Gay Asteroid is cute.
Oh, and I thought the new Show by Rock was pretty decent. More standard "cute girls making music", but an all-around solid production
Yeah! And they have more creative freedom with this one since the new game isn't out yet, new girls(and plusies) and endless possibilities, I hope it gets gay later. Most of the yuri in OG was in the game. I wonder if we'll see the other bands...hmmm...probably cameos.
Actually, let me share some of the Retoree's LR lines:
First of...her title: Retoree · Eternal ❤ Cyan Daisuki.
Her skill line: ETERNAAAAL CYAN DAAAISUKIII. She screams this every time her skill procs lol
She has another line but the game is closed for good and I don't remember it exactly, but it was another love declaration.
Cheety LR had a really good one too!
One of her random dialogues was about how she feels her chest tighten when Lyna flirts speaks with other girls...yep.
Lyna's lines are about her being boyish. TL;DR she's a flirt, but she's totally not doing it intentionally. It's her fan girls...yep totally.
I wish I shared the ones I had before the game died. I had loads of fun listening to those a month ago when they were practically giving them away for free.