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joined Apr 20, 2013

h3x posted:

Give me chapter and page number if you're gonna claim that. I'm fairly sure it never says that Tsukasa's feelings were just a phase.

I think Nevri meant these three pages.

It has been said but is something the reader should understand after that ending... Because if we're looking for specific statement, Tsukasa never said she was bisexual either so ...

joined Dec 11, 2017

Give me chapter and page number if you're gonna claim that. I'm fairly sure it never says that Tsukasa's feelings were just a phase.

I think Nevri meant these three pages.

Those...Those are -entirely- speculation on the part of Kotooka, though. None of that is coming from Tsukasa, or is based on anything Tsukasa said. And it's coming from the character with the single most negative disposition in the entire comic.

Kotooka's sharp, but she also looks at everything through a thoroughly defeatist filter.

Hell, in fact, re-reading, RIGHT after that, Tsukasa takes her to task -specifically- for deciding on her own what other people's feelings are.

last edited at Apr 3, 2018 9:21PM

joined Dec 11, 2017

h3x posted:

Give me chapter and page number if you're gonna claim that. I'm fairly sure it never says that Tsukasa's feelings were just a phase.

I think Nevri meant these three pages.

It has been said but is something the reader should understand after that ending... Because if we're looking for specific statement, Tsukasa never said she was bisexual either so ...

No, she didn't say anything except that she was in love with Nadeshiko. And we have no reason to disbelieve her when she says that. She certainly acts like her feelings are real. She acts in Nadeshiko's interests at the expense of her own, she longs for her to notice her feelings, she's heartbroken whenever she realizes her feelings just aren't reciprocated.

There's no reason to assume this is a phase. It could be she's bi, or pan, or she could be straight with an exception, (or gay with her later boyfriend being an exception) or maybe she eschew's labels her whole life. The point is we don't know, and there's no reason to assume that her feelings aren't genuine.

joined Jul 11, 2015

good story but... kinda let me down

joined Jul 11, 2015

good story but... kinda let me down

i put my hopes up too high on nadeshikoxtsukasa.. and it kinda disappoints me that none of them ended up together.. sighhhhhhhhh

last edited at May 1, 2018 10:50PM

joined Jul 11, 2015

good story but... kinda let me down

i put my hopes up too high on nadeshikoxtsukasa.. and it kinda disappoints me that none of them ended up together.. sighhhhhhhhh

poor tsukasa for having nadeshiko not really care about her.. nadeshiko doesnt even really think about tsukasa..

last edited at May 1, 2018 10:51PM

joined May 8, 2018

First of all, I only created this account to comment on this manga. I like this manga and it is a good read, only at the beginning for me. When I got to the part where Kotooka already knew about Nadeshiko's and Tsukasa's feelings, I was hoping she would tell them. Well, at least at an appropriate time. As I continue to read, I was hoping the girls would have their feelings resolve. But then Chapter 15... Ugh... After Ch 15, I couldn't take it anymore. I got so frustrated.

So many misunderstandings. And presuring poor Tsukasa with Asakura. I get that Kotooka have good intentions, I really do. What got me to finally drop this manga is the last page on Ch 15. I understand that the girls doesn't want to change what they have, but for me, their unspoken feelings for each other really frustrate me. Unrequited love in the end for the girls. It felt like everything would be resolve if only they say something.

To have an unrequited love not be resolve by the end of the manga really leave a bad taste in my mouth. I'm so glad I didn't waste my time reading the rest and head straight for the final chapter.

joined Mar 16, 2018

I'd like to a sequel of this when they're older and maybe in High School, I want to see if they are still keeping up their secret or have things broken down. I give a lot of the uncertainty and not being true to themselves to them being in middle school. That's a fucked up time what with the constant hormones and such.

joined Apr 20, 2013

ANN is making a review of Asterism so far the first 2 volumes ... I kinda want to see the review of the last 2 for the morbid feeling it causes to finish it hehe.

Btw let me say this just one more time... Kotooka did nothing wrong.

last edited at Jun 15, 2018 10:21PM

joined Nov 25, 2016

I forgot to finish this before whoops so here is it.
The ending feels somewhat rushed, yes. I'm dissatisfied with many things people have talked about as well.
These extras with BL though, I dig it, so cute, thanks (I dig everything as long as they're good, okay). The artwork is nice as well. I just wish the story is better...

last edited at Jun 16, 2018 2:07AM

joined Jun 6, 2018

Two words. Very. Disappointed.

joined Apr 12, 2018

Reading through this slowly; I'm currently on the start of Chapter 7. I've heard bad buzz about this so I'm trying not to get invested in any particular ship, but I'm already rooting hard for Tsukasa and Washio. ^_^;

last edited at Jul 12, 2018 3:51AM

joined Dec 5, 2016

We need a sequel for this where they're already adults and some crazy NTR shit happens

joined Oct 7, 2017

so much great buildup for so little of anything in the end.
well, everyone else has already said as much about this series.
I'm just glad I'm not the only one who found the ending to be really lacking.

joined Sep 11, 2016

I just have been rejected by my best friend and some how end up finding this manga. I was hoping this will make me smile again, but the ending just hurt me more especially the phase " First love never work". Like fuck you author it was hurting the whole way through the series but that ending just like hitting me with full force, I really hate you now. But beside this is a very good and cute series about love but not for anyone who are hurting.

joined Sep 21, 2015

So, reading this again after the years... Did Kotooka and Washio hook up at the end? The final phrase was "first love doesn't last" and it wouldnt be a first for those two (Kotooka with her other friend, Washio with the Sempai)... alsoa at the super spoiling image at ch. 19 they have matching bracelets (Tsukasa doesn't have one)... So can I assume that they hooked up?? Thet ending for Tsukasa was hell though.

I can say, after the years, when the hype is gone and you can read calmly.. that it wasn't as bad as I remembered it. I liked it and it made me feel nostalgic.

last edited at May 4, 2019 12:51AM

joined Oct 22, 2018


joined Oct 4, 2018

I will never understand people. Why the hell hiding something like that? Seriously, they are too immature and shouldn't even be thinking about romance yet. They are too naive and the like. I wish people wouldn't go to hastily in the path of romance and take a long thought about life.

Aren't you talking about teenagers and puberty in general?
There are times to keep a secret and times when shou can be horribly blunt. Isn't the whole purpose of growing up and maturing to figure out the best way to do that?
Not everyone can handle being straight forward even if it could be an ideal to go after.

joined Jul 6, 2014

This story had so much potential and delicious angst in the first few chapters but got bogged down in the side story and it felt like the author didn't know what to do with the characters...
The ending was hot garbage too

joined Jul 29, 2017

This story had so much potential and delicious angst in the first few chapters but got bogged down in the side story and it felt like the author didn't know what to do with the characters...
The ending was hot garbage too

You are not alone in your response to this one.

joined Oct 22, 2018

IKR? it mostly ended where it began

joined Dec 20, 2018

IKR? it mostly ended where it began

Pretty much, yes, just with even more secrets...

joined Jul 29, 2017

IKR? it mostly ended where it began

Pretty much, yes, just with even more secrets...

And secrets are bad. But it’s a happy ending.

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Blastaar posted:

IKR? it mostly ended where it began

Pretty much, yes, just with even more secrets...

And secrets are bad.

Unless you're dating in secret.

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

But it’s a happy ending.

Very happy for the male characters.

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