really inconsiderate?? In a passive way. She must be mad good at eating pussy otherwise this story makes no sense. Maybe mc hates herself and thinks this the best relationship she can get I dunno

She like legit went out in the middle of the night to dig up a flower to plant by their home to surprise her girlfriend and doesn't even take credit for it. That is like, beyond sweet and romantic lmao.

She's just got a flat affect and some slight communication issues, which could be for a variety of things. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if the author was intentionally writing her to autistic or something. But besides the why, she's certainly not intentionally inconsiderate or a jerk. Hell, she seems to quietly do stuff for her girlfriend that really brightens her day or say incredibly sweet things all the time.

joined Nov 13, 2015

Druidic powers confirmed.

joined Jul 29, 2016

I get this manga is trying to be that easy cute slice of life story but glasses girl has less personality than a bot, every now and then she says something nice but most of the time seems really inconsiderate?? In a passive way. She must be mad good at eating pussy otherwise this story makes no sense. Maybe mc hates herself and thinks this the best relationship she can get I dunno

She like legit went out in the middle of the night to dig up a flower to plant by their home to surprise her girlfriend and doesn't even take credit for it. That is like, beyond sweet and romantic lmao.

She's just got a flat affect and some slight communication issues, which could be for a variety of things. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if the author was intentionally writing her to autistic or something. But besides the why, she's certainly not intentionally inconsiderate or a jerk. Hell, she seems to quietly do stuff for her girlfriend that really brightens her day or say incredibly sweet things all the time.

That could be the case! In later chapters she seems to do more things for her than going to her house to fall asleep and forgetting dates lol now that I searched the term "kuudere" understand this is a common trope. Cool if this means ppl on the spectrum can find themselves represented on characters like these. Story wise, I feel like there's a disconnection as to how this relationship happened, I guess the author just chose the route of "love just happens!" And the development to happen reaaally slowly...

joined Nov 8, 2017

This is a cute series

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Translation of extras for first 14 chapters.

1st chapter:

I want to give chocolate a taste too...

2nd chapter:

sound asleep...

3rd chapter:


4th chapter

I was told to come next week as well...

5th chapter

I ended up losing it~.

6th chapter

today's desert
soft serve​

7th chapter

This one
eyes half-opened
please, don't publish it!
But it's cute...

8th chapter

How you want it?
in charge of make-up

9th chapter

Tomorrow morning we're having small loaf of bread!

10th chapter

When we'll eat cherries...

11th chapter

It made me want to buy cloths too.
Shall we go shopping?

12th chapter

Handmade, huh...

13th chapter


14th chapter



panel 1
When it rains you can't really have fun outside.
panel 2
That's not true.
panel 3
panel 4
...let's take bath once we're home.

panel 1
Summer festival is fun.
panel 2
I bought candy apple!
panel 3
Sooo tasty.

panel 1
Summer is all about sea!
panel 2
panel 3
How long is it? Let's pull it!
panel 4
M-maybe we should put it back...

Ice cream
panel 1
Let's eat chestnut ice creams.​
panel 2
They're selling purple sweet potato as well.
(I'm not 100% sure about 1 kanji, my best guess is that it's supposed to be 出, but I feel like meaning doesn't fit entirely)
panel 3
But maybe chestnut...
panel 4
I'd like a double scoop of purple sweet potato and chocolate.

Under cover

People can watch us.
It's fine~
Cover is hiding us, so nobody is watching.

They're so adorable.

EDIT/ Minor fix. Shiho asked for purple sweet potato, not chestnut. My bad.

last edited at Apr 8, 2020 6:52AM

joined Jan 16, 2020

^Thank you so much for translations :D

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Maoshin posted:

^Thank you so much for translations :D

You're welcome <3

joined Nov 6, 2018

Translation of extras for first 14 chapters.

1st chapter:

I want to give chocolate a taste too...

2nd chapter:

sound asleep...

3rd chapter:


4th chapter

I was told to come next week as well...

5th chapter

I ended up losing it~.

6th chapter

today's desert
soft serve​

7th chapter

This one
eyes half-opened
please, don't publish it!
But it's cute...

8th chapter

How you want it?
in charge of make-up

9th chapter

Tomorrow morning we're having small loaf of bread!

10th chapter

When we'll eat cherries...

11th chapter

It made me want to buy cloths too.
Shall we go shopping?

12th chapter

Handmade, huh...

13th chapter


14th chapter



panel 1
When it rains you can't really have fun outside.
panel 2
That's not true.
panel 3
panel 4
...let's take bath once we're home.

panel 1
Summer festival is fun.
panel 2
I bought candy apple!
panel 3
Sooo tasty.

panel 1
Summer is all about sea!
panel 2
panel 3
How long is it? Let's pull it!
panel 4
M-maybe we should put it back...

Ice cream
panel 1
Let's eat chestnut ice creams.​
panel 2
They're selling purple sweet potato as well.
(I'm not 100% sure about 1 kanji, my best guess is that it's supposed to be 出, but I feel like meaning doesn't fit entirely)
panel 3
But maybe chestnut...
panel 4
I'd like a double scoop of purple sweet potato and chocolate.

Under cover

People can watch us.
It's fine~
Cover is hiding us, so nobody is watching.

They're so adorable.

EDIT/ Minor fix. Shiho asked for purple sweet potato, not chestnut. My bad.

There's an omake where they go to the beach? Why am I only learning about that now?

joined Apr 23, 2015

I guess the author just chose the route of "love just happens!" And the development to happen reaaally slowly...

That's how I like to picture it. Shiho was just being herself when they met. She found the jewelry and returned it to it's owner. No fuss. Then they hit it off. I'm actually fine if we don't get every detail about how that happened.

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