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Forum › Adachi and Shimamura (Novel) discussion

joined Jun 5, 2016

This is true. She saw a flash of white light, and everyone knows that if you combine all colors of light, like, I dunno, a rainbow would have, that you get white light...

joined Mar 13, 2014

Adachi so bold and she doesn't even know it.

"Umm, do you mind if I, like... sit between your legs?"


joined Sep 16, 2014

Holy hell that last scene was -something-

Remember the start of the manga when these two were so coy now THIS.

This is such a joy to read

joined Aug 23, 2015

she... dropped her spagehetti with shimamura didnt she?

joined May 1, 2017

Damn this is so intense, i like it so much lol

Shipping Account
joined Oct 2, 2018

This sure is a novel for the masochist yuri subtext :v
Adachi almost kill me with that scene UwU

last edited at Apr 18, 2019 3:08PM

joined Apr 6, 2019

I read the manga before.
I think I like the novel much better than the manga.

joined Oct 16, 2016

Adachi forgot to say "no homo" in her dream. Rookie mistake. Now she has the big gay.

joined Mar 26, 2017

I read the manga before.
I think I like the novel much better than the manga.

Yeah, me as well. The manga cuts a lot out of the story, at least much of the inner monologuing going on. Though it's nice to read both as they get translated.

joined Jun 5, 2016

I can't wait to see the "run awayyyyy!" scene depicted in the manga. And for the next chapter, which I think will probably be from Shimamura's POV.

My prediction: "What the actual fuck", Shimamura said, as she watched Adachi leave dust trails in her wake.


joined Nov 8, 2017

Oh wow, Adachi seems to be going crazy

joined Jan 25, 2017

This sure is a novel for the masochist yuri subtext :v
Adachi almost kill me with that scene UwU

I don't think "subtext" is the right word for when a main character spends a whole chapter going from " I gay for my best friend?" to "oh shit I am turbo gay for my best friend oh god oh no gonna explode"

joined Apr 20, 2019

pg23 circulated -> circled
pg55 rarely seen any -> rarely see any
pg56 latch back -> lash back

copied what it said on the blackboard in my notebook ->
copied what was written on the blackboard into my notebook

I don't got a clue anymore ->
I haven't got a clue anymore / I don't have a clue anymore

pg110 you?”, Adachi -> you?” Adachi

last edited at Apr 20, 2019 12:32PM

joined Feb 18, 2019

I love this story so damn much and I am deeply thankfull to the translators and the people who have brought this up in dynasty. This has become one of my favourite yuri, i really love the pace of the story and the characters. I relate so much with Adachi lol, I'm like her when it comes to relationships. The story is also quite original and different from what you see in yuri mangas so I really am looking forward to see hoe this will end. Reading this LN brights up my day

joined Feb 15, 2019

To the translators/editors, that was an amazing job there, not perfect but damn good. Better than when these light novels get released in english by publishers even. Great work and thanks.

last edited at Apr 20, 2019 2:47PM

joined Jun 5, 2016

copied what it said on the blackboard in my notebook ->
copied what was written on the blackboard into my notebook

I don't got a clue anymore ->
I haven't got a clue anymore / I don't have a clue anymore

At risk of completely outing myself as an old fogey, I intentionally left that phrasing in when I was doing my edit/QC because it seemed to fit how teenagers speak, and I still struggle with trying to keep my own verbal tendencies as a decidedly not-teenage person from blurring that. I can't speak for everyone else though.

joined Apr 20, 2019

At risk of completely outing myself as an old fogey, I intentionally left that phrasing in when I was doing my edit/QC because it seemed to fit how teenagers speak, and I still struggle with trying to keep my own verbal tendencies as a decidedly not-teenage person from blurring that. I can't speak for everyone else though.

On a side note, I notice that speech tends to end with the comma outside of the quotation marks. For example on pg 9's < “Wouldn’t have thought”, Adachi replied, > shouldn't the comma be within the quotation marks like < “Wouldn’t have thought,” Adachi replied, >?

Also from your post on the 1st page, it seems like the above example should have been "Wouldn't have thought that".

(I apologise if it seems like I'm nitpicking.)

joined Jun 5, 2016

At risk of completely outing myself as an old fogey, I intentionally left that phrasing in when I was doing my edit/QC because it seemed to fit how teenagers speak, and I still struggle with trying to keep my own verbal tendencies as a decidedly not-teenage person from blurring that. I can't speak for everyone else though.

On a side note, I notice that speech tends to end with the comma outside of the quotation marks. For example on pg 9's < “Wouldn’t have thought”, Adachi replied, > shouldn't the comma be within the quotation marks like < “Wouldn’t have thought,” Adachi replied, >?

Also from your post on the 1st page, it seems like the above example should have been "Wouldn't have thought that".

(I apologise if it seems like I'm nitpicking.)

To answer your first question, no. Sneikkimmies uses British English and I use American. (I am uncertain about Gilgamesh.) In American English, yes, the comma is typically placed inside the quotations, but British English can do it either way. Therein lies the difference, so neither is right nor wrong. There are also other things that distinguish the more British utilization in this translation, such as using "toward" vs "towards". or "realized" vs "realised". So it's just regional. :)

To answer your second question, in the final QC that I sent over, I had corrected/suggested that but it apparently didn't make it in. I am neither the only nor the final say, so I submit what I think works and that's that. So far I've never really gone looking at the final release to see what got used and what didn't, lol...

last edited at Apr 20, 2019 10:09PM

joined Apr 20, 2019

To answer your first question, no. Sneikkimmies uses British English and I use American. (I am uncertain about Gilgamesh.) In American English, yes, the comma is typically placed inside the quotations, but British English can do it either way. Therein lies the difference, so neither is right nor wrong. There are also other things that distinguish the more British utilization in this translation, such as using "toward" vs "towards". or "realized" vs "realised". So it's just regional. :)

To answer your second question, in the final QC that I sent over, I had corrected/suggested that but it apparently didn't make it in. I am neither the only nor the final say, so I submit what I think works and that's that. So far I've never really gone looking at the final release to see what got used and what didn't, lol...

I see, thanks for the clarification!

joined Jun 5, 2016

I noticed this on page 12 of the e-book version: <"The next day, Adachi once again came to school."> I think this doesn't need quotation marks. Thank you sneikkimies & co, by the way.

Can you point out what you mean in a hyperlink? What you're mentioning sounds vaguely familiar, and offhand it's making me think it's something Shimamura said facetiously, but I can't find your example.

joined Dec 20, 2018

I noticed this on page 12 of the e-book version: <"The next day, Adachi once again came to school."> I think this doesn't need quotation marks. Thank you sneikkimies & co, by the way.

Can you point out what you mean in a hyperlink? What you're mentioning sounds vaguely familiar, and offhand it's making me think it's something Shimamura said facetiously, but I can't find your example.

Found it on page 60 in the PDF version, and you're definitely right, seeing how Adachi replies to this on the next line.

joined Jun 5, 2016

Aha. Thanks. Those chapters get read, scrutinized, poked at, re-read, poked at some more, then re-re-re-read, so after a while my brain just goes "NANDEYANEN" when I try to recall exact specifics later on.

Yes, it was said aloud by Shimamura to tease Adachi when they saw each other again the next day. Adachi then replied with her own snark.

last edited at Apr 21, 2019 4:48PM

joined Jun 5, 2016

'S all good. I have a crap ton of spare time on my hands most of the times so I usually have nothing better to do. lol

joined Apr 23, 2015

Hell of a cliffhanger!
A very enjoyable read.
Heh Heh. The mom busts out martial arts moves when her older sister comes around?

So many good scenes and great characters.

joined Aug 23, 2015

that was probably the worst chapter. i cant stand alien girl.

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