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Forum › Useless Princesses discussion

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

This really does -- still -- feel like a cross between Ajichi's usual drama-school lesbians and Morinaga Milk. It has heavy, heavy aspects of Girl Friends, Secret Recipe and Secret of the Princess.

I can see the influences there for sure. Girl Friends was the first Yuri manga I read in full, and only my second after Citrus, which was not yet complete at the time. That said, the two main characters’ personalities are both more extreme in their presentation. Kurokawa’s deep seated inferiority complex, which Mari did have, but not to the extent Kurokawa does; Fujishiro’s superiority complex and meanness, which were traits Akko never possessed (she was popular, but kind!). These two have a lot more changing and accommodating to do than Mari and Akko. This is the first work from Ajichi that I have read, and I’m excited to see where the story goes next.

Oh, you really should read Dear My Teacher and the accompanying series Dear My Friend by Ajichi, and Secret Recipe and Secret of the Princess by Morinaga Milk. None of Morinaga's girls is as mean as Fujishiro, true -- and even the gils who are hostile in Dear My Teacher aren't really terrible. I think Ajichi wants to show the behavior then the reasons/excuse. I think there's as much influence in the art and character design as in the plot from MM.

joined Jan 20, 2014

Some people call this unrealistic like... Isn't this fiction in the end? But more than that, for me it feels very realistic even when it's fiction. How good that you didn't have to pass for something like this in your teens, but being and idiot and an asshole and having friends like that it's pretty normal. You realize that when you grow up but then you just can think "well, at least I'm not like that anymore". I can't wait for more chapters.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I think it is a rare person who can honestly look back on their teenage self without cringing; and most of those who can are probably either saints or failed to meaningfully mature since then...

joined Jun 12, 2019

Can they kiss already

joined Feb 24, 2016

i waa feeling so annoyed at the asshole but thank god kuro had good sense but please have some pride?
i hope they dont go for the make over route (but we know they will)

joined Nov 8, 2017

Can they kiss already

I hope

joined Oct 22, 2018

Hmmm.... Last time I asked when will the next chapter come to this site, the chapter I was asking for was released just as I was making that post... Let's see if I'll have the same luck this time around...



last edited at Jul 26, 2019 6:42PM

Norainhere Uploader
joined Jun 27, 2014

There's a blank speech bubble on page 23:

Anyways, I was expecting this love triangle to come up sooner or later. Still, good on Nanaki for realizing how manipulative Izumi is being here - I'd have expected her to just completely buy what she's saying, no questions asked.

joined Mar 16, 2018


Izumi won't win I imagine

joined Jun 12, 2019

Izumi :/

joined Jan 7, 2019

It is about time for this kind of scene, but Izumi lul.

joined Jan 31, 2013

Damn it izumi, let the kid figure out on her own that she gay

joined Feb 23, 2016

You should be scared >.>

joined Feb 11, 2013

Should be tagged Rape
She can't gay marry anymore with that hand

last edited at Jul 29, 2019 11:11PM

joined Nov 11, 2018

Okay i feel dnt trust her...

joined Mar 13, 2014

We're getting into dangerous territory here.

joined Dec 16, 2014

That's kinda creepy Izumi and here I thought you were cool

joined Nov 23, 2014

"There is a secret behind that smile"

Thank you for the explanation, unnecessary exposition box.

joined Aug 19, 2015

I almost did a spit take when the chapter title came up on my notifs. Like wtf. Wut. Did I miss a few chapters? Did this suddenly become nsfw?

But of course not. But then I felt that NTR heartache when they were holding hands at the end. Scandalous.

those were big boobs

joined May 8, 2017

Izumi just made this manga a hundred times more interesting!
Does she actually believe what she is saying or is she just to confuse Nanaki so she can keep her from falling in love with Kurokawa? Izumi seems like a possessive person as hinted at when constantly conflates love with jealousy (i.e she says Miki is jealous, and now that Nanaki; when they both are actually in love). Perhaps, in her eyes, love and jealousy are actually the same thing or at least go hand-in-hand.

joined May 28, 2017

well everybody knew that Izumi just left that gruop to follow Fujishiro
that makes me regard her as yandare :)

joined May 28, 2017

well everybody knew that Izumi just left that gruop to follow Fujishiro
that makes me regard her as yandare :)

joined Mar 12, 2014

But... But I want to hug my friend!! That's not normal!!!

Izumi went down a road I'm not sure I'll be comfortable with, can't wait to see how crazy she goes

joined Jun 27, 2016

Izumi better step off

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