Forum › Hino-san no Baka discussion

joined Apr 20, 2013

johnb posted:

johnb posted:

Author (paraphrased by me): "Geeze, I had this whole series planned out for Hino to keep teasing Koguma in increasingly yuri ways, but Hino ruined it all because she's too stupid to pass her tests. Man, I was really looking forward to it, too. Oh well, I guess this series is over. Hino ruined it for all of you. See you in my next manga!"

Does that make it any clearer?

Um no.

Well, it's fine. It's not a particularly important joke anyways.
Maybe you'll get it someday you're really bored and random thoughts and memories come to your mind, and this one appears you analyze it left and right, and then you'll see where it went and you'll say "oh, I get it. Ha! What a lame joke that was"

Wait. Did the author really say that? I thought you made stuff up. The joke would make sense if that is an actual quote.

The author made a joke about ending the series too soon because Hino gave up too soon... That's all. And no, the author didn't say that because it was implied, how come it only makes sense to you only if it was a real quote? does it mean that you actually understand the joke .-.) ?

Well.... is not really important.

Because if it's not a real quote, then you are really reading a lot into a single word. For all you know, the author called it the end, because they are a big fan of The Doors.

Alright then

joined Dec 13, 2018

What in the goddamn is this comments section arguing about when we could be taking pictures of spiderman

joined Jul 29, 2017

It’s “Spider-Man.”

joined Aug 26, 2018

^^Never forget the hyphen between Spider and man, Willy.

last edited at May 21, 2019 7:46AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Nor the capitalized “Man.”

joined Mar 28, 2012

this comment section was a mistake.

joined Jan 24, 2018

I never thought one of the biggest cliff hangers in my life would be whether some one gets to suck on some ones boobs. What a time to be alive

joined Oct 22, 2018

this comment section was a mistake.

No self-respecting comments section doesn't have at least one person who thinks so.

Did I phrase that correctly?

last edited at May 21, 2019 3:09PM

joined Sep 1, 2017

Stereotypes are charming, didn't you know?

No sis, I'm not trying to make a stereotype joke (though it probably seems that way, but no), it's from a personal experience. My mom threatened to disown me if I didn't get 95+ in all subjects in my 12th grade finals. "You're from a respectable family. This kind of marks are expected from you. Even mentally retarded people get 90%. Stop wasting our money and get out of the house if you can't at least get a 95%." (sic)- My Dear Mother. And a lot of people in my country face a similar situation everyday. It's not a stereotype.

My condolences for going through that... but while the pressure to do well is certainly real in many countries, like Japan, it's not true that Asians in general have standards that high. And even in Japan, people who don't do 90s are still incredibly common. There are people who barely pass all the time. Not every family is as strict about it.
It is a stereotype to just automatically assume a character who isn't satisfied with her incredible scores is being pressured by her family. Maybe Koguma is just a perfectionist in her studies.

Wait. Did the author really say that? I thought you made stuff up. The joke would make sense if that is an actual quote.

Stop it Johnny! The joke is already dead. Why do you have to keep shooting it with your ignorance? Think of the children!

Edit: I humblely give up. I'm being a jerk. I'm letting the idea of people thinking I'm an idiot trigger me. The thing is, in this instance I am acting like a idiot. I've deleted the end of the argument to get rid of name calling, and accusations. (Bow)I'm sorry. Please forgive me.

last edited at May 22, 2019 11:46AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Stop it Johnny! The joke is already dead. Why do you have to keep shooting it with your ignorance? Think of the children!

There is NO JOKE. I think the title is just a reference to the looming doom of the final. If the author wanted to make a joke, like that they would have named the chapter something like Hino's stupidity ends the series. An obvious joke, but still not very funny.

Jojo... Listen here pal.
This page has a deadpan Hino saying she won't pass with Koguma reacting shocked. It has both the text "Hino-san no Baka * End" and "Please look forward to Kinniku Tarou's next series~" written on it, just like the final page of the final chapter of a manga would.

It's fine that you didn't get the joke and are embarrassed now, but please stop hurting yourself trying to justify it. Whether the joke was in the title, or in the middle of the chapter, it's exactly the same. It was 4th wall breaking humor poking fun at the fact that the series could end right there, because Hino has no drive to pass. It was a good joke.

Now be a dear and don't disappoint us any more.

I'm starting to suffer from withdrawal. How am I supposed to go on living, knowing that there won't be two or three new chapters waiting for me at the end of each day? My life feels empty and pointless now.

joined Mar 27, 2018

It doesn't need to be a quote from the author because it's pretty obvious what the joke is.

  1. Hino and Koguma have discussed previously that being held back would result in less consistent visits from Koguma as she would not know when Hino is cutting classes, thereby establishing that being held back is a bad end for the manga and their relationship.
  2. Koguma says that tests are coming soon, and that HIno would need to pass all the subjects or she'll be held back.
  3. Hino says "Sure, when hell freezes over" thereby implying that it's impossible to do so, fating herself to being held back.
  4. The series reaches its bad end, hence the message saying that the manga is over, and to look forward to the next author's work, a fairly common message at the end of various serialized manga.
  5. Koguma tsukkomis with a "Wait a second!" because it's obviously a silly way to end the manga and just a joke.

last edited at May 22, 2019 1:08AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Thank you for setting his head straight. I can't understate what an amazing accomplishment that is, considering his usual stubborness and inability to change his mind despite all evidence.

You acted like a total dullard and ignored any and all chances to rethink your stance. I gave you dozens of outs and yet you insisted on being wrong... Patience doesn't grow on trees lol
For all it's worth I tried to keep it light-hearted instead of resorting to cutting myself this time. So I see this as an absolute win!

joined Mar 27, 2018

I didn't choose teaching as a profession for nothing. Probably.

Inai hou ga ii ningen
joined May 23, 2018

I took a break from Dynastyscans for like 2 weeks or so and coming back to 12 chapters of hino-san felt like i consumed a years worth of dopamine.

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

johnb posted:

Sweet Christmas it took about ten posts for one of you to simply point out, "You missed the joke writen in the margins" Then you take a victory lap like you got me to give up on something profoundly stupid, like flat earth theory.

I'm sorry, but BugDevil is right.

johnb posted:

I totally missed the bit at the side of the page. I thought people were inferring Hino's stupidity was ending the series prematurely, simply because the title of the chapter was "The End."
Now that I know I missed the actual joke. As in I didn't see it.

No. You did not miss it as in "I didn't see it." You didn't get it at all and made a fool of yourself arguing with everyone. That thing at the margins, with "editorial" telling you to look for author's next work? That part is the least relevant. No. The title of the chapter wasn't "The End". That was the freaking joke. Do you read manga since like yesterday? At the end of the chapter they will usually write "to be continue" or "the end" (or something similar) depending whatever this was the last chapter or not. When the series is ending, they very often also add the title of the series, so "Hino-san no Baka * The End". The joke that went over your head was that, that panel was supposed to look like series has ended. The premise of the manga is "Kogume is trying to get Hino to attend classes, so they are together" therefore "If Hino is held back, they won't be in the same class anymore, so Kogume has to make Hino study in order to not let that happen". It's classic set up for "study session". But then Hino subverts it by flat out stating "there's no way in hell I'll study" meaning series arrived at the dead end and there's no way to progress it anymore, so only logical conclusion is to ending it. Therefore the punchline of the joke was the "Hino-san no Baka * The End". The thing at the margins was just supposed to make it look even more like a last page. It was just a follow up to a joke, not the whole joke itself.

Man, it's not the first time you're acting completely spoiled and demanding everything to be given to you on the silver platter.

last edited at May 22, 2019 6:40AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

Y'know, why is this thread one of those which I keep open at all times, when I've skipped most of the comments the last few pages? All I know is that there was some sort of explaining and borderline argument going over a joke that the author made...

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

johnb It is shutting up time now. Do not reply to this or any other post on the subject of the joke.

Everyone else It's time to leave johnb to his shame. Don't continue this fruitless nonsense, please.

joined Feb 3, 2013

Ok... Now that Nezchan put an end to that, let's open the gambling den and guess if Hino passed or not. Bets must be made using Dynasty's forum exclusive currency, which is nonexistent.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Hino is clever and she also has a motivation, I think is safe to say she passes ... but if she doesn't then Blastaar has to change avatar to the bully from Tadokoro san.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Ok... Now that Nezchan put an end to that, let's open the gambling den and guess if Hino passed or not. Bets must be made using Dynasty's forum exclusive currency, which is nonexistent.


joined Aug 26, 2018

Hino is clever and she also has a motivation, I think is safe to say she passes ... but if she doesn't then Blastaar has to change avatar to the bully from Tadokoro san.

A rather unorthodox, yet strangely cruel punishment game.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Ok... Now that Nezchan put an end to that, let's open the gambling den and guess if Hino passed or not. Bets must be made using Dynasty's forum exclusive currency, which is nonexistent.


LesCoin is actually like the penny or cent of the DynastyReader currency. The actual currency is the Golden Lily. 1 Golden Lily = 100 LesCoins

As for what blopa suggested, I'm gonna bet 1 golden lily each in the "Hino passes" and "Hino doesn't pass" boxes. Lose only half of the bet.


last edited at May 22, 2019 3:02PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Hino is clever and she also has a motivation, I think is safe to say she passes ... but if she doesn't then Blastaar has to change avatar to the bully from Tadokoro san.

Can't do it. That's not an avatar--it's a portrait.

joined Apr 6, 2019

You can even suck on a man's chest.

Why in the world would you subject yourself to that?

I hear a lot of men are into that.

As a lesbian that thought is extremely repulsive to me. But I guess it's the opposite if you're gay...

I laughed way too hard at that exchange XD

I guess we could just think of it the other way around. Why do we like to watch/ think about/ fantasize two girls having sex? It's a question that gets asked a lot in Japan, where a lot of girls who are into yuri fiction actually choose to date boys in real life. I'll be up front about my personal gut response, which is, 'Why not?' A liking for f/f is a taste or a fetish or a kink like any other, and there are only two possible responses to a fetish: 'Yay!' and 'Huh?' If someone shares your fetish, you don't have to tell them why it's hot. If they don't, all the explaining in the world won't enlighten them.

This easy-going answer doesn't quite meet certain people's needs, I'm aware, but it's the the most convenient for fans who just want to enjoy their naughty pleasures in peace and don't want to explain anything.

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