Forum › There's Weird Voices Coming from the Room Next Door! discussion

joined Sep 25, 2019

The author seems to be impling that Akiho is totally overreacting to Fuuka's situation, because of some humorous misunderstanding, but other than getting the neighbors' genders mixed up, she is dead on. It might be my overactive inner social justice warrior talking but it seems to imply that It's no big deal, that Fuuka is being sexually harassed because it's women doing it.

Edit: Actually, now that I think about it, the whole premise of this manga is a woman being sexually harassed by anothe woman is comedy gold.

Literally the whole point of outrageous humour is to do things that go against conventional expectations and norms.
"Oh they're doing a mum-and-child routine, she's gonna ask for something cute like a hug or somet-NOPE SHE WANTS TIDDY MILK!"

Some people just take this stuff waaaaay too seriously, like it's awful that there's anything in the world that mentions an improper way of doing things regardless of context. The medium of fictional storytelling is inherently a proper context for all kinds of irrational bass-aackwards nonsense unless otherwise specified, and that's how to properly consider it by default.

Anyone looking to manga to learn about how to be a person is being dumb, and it's not the author's fault they're dumb.
So why's it wrong to have something in said manga that doesn't work in real life?

joined Sep 1, 2017

^^ Both of you have good points. After all sexual harassment and molestation is taken pretty lightly in most of manga and anime. Still the whole point of the overreacting gag, is that the listener completely misinterprets what they have been told, hearing, something innocent and imaging something lewd. Akiho came to the right conclusion, just wrong gender. I think the fact the author thought that would be funny, reflects the author's underling feelings about lesbian sex. It implies Fuuka being sexually stalked by horrible sex crazed men, BAD! Fuuka being sexually stalked by horrible sex crazed women Okay. Otherwise what the hell is funny about it.

joined Nov 19, 2017

Weaponized lesbiansm, a weapon to surpass something something. If any more college girls fall for her, she may as well start posing with the power of a gigoloette.

joined Jan 21, 2020

A new challenger enters the ring under false pretenses~~!!

joined Jan 22, 2017

I feel like she slowly becomes the harem protagonist Yurika could never be.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Weaponized lesbiansm, a weapon to surpass something something. If any more college girls fall for her, she may as well start posing with the power of a gigoloette.

YuriCam PTSD kicks in

joined Apr 16, 2018

I predict Akiho will be slightly changing her tune about this behavior very soon.

joined Dec 7, 2014

I predict Akiho will be slightly changing her tune about this behavior very soon.

I cant wait. This will be such a good twist

joined Aug 6, 2015

Alright, chapter 5 was kinda bad, but jintor said that that was the last bad one, so I'm looking forward to the rest!! (Also, by kinda bad I just mean... more manipulation...)

Yeah. Nagisa is definitely my least favorite character.

joined May 11, 2016

Alright, chapter 5 was kinda bad, but jintor said that that was the last bad one, so I'm looking forward to the rest!! (Also, by kinda bad I just mean... more manipulation...)

Yeah. Nagisa is definitely my least favorite character.

Sakurako is my favorite. She does that half joking half serious take on flirting that let's Nakano either call the bluff or shy away, and that's actually quite precious and a bit more comfortable for me lol.

joined Sep 1, 2017

^^ Both of you have good points. After all sexual harassment and molestation is taken pretty lightly in most of manga and anime. Still the whole point of the overreacting gag, is that the listener completely misinterprets what they have been told, hearing, something innocent and imaging something lewd. Akiho came to the right conclusion, just wrong gender. I think the fact the author thought that would be funny, reflects the author's underling feelings about lesbian sex. It implies Fuuka being sexually stalked by horrible sex crazed men, BAD! Fuuka being sexually stalked by horrible sex crazed women Okay. Otherwise what the hell is funny about it.

I think you are overthinking the whole situation. Sexual harassment is used as a joke not just in Japan but all over the world (I'm not saying that is right, just presenting the fact) and for me the joke was that the new girl is dead on on her assumptions just mistaking the genders, Whit again, is a comum joke. I don't think the author is trying to say lesbian sex is inferior, they are just using comum jokes lol

Yeah, I realised that after jintor and Boob Twinkler (sorry but that handle makes me cringe) pointed it out. The sexual harassment being made light of as a wholes was just an after thought anyway.
I don't think I'm over thinking my main point about the author implying het sexual molestaion BAD! lesbian sexual molestation okay. Because I reached that conclusion through one simple thought: I don't get it. I finished the chapter thinking huh why is that funny?
I've seen that gag done in manga and anime literaly dozens of times. The comedy stems from the person listening, misunderstanding and jumping to the hilariously wrong conclusion that their friend is being taken advantage of. Except in this case Akiho was pretty much dead on. Only making the understandable mistake, that the sexual predators after Fuuka are male. So the only thing I could think of is the gender asumption is the hilarious misunderstanding,, and the only way that is funny, is if being taken advantage of by men, BAD, being taken advantage of by other women, okay.
But hay I could easily proven wrong by Akiho's reaction when she meets said sexual predators.

last edited at Feb 10, 2020 12:38PM

joined May 27, 2019

Alright, chapter 5 was kinda bad, but jintor said that that was the last bad one, so I'm looking forward to the rest!! (Also, by kinda bad I just mean... more manipulation...)

Yeah. Nagisa is definitely my least favorite character.

She's my favorite at the moment, but I think that's because she's very much my type.

I'm curious how the neighbors will react to some fresh meat lol

joined Mar 16, 2018

I think the saving grace of a lot of it seems to be that Nakano although being painfully naive is not an unwilling participant?

joined Jan 13, 2019

I think the saving grace of a lot of it seems to be that Nakano although being painfully naive is not an unwilling participant?

that's basically why i'm giving it the time of day. that, and i find the art really charming.

big ears cute, ok

joined Jan 11, 2019

Ten bucks says Akiho also gets dragged into it.


tree fiddy

free tiddy

joined Jan 27, 2016

This shit gets weirder and weirder I absolutely love this

joined Aug 7, 2017

Still the whole point of the overreacting gag, is that the listener completely misinterprets what they have been told, hearing, something innocent and imaging something lewd. Akiho came to the right conclusion, just wrong gender. I think the fact the author thought that would be funny, reflects the author's underling feelings about lesbian sex. It implies Fuuka being sexually stalked by horrible sex crazed men, BAD! Fuuka being sexually stalked by horrible sex crazed women Okay. Otherwise what the hell is funny about it.

I think what will happen when Akiho sees that Fuuka's neighbors are both girls, is that she'll at first go "Oh damn, I was completely mistaken. They're both women, so obviously they're genuinely nice..." before sooner or later seeing one or both of the neighbors in action and go "OMFG THEY'RE LESBIANS?! SO I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG!?"

Nihongo Wakarahen
joined Mar 14, 2013

Still the whole point of the overreacting gag, is that the listener completely misinterprets what they have been told, hearing, something innocent and imaging something lewd. Akiho came to the right conclusion, just wrong gender. I think the fact the author thought that would be funny, reflects the author's underling feelings about lesbian sex. It implies Fuuka being sexually stalked by horrible sex crazed men, BAD! Fuuka being sexually stalked by horrible sex crazed women Okay. Otherwise what the hell is funny about it.

I think what will happen when Akiho sees that Fuuka's neighbors are both girls, is that she'll at first go "Oh damn, I was completely mistaken. They're both women, so obviously they're genuinely nice..." before sooner or later seeing one or both of the neighbors in action and go "OMFG THEY'RE LESBIANS?! SO I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG!?"

Laughs in foreknowledge

joined Sep 1, 2017

Still the whole point of the overreacting gag, is that the listener completely misinterprets what they have been told, hearing, something innocent and imaging something lewd. Akiho came to the right conclusion, just wrong gender. I think the fact the author thought that would be funny, reflects the author's underling feelings about lesbian sex. It implies Fuuka being sexually stalked by horrible sex crazed men, BAD! Fuuka being sexually stalked by horrible sex crazed women Okay. Otherwise what the hell is funny about it.

I think what will happen when Akiho sees that Fuuka's neighbors are both girls, is that she'll at first go "Oh damn, I was completely mistaken. They're both women, so obviously they're genuinely nice..." before sooner or later seeing one or both of the neighbors in action and go "OMFG THEY'RE LESBIANS?! SO I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG!?"

If That's the case i'll admit I was wrong. Quietly, to myself, when no one else is around to hear.

joined Jun 12, 2017

Oh, she's a natural

joined Aug 4, 2018

joined Apr 13, 2018

Omg guys, you grew up so fast, I'm so proud of y'all c:
About you never being able to have conversations here without starting an argument

joined Feb 9, 2019

super lewd. >///<

cant wait for more!!

edit: also i personally just overlook the dubcon stuff and enjoy it for what it is. this is pretty tame
compared to a lot of way more problematic stuff on DS. im not even partial to it, but its fine if you are, so long as it stays fictional. /shrug

last edited at Feb 10, 2020 10:02PM

joined Apr 20, 2013

SakuraIce22 posted:

Omg guys, you grew up so fast, I'm so proud of y'all c:
About you never being able to have conversations here without starting an argument

Probably because there was a warning that this was coming, so most people decided to just ignore it and move on with the next chapter, well I did!.

joined Jun 27, 2015

This big-eared potato is criminally cute.

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