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joined Mar 16, 2018

Yes! They are back, my favorite couple oh god I really hope it works out for them

Snapdragon beans
joined Oct 27, 2018

Love this manga so much. I know it's too much to hope, but I hope that it gets an anime one day. Same with Hero-san and Former General-san. I love yuri in High School and stuff, but I love yuri that has unique stories in college, or super heroes and science fiction.

I'm happy they talked it out. Communication!

joined Jul 4, 2018


joined Mar 28, 2015

Het on page 4

  • Fixed

last edited at Jul 6, 2019 4:28AM

joined Mar 22, 2013

Oh, they're working it out. And man, Rika... you're a pain in the ass... seriously girl. Give them some privacy. :D

joined Jun 12, 2015

Het on page 8

You mean on page 4?

joined Mar 28, 2015

h3x posted:

Het on page 8

You mean on page 4?

Yeah, sorry. My mind just caught the chapter number, not the page.

joined Sep 6, 2016

I'm confused? Why exactly is Miwa considered a pain? Can someone please explain what makes her a pain? I feel like I'm missing stuff D:

last edited at Jul 6, 2019 10:37AM

joined Nov 21, 2018

It's because she's always sending out mixed signals. In this case, Saeko got her in a position where they could have sex but Miwa was so stiff it made Saeko think she was forcing herself to do it, even if Miwa said she was ready. What she says aloud and what her body language convey are two different things.

joined Jan 10, 2017

It's because she's always sending out mixed signals. In this case, Saeko got her in a position where they could have sex but Miwa was so stiff it made Saeko think she was forcing herself to do it, even if Miwa said she was ready. What she says aloud and what her body language convey are two different things.

I think that's part of it but it's also that she's overall kind of sensitive and overthinks things, which requires her friends/girlfriend to be more conscious of how they treat her and act around her.

joined Dec 11, 2017

I'm confused? Why exactly is Miwa considered a pain? Can someone please explain what makes her a pain? I feel like I'm missing stuff D:

I read it like this: She's a high maintenance person. She has a particular way that she's imagined certain things unfolding in her relationships, and when they don't go that way, she's just visibly disappointed. She's considerate enough to not boss people around to suit her whims, but she still overthinks everything and isn't good at hiding when she's unhappy.

Which means, basically, that her friends and girlfriend, who are relatively much more laid back and a little insensitive, wander into her little disappointments like a minefield and accidentally bum her out. And they know they didn't do anything wrong, but neither did she really. They love that she cares so much because it generally means she's a sweetheart, but sometimes it's just a little exhausting to deal with.

joined Dec 11, 2017

It's because she's always sending out mixed signals. In this case, Saeko got her in a position where they could have sex but Miwa was so stiff it made Saeko think she was forcing herself to do it, even if Miwa said she was ready. What she says aloud and what her body language convey are two different things.

That wasn't really mixed signals so much as she WAS forcing herself to do it.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Just reread first chapter and i find myself thinking that the girl with Miwa in bed is Saeko : The hair colo match, here in beginning and now in the last chapter (even thought it seem the black hair on top of Saeko doesn't seem to be here in first chapter, they kinda appear at the aquarium date) and both the girl in the bed and Saeko said to Miwa in first chapter she is easy to read : here and here. We MIGHT have not the same end than the OS or i'm overthinking it and it's RIka in the bed, who suddendly swing ways.

joined May 2, 2018

Miwa wouldn't go "wow, I'm really going out with a woman" about someone who isn't her first girlfriend.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Miwa wouldn't go "wow, I'm really going out with a woman" about someone who isn't her first girlfriend.

So it's ok to have hope for a different end than the One-shot ?

joined Mar 28, 2015

At this point, it looks like they are trying to make the relationship work by making concessions, contrary to the one-shot.

But it doesn't bode either ill or well for the ending.

joined May 2, 2018

Miwa wouldn't go "wow, I'm really going out with a woman" about someone who isn't her first girlfriend.

So it's ok to have hope for a different end than the One-shot ?

The author would be a sucker to stick to the one-shot in the face of new inspiration.

I find myself wondering if the one-shot's existence is a blessing or curse for the reader...

joined May 7, 2017

you heard it here first kids, Rika and Miwa gonna date if that's gonna work out I still dunno, but they gonna date, watch the subtle change on the narrative so we could see what's going on with Rika's mind

last edited at Jul 6, 2019 2:44PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

you heard it here first kids, Mika and Miwa gonna date if that's gonna work out I still dunno, but they gonna date, watch the subtle change on the narrative so we could see what's going on with Mika's mind

You mean Rika

Rankarana Uploader
Sexy Akiba Detectives
joined Feb 8, 2014

every single day, i really, REALLY wish i'd never translated the original oneshot

joined Dec 16, 2014

Aaaahh, i feel so conflicted. I want to them to work out especially now knowing what happened in this chapter

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

It feels to me more like gang up on Miwa, period. Worse, her being high maintenance is purely an informed trait. We get told about it by the rest of the band, etc. -- all people who know Saeko way better than they know Miwa. I would go the other way and say Saeko is insensitive, and the other girl is insensitive and un-self-aware to boot. I do think the series takes Miwa's POV mostly, but she's the "outsider," so that's typical. Still, has anything been actually shown either in the series or the pilot that would indicate Saeko and the band are right?

last edited at Jul 6, 2019 5:49PM

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

every single day, i really, REALLY wish i'd never translated the original oneshot

Not me, thank you for it. Seriously, this series has an audience. And I haven't given up hope for the mangaka's oriiginal plan to work out - in this modern environment it's probably quite wise. They have some of us hyped for following Saeko and Miwa's relationship as exes in a band.

Breaking up doesn't have to end everything, including the series. Amano Shuninta and Hakamada Mera have done series where exes still have feelings about each other, but it's pretty rare. I mean exes who aren't jumping back into each other's arms. Takemiya Jin doesn't count because normally the exes are "evil exes." Mera's are, too, but the protagonist often has unfinished business with them.

joined Jun 12, 2017

It's chapters like this one that make it all worth it.

Rankarana Uploader
Sexy Akiba Detectives
joined Feb 8, 2014

every single day, i really, REALLY wish i'd never translated the original oneshot

Not me, thank you for it. Seriously, this series has an audience. And I haven't given up hope for the mangaka's oriiginal plan to work out - in this modern environment it's probably quite wise. They have some of us hyped for following Saeko and Miwa's relationship as exes in a band.

oh me too absolutely! its just every SINGLE chapter people are like 'but will it be like the oneshot???' and its like... shhh.. follow it for what it is

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