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joined May 18, 2013


joined Mar 3, 2019


That'd be yikes. LOL.

joined Jan 17, 2020

I wonder if in the real world women do try to do stuff like that. You have A, B and C. A loves B, B loves C. So A dates C to make B forget C, and then A drops C to be with B. Can this ever happen for real?

joined Sep 21, 2014

And the genius plan of snatching the love interest didn't pan out for Risako. What a surprise.
I guess Reichii bonds with Kaoru over her mothers death while Risako bites her thumb in the background. That'll be the end of the flashback.

joined Feb 23, 2016

My gawd...

joined Apr 20, 2013

shimchong posted:

I wonder if in the real world women do try to do stuff like that. You have A, B and C. A loves B, B loves C. So A dates C to make B forget C, and then A drops C to be with B. Can this ever happen for real?

sigh women... am I right, guise? (´、ゝ`)

Nah but seriously, I've never heard of something like this irl, but I've seen it twice or more in yuri works.....wait!

joined Feb 23, 2016

I wonder if in the real world women do try to do stuff like that. You have A, B and C. A loves B, B loves C. So A dates C to make B forget C, and then A drops C to be with B. Can this ever happen for real?

Unfortunately, i have seen it happen, but it was more that the girl actually loved her boyfriend more. So yeah it can happen.

joined Sep 8, 2019

Man this is getting boring with the unresolved drama trees

joined Jun 25, 2017

Omg, kid Uta is the cutest fucking thing. Even then, Uta was a source of love for Kaoru. Omg! I hope we get to see Kaoru confront her cheating husband, seperate, grow and realize that she has someone her truly loves her.

joined Jun 25, 2017

Also, did anyone else notice how It's pulled Kaoru the same way Kaoru pulls Uta the day It's left? It's like a foreshadowing. Like maybe Kaoru will soon learn to be a source of comfort for Uta, and grow. Both of them .

joined Oct 22, 2018



she has a gender, y'know?

joined Dec 13, 2013

i hope im not the only one who got really interested in this after the POV changed to kaoru/kaoru’s past. risako is by far the character that makes me curious abt everything like WHATS THE DEAL WITH YOOOU?? are you jealous of kaoru?? do you love her?? do you hate her?? i mean whats the meaning of:

  1. constantly asking kaoru what she sees on reiichi as if trying to make her give up or see if her opinion changed
  2. always looking like youre testing kaoru to see when she’ll give up on reiichi for…… some weird reason i guess,, like,, “well badmouthing him didnt work so maybe if i date him she’ll move on”
  3. trying to get even closer to kaoru after THAT
  4. got really upset after kaoru asked for some space even though you’re known for being the ice queen
  5. there’s probably more implicit things but im bad at noticing that

my weird guess is that she wants to be reiichi as in “i want to be the one you love but i have no idea how to do that so ill just try to ruin the love you have for him so you can make up space for me”

last edited at Jan 18, 2020 12:22PM

joined Aug 6, 2015

i hope im not the only one who got really interested in this after the POV changed to kaoru/kaoru’s past. risako is by far the character that makes me curious abt everything like WHATS THE DEAL WITH YOOOU?? are you jealous of kaoru?? do you love her?? do you hate her?? i mean whats the meaning of:

  1. constantly asking kaoru what she sees on reiichi as if trying to make her give up or see if her opinion changed
  2. always looking like youre testing kaoru to see when she’ll give up on reiichi for…… some weird reason i guess,, like,, “well badmouthing him didnt work so maybe if i date him she’ll move on”
  3. trying to get even closer to kaoru after THAT
  4. got really upset after kaoru asked for some space even though you’re known for being the ice queen
  5. there’s probably more implicit things but im bad at noticing that

my weird guess is that she wants to be reiichi as in “i want to be the one you love but i have no idea how to do that so ill just try to ruin the love you have for him so you can make up space for me”

For me I'm more confused than anything. Outside the cheating part Risako hasn't really been a major part of the story so randomly saying she might either love or hate Kaoru feels out of nowhere. The story never really felt like it built any of this enough at this point for me to really buy either.

joined Dec 5, 2019

For me I'm more confused than anything. Outside the cheating part Risako hasn't really been a major part of the story so randomly saying she might either love or hate Kaoru feels out of nowhere. The story never really felt like it built any of this enough at this point for me to really buy either.

well, we never did get confirmation that Risako was the one Reiichi was cheating with, we just got to see both of them together on the street, and if Risako was the one, it could be another try at breaking them up, it surely doesn't seem like Risako likes Reiichi that much

I think Risako was in love with Kaoru and accepted to go out with reiichi to try and make her forget about him, sad really, all these confused people

last edited at Jan 18, 2020 12:35PM

joined Aug 6, 2015

I just feel like if that's the case that's some really bad story telling. If she is the one cheating with him why start now? To what extent is she doing stuff with him, and most importantly why keep it a secret. We see in the past she wants Kaoru to see her confess so why hide it now? Right now I feel like she either isn't the one and her and Reiichi are just friends in her present or she is the one he's cheating with and she did end up falling for him.

joined May 27, 2019

For me I'm more confused than anything. Outside the cheating part Risako hasn't really been a major part of the story so randomly saying she might either love or hate Kaoru feels out of nowhere. The story never really felt like it built any of this enough at this point for me to really buy either.

well, we never did get confirmation that Risako was the one Reiichi was cheating with, we just got to see both of them together on the street, and if Risako was the one, it could be another try at breaking them up, it surely doesn't seem like Risako likes Reiichi that much

I think Risako was in love with Kaoru and accepted to go out with reiichi to try and make her forget about him, sad really, all these confused people

I totally agree. Risako's too much of a coward/confused to be honest with Kaoru, so she just lashes out and tries to prevent her from hooking up with Reiichi.

Too bad for her another rival appeared from the same family lol

joined Jun 25, 2019

isn't the one and her and Reiichi are just friends in her present

Then why lie about not seeing Reiichi since their marriage ? Her and Reiichi were the one who bring Kaoru to the hosptital after Kaoru's accident because they were here and Kaoru saw them,shewas behind them. If there was nothing then why lie ? I mean, it can be interpreted as Risako taking the opportunity to make Kaoru's doubt about her husband's fidelity and make her think Reiichi cheat on her with Risako but even if it will probably make distance between Kaoru and Reiichi, i highly doubt Kaoru will forgive Risako that easily for that.

joined May 1, 2013

isn't the one and her and Reiichi are just friends in her present

Then why lie about not seeing Reiichi since their marriage ?

The only things I can think of are, Reiichi has confided in Risako about how bad his marriage is OR Reiichi made a pass at Risako. Either of those would lead Risako to want to avoid telling Kaoru about it without being cheating.

That scene where Kaoru's sick is written so coyly; it's annoying. I've seen a kabillion scenes like that, where someone talks about "these feelings for someone" and we think we know how the story's going but then whooaaaa it was Shiori's picture inside the locket all along! If Risako was straightforwardly just into Reiichi and that was it, it'd be very easy to have her state it in dialogue without all the ambiguity.
Thing is here, though... I can't tell how savvy the author thinks the readers are. Risako being in love with Kaoru has been strongly, strongly suggested by this point (and she's not wearing her glasses when she goes to visit her, either) but it's gotten to the point that the twist will be such a foregone conclusion, I'm concerned it'll be a double fake-out and she was never in love with Kaoru at all. (this would be stupid, and not just because less yuri)

This chapter does give us insight to Risako, though, especially that sick scene. Her strategy to help Kaoru sucks because she has no idea what is going on because she's like 16. "Hmm, I feel bad when she pays attention to Reiichi, but I feel great around her the rest of the time. I know, if I pull his attention away, there won't be a problem anymore!" She's flailing, but she looks so together, you'd never guess it from the outside.

joined Dec 9, 2014

Btw, I saw this kind of thing happening before irl, is not commun because you need to have a galaxy brain to do something like this.

I don't think it's the galaxy brain. More like you need to be an asshole.

joined Aug 6, 2015

isn't the one and her and Reiichi are just friends in her present

I mean, it can be interpreted as Risako taking the opportunity to make Kaoru's doubt about her husband's fidelity and make her think Reiichi cheat on her with Risako but even if it will probably make distance between Kaoru and Reiichi, i highly doubt Kaoru will forgive Risako that easily for that.

For me that's the problem. This would imply that her plan was always to make Kaoru doubt Reiichi but her doubt only started recently happening but Reiichi has been seeing Risako for awhile now. Risako liking Kaoru just doesn't make much sense to me considering how her present self acts. The only thing I can think of is she maybe lied because she knew how Kaoru would act if she said she did meet up with Reiichi.

joined Jun 9, 2018

So what I don't get is in chapter 4 Kaoru's friends said Kaoru had broken up with Reichii for 7 years in high school and university, but we see clearly that that couldn't
have happened since Risako and Reichii seemed to be dating for Risako's last two years of high school. Also it seems Kaoru didn't attend university, bit maybe she did since we need to wait for the next chapters. I'm confused here and maybe the author made some errors.

last edited at Jan 18, 2020 3:46PM

joined Jan 30, 2019

god can we stop flashback and that love triangle

joined Mar 15, 2017

So what I don't get is in chapter 4 Kaoru's friends said Kaoru had broken up with Reichii for 7 years in high school and university, but we see clearly that that couldn't

That was a mistranslation. The Japanese used can mean breaking up, but also just having a confession turned down.

joined Feb 16, 2018

We are so lucky to have gotten 2 flashbacks that reestablish how shitty each character is.

We are truly blessed.

joined Nov 19, 2017

So Risako has the gay for Kaoru for realsies? The visitation scene reads a bit like a confession/coming out. Unfortunately the confessor in question is an all brains low feelings type while the one sort of being confused to is the exact opposite, all the feels but no brain power to really process anything. Risako probably thought she's being very practical in trying to get Kaoru to give up dunce bro, but she forgets to/unable to account for how Kaoru might react. Kaoru has always been hard/impossible to read to Risako. I don't know, this is just a theory and I need more data. If she is gay for Kaoru, at what point did this happen? Seeing Kaoru fell the confession thing for the xxth time? Is taking dunce bro just a way to make Kaoru vulnerable in order for her to swoop in and take her? The fuck is all that Jedi mind trick in the present time?

Risako probably comes with Jaws theme music whenever she's nearby Kaoru

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