ChippedIce posted:
I could've let this one grow on me but you fucking invited your fucking husband to that same bar!? like What The fuck girl... Just tell her with a message, geez, that was awful of you! What were you expecting to happen? Make her cry of course!
Going by how she wanted to let her know eventually that she had a husband, I'm guessing the husband invited her there, also because she came in after him so it leads me to think that the husband was the one "leading" in their little date.
Yeah but she had her phone, a little warning would've been decent.
Also, I'm mad but I'm against using a tag that would spoil the shock that the author was intending to make with the first chapter.
I'm writing a love triangle story and have a little experience with what the teacher's feeling. Obviously, cheating irl sucks, but this is class-A material for "I don't want to be in this marriage." She wanted to keep the two worlds separate, probably with the hopes of leaving her husband sometime in the near future. Then, her husband books a date for them at the bar with her girlfriend and she probably panicked like crazy. Staring at her phone, "should I, shouldn't I, should I, shouldn't I," until it was too late. As someone with anxiety, I can personally attest to how realistic it is to not give someone a heads-up in this situation. It's super shitty, she should be yelled at for it, but it makes for a believably flawed character. And flawed characters means character development and conflict, which a story requires to be interesting. I added this story to my favorites the instant I finished reading it.