Forum › Bright and Cheery Amnesia discussion

joined Mar 21, 2019

I love that the inverse of this happens after the amnesia.

joined Feb 15, 2019

I love the title of that last panel lol

joined Nov 6, 2018

I'm fairly certain that even Tamamusi thinks Mari has more sex appeal. I've noticed that she seems more reserved with Arisa. Case and point;
Mari cleans Arisa, we don't see a whole lot below the shoulders.

Arisa cleans Mari, we see about as much as we can without it being NSFW

I don't know why. Maybe it's to make Arisa seem more innocent.

joined Jun 27, 2017

I'd say it's because for the most part the story is (more or less) told from Arisa's perspective. Since she sees Mari as very attractive she's shown to be very attractive.

joined May 27, 2015

It feels like it's just dragging on now, we get to Mari x Arisa then we always get to square one

I kind of agree, but part of it is also this series has taken 3 years in real time. The "dragging" effect probably wouldn't be as bad if it just came out (heh) as a complete tankoubon and we could read the whole thing at our own pace.

The other long-running-but-not-done-yet yuri series I'm following is YagaKimi (4 years), and while that one's been pretty good, this series throws a bit of a wrench in the classic "Will They Or Won't They?" sexual tension trope with a bit of "They fucked already before, but the (apparently hard) top/seme/tachi got Laser-Guided Amnesia and now neither of them can initiate"

And I have never liked the bakagenki character archetype anyway.

Actually, after re-reading the last ~18 chapters I gotta say there was some good content. I always love a good reversal/switch. It's just that 18 chapters is a year and a half in real time so unfortunately I just forgot some of the details.

last edited at Aug 7, 2019 6:06AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Useless. Lesbians.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Who need a double bed anyway ?

joined Dec 20, 2018

Who need a double bed anyway ?

Even they eventually got a bigger one, though. Always nice to have more room. And, of course, two beds are out of the question.

joined Oct 22, 2018

There are a lot of references to Futaribeya made in this thread, and I like it.

joined Jun 12, 2019

Hope she gets laid soon

joined Aug 27, 2013

Hope she gets laid soon

Remember this is all a flashback they'll be banging 5x a day in no time!

joined Jul 4, 2018

Anyone else start thinking she looks a lot like Tokaku Azuma? Akuma no Riddle girl, that one?

joined Nov 6, 2018

Hey, they actually mentioned that bed before.

joined Oct 23, 2018

we could all use arisa's level of self confidence

joined Nov 8, 2017

So their relationship developed slowly even after they started dating.

joined Jun 12, 2019

Oh Mari

joined Jun 25, 2019

So you mean breast massages to make them bigger is not a legend ?

joined Feb 9, 2016

So you mean breast massages to make them bigger is not a legend ?

Your breast can get a bit bigger if someone gropes them too much. Yup.
It happened to me e.e

joined Apr 20, 2013

IS NOT A LIE?! Oh My God! I thought it was just to fool innocent people aaaghhhhh!!

joined Dec 20, 2018

Well, at the very least, that massage certainly helped them get closer. :D

joined Jan 31, 2015

Hey, they actually mentioned that bed before.

That's not the only connection between these chapters.

last edited at Sep 8, 2019 12:24PM

joined Aug 7, 2017

Wow, Mari was so asexual back in the day. Thank God Arisa was there to "enlighten" her. XD

joined Apr 18, 2016

Ah yes, "non sexual" boob "massages" between girlfriends. Of course.

joined Apr 20, 2013

sorathecrow posted:

Ah yes, "non sexual" boob "massages" between girlfriends. Of course.

Is all for the sake of getting bigger boobs for yes sexual massages

joined Nov 6, 2018

Hey, they actually mentioned that bed before.

That's not the only connection between these chapters.

Oh boy, it's only a matter of time before we see that convenience store guy again.

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