Yuri Project
joined Aug 14, 2019
When it comes to editing - there's really not much to it. I started editing manga about a week after downloading photoshop for the first time in my life.
Ehhhh depends. If it's just erasing speech bubbles and typing text on top, that's pretty simple, you can learn to overnight. Sfx can get a bit complicated, though, as well as color pages. Sometimes even the speech bubbles have complex backgrounds patterns, like flowers. That does require a bit of skill in using brushes, in order to redraw stuff to match the original art. Also, clone stamp, transform tools, et cetera. But I guess if you have a lot of free time, you can learn to do most of it in a week or two. It really helps that Manga is all BW.
That's true - colour pages can be a nightmare, especially if it involved redrawing people, not just background and objects. Redrawing for the SFX is a pain sometimes, but SAD typically leaves the SFX as is. The only difficult part aside from SFX is redrawing when the narrative text is over top of backgrounds. Still, I think about a month at most is all you need if you make sure to put some effort into it.
As someone who has no experience or knowledge about it, how does one go about learning how to do that sort of editing work?
As Cecile said, just download photoshop and practice. I would personally recommend looking through /u/ Scanlations' pastebin of manga waiting to be typeset, picking one that interests you (or just to practice on - doesn't really matter), and giving it a go. For guides, Here are a few:
Red Hawk Scanlations' Guide
AnonBlack's guides
Ruinevil's Guide - This one is probably best for beginners, while the former two have more detailed (and usually better) advice.