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Well shit...

joined Dec 30, 2018

Awwww ;_;

joined Dec 30, 2018

"I did a basic check on all the good looking girls in class, never know when one of you might become my rival."

Nice excuse for being FUCKING GAY Fujishiro.


joined May 22, 2016

That was so heavy and relatable lmao
Might be the first chapter in a while in this series that got such strong feelings from me, pretty good stuff
I hope she'll find happiness eventually, I need to see her smile for real :')

joined Jun 4, 2015

Didn't think she'd be so honest and straightforward at the end of the chapter

joined Dec 5, 2019

Poor Izumi, so used to lying and to hiding and here is she telling the thing on Nanaki's face. Don't think she will get it, I hope that friend of her was just shocked not afraid, I want Izumi to be happy.

joined Mar 18, 2018

Holding in feelings like that for such a long time is really hard and it looks like this was her breaking point...
Next chapter is gonna be interesting.

joined Oct 26, 2018

So much salt in this series

joined Jul 18, 2017

okay well this was a pretty good chapter
I didn't really like Izumi so far, but her backstory is pretty good and now I can feel for her finally
Hope she will be happy too

joined Feb 21, 2019

I too, spent my time in high school gaslighting girls I had crushes on cause I was too scared to confess

joined Jun 1, 2016

Oh, it's a flasahback chapter. It's been so long I've forgotten what's even going on.

joined Jan 26, 2019

Oh i remember that face izumi's friend had. Someone looked at me just like that when i was in middle school. If this face hurts as a drawing, then imagine how painful it is in the reality. I can tell. It's the most horrible feeling i ever had by far.

joined Jun 12, 2015

Finally a good chapter where something happened.

joined Jan 11, 2019

Oh i remember that face izumi's friend had. Someone looked at me just like that when i was in middle school. If this face hurts as a drawing, then imagine how painful it is in the reality. I can tell. It's the most horrible feeling i ever had by far.

Me too. I said mentally "oh no..." when i saw that face but couldn't take my eyes off it and turn the page.

joined Apr 17, 2017

This is probably my favorite serialization going right now. And it was a very nice chapter. I'm impressed they got through Izumi's whole back-story in the space of a few pages.

But what threw me at the end was on page 26, in the bottom left corner. Is that a calendar? I can't read Japanese, but it looks like that is a Useless Princess calendar. I want that thing so badly.

joined Dec 9, 2014

Wow what a bomb. I didn't expect her to confess, especially so early.

I miss the Kurokawa- Nanaki interactions though. After Kurokawa put her face really close to Nanaki's, I want to see what happens when they interact with each other alone, so these chapters feel like a drag.
I liked Izumi's back story and I still don't think she's a bad person, but I wanted some dose of Kurokawa and Nanaki in between these for a break.
I hope this doesn't get dragged on about Izumi for too long.

Poor Izumi, so used to lying and to hiding and here is she telling the thing on Nanaki's face. Don't think she will get it, I hope that friend of her was just shocked not afraid, I want Izumi to be happy.

I think Nanaki could help Izumi overcome her internilized homophobia, by reacting normal to the confession. Just like how she didn't hesitate dumping her own gyaru group for Kurokawa when they were making fun of her.

last edited at Jan 12, 2020 6:31AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

(I feel bad for taking the meme-like way to comment on this chapter, but):

Izumi's entire love life thus far has been one giant oof.

joined Jan 11, 2019

Iroha looks like SF-A2 Miki

last edited at Jan 12, 2020 6:27AM

joined Dec 9, 2014

BTW, is it me or did the middle school friend looked more shocked than disgusted when Izumi said that? Like maybe she felt the same way Izumi did and was so shocked when she suggested dating out of nowhere, that her only reaction was that one, i mean she did kept rejecting every guy that confessed to her. Maybe she drifted away from her because she thought Izumi would never feel the same as her. Maybe this is just me pulling my yuri goggles out of my ass

I don't think it's yuri goggles, there definitely were hints the other girl could be gay too.

joined Jun 20, 2014

Izumi finally broke and then probably becomes a yandere. xD

joined Jan 3, 2020

Poor Izumi, so used to lying and to hiding and here is she telling the thing on Nanaki's face. Don't think she will get it, I hope that friend of her was just shocked not afraid, I want Izumi to be happy.

I think Nanaki could help Izumi overcome her internalized homophobia, by reacting normal to the confession. Just like how she didn't hesitate dumping her own gyaru group for Kurokawa when they were making fun of her.

I don't know; I still feel like this would be a shit outcome for her. She gets the reality of homosexual relationships in schools: the pool of potential partners is shallow as fuck and entirely in hiding usually, so she crushes on straight girls and never has any happiness from relationships until college or even later.

Meanwhile, neither Kurokawa or Nanaki was a lesbian before this. They were just previously straight girls who magically happened to fall in love (well there's signs at least that Nanaki was unhappy with boyfriends, but that have to mean anything specific). This is something pretty rare to happen in reality.

Izumi is getting a bit of a raw deal purely for being a side character. Then again, maybe the series will account for this and manifest a girlfriend for her.

last edited at Jan 12, 2020 8:02AM

joined Jan 17, 2019

Bruh, I ship Nanaki with Izumi ,wtf is wrong with me

joined Dec 9, 2014

Meanwhile, neither Kurokawa or Nanaki was a lesbian before this. They were just previously straight girls who magically happened to fall in love (well there's signs at least that Nanaki was unhappy with boyfriend's, but that have to mean anything specific). This is something pretty rare to happen in reality.

If they weren't lesbians before, they're not now either. Sexuality is not always one or the other. There's also a spectrum, and I assume neither of them are 100% gay because Nanaki seemed to be at least a bit into her bfs, and Kurokawa is into yaoi (maybe not everyone considers this to count).

Izumi getting rejected or even ridiculed for that doesn't align with the story imo. I don't think the story is supposed to be that heavy, so if she doesn't find a gf, I think she will at least make amends with them.

last edited at Jan 12, 2020 6:55AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

2- No, liking yaoi doesn't mean you are in to boys, I'm pretty sure there is a lot of girls here who are straight and like Yuri.

Not to mention the fact that I remember people in several forums here on Dynasty Reader mentioning some lesbians that like yaoi.

last edited at Jan 12, 2020 7:11AM

joined Feb 23, 2016

Well fuck... i want more..(´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)

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