It feels like it's just dragging on now, we get to Mari x Arisa then we always get to square one
I kind of agree, but part of it is also this series has taken 3 years in real time. The "dragging" effect probably wouldn't be as bad if it just came out (heh) as a complete tankoubon and we could read the whole thing at our own pace.
The other long-running-but-not-done-yet yuri series I'm following is YagaKimi (4 years), and while that one's been pretty good, this series throws a bit of a wrench in the classic "Will They Or Won't They?" sexual tension trope with a bit of "They fucked already before, but the (apparently hard) top/seme/tachi got Laser-Guided Amnesia and now neither of them can initiate"
And I have never liked the bakagenki character archetype anyway.
Actually, after re-reading the last ~18 chapters I gotta say there was some good content. I always love a good reversal/switch. It's just that 18 chapters is a year and a half in real time so unfortunately I just forgot some of the details.
last edited at Aug 7, 2019 6:06AM