Some girls in this manga have been in obvious pairings from the beginning. But some other girls have been floating in limbo, with no clear-cut love interests. This, however, has been changing: a lot of recent developments are about them.
Nao never had a romantic interest before. Then came that shower scene. ( ͡ꈍ ͜ʖ̫ ͡ꈍ ) This is the first time she expresses a wish for romance! Well, for a bf, actually, but in a yuri manga that's just silly talk. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Anyway, admitting to herself that she wants a lover, that's a big step forward... but, honestly, I can't figure out which girl should be paired up with her.
Kanae, for a long time, didn't have a special girl. Then she started getting really close to Hibiki, and everyone (even Kanae herself) thought their pairing was a done deal. But then, one day, Kanae saw Hibiki walking down the street arm in arm with her boyfriend – and Kanae's poor kokoro went crack, sniffle sniff. Luckily for her, the author then invented Haruka just to comfort her. This time things should work out right... right? Right???
Hibiki's web of relationships is one of the most complex in the story. She was close to Kaoru and Kanae, but didn't get serious with either of them. She had a bf, but broke up with him. Now she seems to be getting really chummy with Midori. Will she find her one true pairing this time? (Mind you, Hibiki keeps saying she wants a new bf... but what does she know, right?)
Kaoru, at the moment, is still in limbo – seemingly with no way out. Her relationship with Shizuka will never rekindle (as Shizuka has Mio now). Her affair with Hibiki went down the drain. Her affair with Mask-sempai never was a thing in the first place: it existed only in Kaoru's fantasies, as Mask-sempai actually sees her as a lump of dirt. Amusing that the greatest vamp in the manga finds herself without a special girl right now.
In a way, these little mysteries are what makes the piquant of the story for me.