Forum › Bright and Cheery Amnesia discussion

joined Jun 12, 2019


joined Aug 5, 2014

Offensive Arisa is great.

joined Sep 6, 2017

I'm pretty sure if someone tried to kiss me with tongue after i puked i would deter them somehow. I still love this fluff.

joined Nov 14, 2013

So this is still in flashback right? Since they got married in Ch 31 i think, its just been a flashback ever since right?

joined Jul 29, 2017

So this is still in flashback right? Since they got married in Ch 31 i think, its just been a flashback ever since right?

Right. This (extended flashback) was always one way for the story to go, since all along they spent so much time discussing how things used to be—we pretty much had to get a look at their former selves.

The big question I previously had was based on the fact that Arisa’s amnesia apparently was caused by an excess of happiness—would their re-union at the altar trigger yet another happiness-overload-brain-fry?

Even though the flashback suggests that her memory is working overtime, I’m still thinking probably not . . .

Firefly Fanatic
joined Feb 22, 2019


joined Feb 3, 2013

Arisa, the point of using underhanded methods to get your partner to have sex is to keep them... well... underhanded.

last edited at Oct 9, 2019 1:55AM

joined Apr 6, 2019

The big question I previously had was based on the fact that Arisa’s amnesia apparently was caused by an excess of happiness—would their re-union at the altar trigger yet another happiness-overload-brain-fry?

Even though the flashback suggests that her memory is working overtime, I’m still thinking probably not . . .

Her brain must be much stronger and resilient now, and able to stand any amount of happy feelings. I mean, she survived the first overload... and what doesn't kill us makes us stronger!

Or something. xD

joined Jul 29, 2017

Arisa, the point of using underhanded methods to get your partner to have sex is to keep them... well... underhanded.

Not Arisa, man—when she wants to do something on the sly, she announces it in her loudest voice. It’s more honest that way.

More seriously, this is a great example of why I have little patience with the “deplorable behavior is always completely deplorable no matter what” argument, where genre and tone and the overall context of a story are assumed to have no relevance.

I can just see someone making the argument that “This is horrible because Arisa is acting just like a predatory date rapist, and the fact that Mari is down with it makes no difference.” (Also, “what if this were a guy doing this?”)

Which is why I think genre and tone and context matter.

last edited at Oct 9, 2019 7:46AM

joined Sep 13, 2018


this is just so good , it was really a brigth idea since ep 1 to the last chapter , not seeing fall in quality yet

joined Nov 6, 2018


this is just so good , it was really a brigth idea since ep 1 to the last chapter , not seeing fall in quality yet

If only.

joined Mar 27, 2015

Still being the best adorkable gay couple I see. Go on then!

joined Jun 25, 2017

God, this manga is everything. When they sell the hard copys on Amazon. Count me in and take my money.

joined Jun 25, 2017

This really needs to be an anime. I've seen other Yuri manga get animes, that really aren't that appealing. This, this is gold.

joined Feb 11, 2018

Normally people don't talk about their problems in romance series like this and just stew in their own frustrations, but Arisa just screams them out in public instead. Well, that's one way to get things moving.

joined Nov 6, 2018

That might've been the best chapter yet.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Lol don't think of your friend like that Arisaaa XD

I really love how she doesn't give up, she doesn't consider the fact that Mari could be straight or leaving her, it has to work yes or yes! She's like a force of nature... A storm, Muzan or winter, she comes and does her thing when she needs to.

joined Jan 7, 2019

I really loved this chapter. Despite being a silly comedy series this feels a lot more grounded and real than many super serious dramas.

joined May 27, 2015

Pg. 6: "desert" -> "dessert"

Also, I've never, ever heard anyone contract "excuse me" into "'cuse me". I've seen "'scuse me" before but not "'cuse me".

last edited at Nov 12, 2019 3:22AM

joined Sep 1, 2017

You don't really see yuri manga use the word "lesbian." It's like the L-words (Please don't sue me, Showtime.) is a bad word, or something.

joined Feb 23, 2016

Finally some action~

last edited at Nov 12, 2019 3:28AM

joined Sep 5, 2018

Arisa, did you draw the “stereotypical guy” card that gives you the “‘no’ means ‘press harder’” trait? I think you should discard that one ASAP and draw a better one.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Arisa, did you draw the “stereotypical guy” card that gives you the “‘no’ means ‘press harder’” trait? I think you should discard that one ASAP and draw a better one.

So when does Mari say “no” but Arisa ignores her?

joined Sep 5, 2018

So when does Mari say “no” but Arisa ignores her?

On the first page of chapter 39, Mari refuses her, and while meeting with her friend on the following pages, Arisa imagines various interpretation how that refusal actually means “go ahead” one way or another. On page 9 Mari says she doesn’t have the confidence to take her clothes off, which could reasonably be interpreted as that she doesn’t want her clothes off at all at the moment, but Arisa immediately concludes that it’s okay for her to take Mari’s clothes off.

Edit: Missed an at the moment there.

last edited at Nov 12, 2019 9:32AM

joined Jun 25, 2019

On page 9 Mari says she doesn’t have the confidence to take her clothes off, which could reasonably be interpreted as that she doesn’t want her clothes off at all,

Or that she need time before she can do it herself. How the hell did you reach the not atall conclusion when she clearly said she can't do it now but might build confidence to do it in the near future.

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