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joined May 8, 2017

maybe this is a how to guide on having a healthy mom daughter yuri :D?

Step 1: Your husband has to die from an "accident"....

maybe this is a how to guide on having a healthy mom daughter yuri :D?

Step 1: Your husband has to die from an "accident"....

Step 2: Daughter must be a lil perv, like her dad

joined Jul 26, 2016

maybe this is a how to guide on having a healthy mom daughter yuri :D?

Step 1: Your husband has to die from an "accident"....

Step 2: Daughter must be a lil perv, like her dad

Seems to me like things would go smoother if she was getting that from mom...

Very unnerving to see Asuka having done some kissing and maybe deeper stuff with someone who wasn't her mom(even though I thought she was at least crushing on her before that dirty senpai seduced her) and then later it somehow happens after all... what is going on?

joined Dec 18, 2013

Very unnerving to see Asuka having done some kissing and maybe deeper stuff with someone who wasn't her mom

I would've thought people would be happy to see Asuka get her freak on with someone she isn't blood related.

joined May 11, 2016

Very unnerving to see Asuka having done some kissing and maybe deeper stuff with someone who wasn't her mom

I would've thought people would be happy to see Asuka get her freak on with someone she isn't blood related.

Yeah, no. Came for angsty incest. Let's gooooo!

joined Jul 4, 2018

maybe this is a how to guide on having a healthy mom daughter yuri :D?

Step 1: Your husband has to die from an "accident"....

Step 2: Daughter must be a lil perv, like her dad

Step 3: Rain fire?...

joined Oct 23, 2018

ok fine i feel a little bad for that president and whatever but get us out of this flashback sequence already

joined Oct 23, 2018

Very unnerving to see Asuka having done some kissing and maybe deeper stuff with someone who wasn't her mom

this line alone is hilarious

joined Jun 27, 2017

While I'd overall agree with the "too much flashback!" sentiment I think people are a little bit harsh over the current arc. Sure, if it's only three chapter to the end from here it'd suck, but if it's planned to be a long series it's nothing that outrageous and clearly these events are important for Asuka's ... teenage formation years ^^

joined Sep 29, 2018

maybe this is a how to guide on having a healthy mom daughter yuri :D?

Step 1: Your husband has to die from an "accident"....

Step 2: Daughter must be a lil perv, like her dad

Step 3: Rain fire?...

Step 4: Unleash the horde???

joined Aug 2, 2019

While I'd overall agree with the "too much flashback!" sentiment I think people are a little bit harsh over the current arc. Sure, if it's only three chapter to the end from here it'd suck, but if it's planned to be a long series it's nothing that outrageous and clearly these events are important for Asuka's ... teenage formation years ^^

I feel the same way, I think it gives the characters more depth and shows how much thought the author has given to this series.

joined May 15, 2014

maybe this is a how to guide on having a healthy mom daughter yuri :D?

Step 1: Your husband has to die from an "accident"....

Step 2: Daughter must be a lil perv, like her dad

Step 3: Rain fire?...

Step 4: Unleash the horde???

Step 5: Start Armageddon?!

joined Jun 25, 2019

While I'd overall agree with the "too much flashback!" sentiment I think people are a little bit harsh over the current arc. Sure, if it's only three chapter to the end from here it'd suck, but if it's planned to be a long series it's nothing that outrageous and clearly these events are important for Asuka's ... teenage formation years ^^

I feel the same way, I think it gives the characters more depth and shows how much thought the author has given to this series.

If Senpai is plan to stay and still play major role that's said because there no point to give that much backstory if you gonna ditch the character after or giving her minor role.

joined Aug 2, 2019

While I'd overall agree with the "too much flashback!" sentiment I think people are a little bit harsh over the current arc. Sure, if it's only three chapter to the end from here it'd suck, but if it's planned to be a long series it's nothing that outrageous and clearly these events are important for Asuka's ... teenage formation years ^^

I feel the same way, I think it gives the characters more depth and shows how much thought the author has given to this series.

If Senpai is plan to stay and still play major role that's said because there no point to give that much backstory if you gonna ditch the character after or giving her minor role.

I'm probably reading too much into this but the way I see it, Senpai serves a few purpose to build up Asuka as a character. It feels like she is there to show what a 'wrong' kind of 'love' looks like, given how Asuka has probably wrestled with how 'wrong' her feelings are for her mum.

It seems as if what happened with Senpai was a catalyst for Asuka to truly accept her feelings and be certain and not as horrified that she is indeed in love with her mother. So even if Senpai does only appear for a few chapters, I feel like her role is important for Asuka as a character.

But to each their own I guess, I do understand wanting more Asuka and Ayako moments though.

joined Oct 10, 2016

Y tho? ._. Should we expect foiled rape attempt in next chapter?

joined Jul 29, 2017

Two things that really affect readers’ perceptions of the pace of this story are:

First, the chapters tend to be short, sometimes 1/3rd of the page count of other series.

Second, there’s a wide variability in how much “story” gets packed onto a page or into a chapter—some pages have only one or two panels, some are crammed with information in a bunch of panels, and certain sequences can be developed in lots of detail—it takes Asuka about four pages to get home from school, into her mom’s room, and into fingerblasting (hat tip to LesbianPirate for the term) position.

Throw in the odd chapter structuring (as when we’re in the middle of a sequence and suddenly an omake or side chapter appears), and the story comes off as being told in fragments that don’t quite seem to be in the proper order.

ALL THAT BEING SAID, in my opinion the whole thing reads much better and less digressively when re-read from the beginning in one go.

That doesn’t absolve the author of failing to adapt to the serialized format effectively, but I don’t think the accusations that the story is just wandering or that the author doesn’t have a strong sense of where the story is going are justified, at least not yet. But I certainly understand why it might seem that way.

joined Mar 23, 2019

maybe this is a how to guide on having a healthy mom daughter yuri :D?

Step 1: Your husband has to die from an "accident"....

Step 2: Daughter must be a lil perv, like her dad

Step 3: Rain fire?...

Step 4: Unleash the horde???

Step 5: Start Armageddon?!

Step 6: Enter Yuri Valhalla <3

last edited at Aug 14, 2019 11:39AM

joined Aug 8, 2012

Y tho? ._. Should we expect foiled rape attempt in next chapter?

Doesn't seem like Asuka's really complaining TOO much. Kind of the obligatory, "B-B-But Senpai! We're supposed to be studying! (but okay... if you really want to...)" type of thing.

last edited at Aug 14, 2019 12:37PM

joined Oct 4, 2018

maybe this is a how to guide on having a healthy mom daughter yuri :D?

Step 1: Your husband has to die from an "accident"....

Step 2: Daughter must be a lil perv, like her dad

Step 3: Rain fire?...

Step 4: Unleash the horde???

Step 5: Start Armageddon?!

Step 6: Enter Yuri Valhalla <3

Step 7: Conquer Yuri Valhalla and the rest of the yuriverse (can someone ask the girls from Star Twinkle for an extra spaceship?)

joined Dec 18, 2013

Two things that really affect readers’ perceptions of the pace of this story are:

First, the chapters tend to be short, sometimes 1/3rd of the page count of other series.

Second, there’s a wide variability in how much “story” gets packed onto a page or into a chapter—some pages have only one or two panels, some are crammed with information in a bunch of panels, and certain sequences can be developed in lots of detail—it takes Asuka about four pages to get home from school, into her mom’s room, and into fingerblasting (hat tip to LesbianPirate for the term) position.

Throw in the odd chapter structuring (as when we’re in the middle of a sequence and suddenly an omake or side chapter appears), and the story comes off as being told in fragments that don’t quite seem to be in the proper order.

ALL THAT BEING SAID, in my opinion the whole thing reads much better and less digressively when re-read from the beginning in one go.

That doesn’t absolve the author of failing to adapt to the serialized format effectively, but I don’t think the accusations that the story is just wandering or that the author doesn’t have a strong sense of where the story is going are justified, at least not yet. But I certainly understand why it might seem that way.

I don't mind the flashbacks, they are fleshing out Asuka's character using Miyuki as means to do so (although the pacing it is bad), no, I have a bigger issue by how out of place Miyuki's entire character feel within the story, Yes, the story hinges on a questionable premise but much like Citrus did with the homophobia topic, it was a lighthearted approach. So suddenly going for grim realism is pretty jarring.

joined Jun 27, 2017

I wouldn't call it lighthearted, although I think I get what you mean. But Asuka's dad is dead, Akira is guilt-ridden for some reason, and the incest theme is definitely "more serious" than your average Mocchi-equivalent. So Miyuki having her mom commit suicide as a minor aspect somewhere isn't too much outside what else has been going on to me.

I think it'll depend on how this subplots resolves itself. Asuka going "oh yeah, I knew you'd say we'd continue to 'study' ..." is imo a good indicator that it'll actually keep within the tone of the manga and it'll be some sort of nonchalant end that's not nearly as dramatic as everything looks right now ^^;

joined Jul 1, 2018

They're out of content so the only thing to do is stalling it with flashbacks.

Their choice though. I don't even like this manga, (not because of the fiction-incest). There's plenty of different shit, that's 10x better than this.

joined Nov 25, 2017

Y tho? ._. Should we expect foiled rape attempt in next chapter?

Doesn't seem like Asuka's really complaining TOO much. Kind of the obligatory, "B-B-But Senpai! We're supposed to be studying! (but okay... if you really want to...)" type of thing.

Do people not know what consent is now?? Or does "if they feel good it's okay" count as consent????

joined Apr 2, 2018

What happened tho .-. i really dont get it

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