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joined Oct 22, 2018

On another note, Canno has done a little interview with Yurinavi to celebrate the end of the series. I'll see if I can translate it (though if someone else can I won't stop them X) ).

And we might expect a Revue Starlight doujin before long since she's apparently hooked on it lately.


Thank you, @Lyendith, very cool.

last edited at Feb 19, 2019 8:03PM by Nezchan

joined Mar 4, 2018

Finally!! I've been over this manga for so long, but I'm annoyed when things aren't wrapped. The main-ish pairing finally with some closure. Glad I didn't close it out after the first two token interruptions.

I'm with you. Definitely glad they swapped moisture, but like James Cameron said about Aliens: It's forty miles of bad road.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Finally!! I've been over this manga for so long, but I'm annoyed when things aren't wrapped. The main-ish pairing finally with some closure. Glad I didn't close it out after the first two token interruptions.

I'm with you. Definitely glad they swapped moisture, but like James Cameron said about Aliens: It's forty miles of bad road.

You people really are the salt of the earth...

joined Oct 22, 2018

Finally!! I've been over this manga for so long, but I'm annoyed when things aren't wrapped. The main-ish pairing finally with some closure. Glad I didn't close it out after the first two token interruptions.

I'm with you. Definitely glad they swapped moisture, but like James Cameron said about Aliens: It's forty miles of bad road.

You people really are the salt of the earth...

My history buff kicked in once again... for this salt to the Earth thing reminded me of Carthage... Romans salted the fields so the city wouldn't grow again.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Finally!! I've been over this manga for so long, but I'm annoyed when things aren't wrapped. The main-ish pairing finally with some closure. Glad I didn't close it out after the first two token interruptions.

I'm with you. Definitely glad they swapped moisture, but like James Cameron said about Aliens: It's forty miles of bad road.

You people really are the salt of the earth...

My history buff kicked in once again... for this salt to the Earth thing reminded me of Carthage... Romans salted the fields so the city wouldn't grow again.

Didn't, actually; that's pretty much an invention of 19th-century Romantic fancy. Between the market price of salt, the size of the city and the extremely advantageous location that'd have been some truly extravagant waste for mere symbolic spite anyway.
Au contraire they almost immediately founded a new settlement on the spot though the first attempt fell foul of the turbulent domestic politics of the mid-late Republic; the second mid-1st cent BC effort fared better and within a hundred years grew into the fourth-largest city in the whole empire.
("Salt of the earth" meanwhile is an entirely unrelated and somewhat obtuse Biblical metaphor.)

last edited at Feb 22, 2019 8:24AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Finally!! I've been over this manga for so long, but I'm annoyed when things aren't wrapped. The main-ish pairing finally with some closure. Glad I didn't close it out after the first two token interruptions.

I'm with you. Definitely glad they swapped moisture, but like James Cameron said about Aliens: It's forty miles of bad road.

You people really are the salt of the earth...

This is a seasonal thing—when a popular long-runner is ending, certain species are compelled to come and say, “I’m better than the people who like this.”

It’s like the swallows returning to Capistrano (including the smell of birdshit).

joined Aug 26, 2018

You people really are the salt of the earth...

My history buff kicked in once again... for this salt to the Earth thing reminded me of Carthage... Romans salted the fields so the city wouldn't grow again.

Any overcompensating history lessons from certain people aside, the phrase is supposed to mean something positive, but is usually used sarcastically. The more you know.

You people really are the salt of the earth...

This is a seasonal thing—when a popular long-runner is ending, certain species are compelled to come and say, “I’m better than the people who like this.”

It’s like the swallows returning to Capistrano (including the smell of birdshit).

The animal kingdom can be rather obtuse and contradictory, huh?

joined Oct 22, 2018

Self-imposed exile time... again... see ya in 5 days...

joined Apr 20, 2013

That's pretty awesome, I would've missed it normally

joined Oct 30, 2018

The.. last.. chapter T^T (preview)

last edited at Feb 28, 2019 10:01AM

joined Jun 4, 2015

Jesus, not only was the first string of images killing my phone, then its quoted for good measure ffs

joined Oct 22, 2018

Jesus, not only was the first string of images killing my phone, then its quoted for good measure ffs

Welcome to the club.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

All the images have been converted to clickable links.

I'll thank people not to abuse the ability to post images in the forums in the future.

joined Oct 22, 2018



joined Feb 28, 2019

I'm gunna miss this manga
time to reread it a bunch since it always feels like I'm reading it for the first time again

joined Oct 22, 2018

I'm gunna miss this manga
time to reread it a bunch since it always feels like I'm reading it for the first time again

That said, we're waiting for last chapter... Though, the fact that the link to a tweet showing the preview of it wasn't posted by Lyendith concerns me...

joined Jun 30, 2018

not to be dramatic but I would die for Shiramine and Kurosawa

joined Nov 20, 2018

It's been a while since a saw a sweet and good ending

joined Apr 15, 2013

Another one all wrapped up and ready for rereading. It's been a heck of a journey and I loved it the whole way through. The tanks usually have bonus material though, so we might even get an epilogue or something when it comes out.

joined Jan 20, 2014

I don't know if I can live without a heart, but this ending just made mine explode for sugar and I'm just too happy to think about that *keeps smiling like an idiot because of every. fucking. page*
They even say their nameEEEEEEEEEEEES *died*

joined Oct 25, 2015

Blastaar posted:

BugDevil posted:

mg1342mg posted:

ffins07 posted:
Finally!! I've been over this manga for so long, but I'm annoyed when things aren't wrapped. The main-ish pairing finally with some closure. Glad I didn't close it out after the first two token interruptions.

I'm with you. Definitely glad they swapped moisture, but like James Cameron said about Aliens: It's forty miles of bad road.

You people really are the salt of the earth...

This is a seasonal thing—when a popular long-runner is ending, certain species are compelled to come and say, “I’m better than the people who like this.”

It’s like the swallows returning to Capistrano (including the smell of birdshit).

What does being relieved a series is ending have to do with being better than anyone??? @__@

Some people like the series; some people don't. Some people have been reading it for years; some have not. Some people are sad that it's ending; some people are relieved.

I'm in the relieved, been reading for years camp. Doesn't make me better or worse than others. But I do seem to be in a minority. That doesn't mean I have bad feelings toward the majority. --I don't. But I am a bit annoyed some people cannot keep their comments to the subject at hand and instead seem to be casting judgement on others for expressing a not positive?? opinion.

You can disagree with an expression or comment without making blanket statements about people.

I am unfamiliar with the initial reply phrase -- "You people really are the salt of the earth..." -- and have failed to followed the conversation it prompted. My (brief) search revealed that main phrase was originally a compliment, but it can also be seen as an unhanded insult. The "You people" and trailing ellipses makes it sound negative to me, and the context of the greater conversation -- comparing my decision to share my thoughts to animals -- certainly invokes the "simple" (negative) interpretation. If any of this was meant to be positive, it was lost in text.

Anyway, it was nice seeing I wasn't the only one happy to be at the last chapter.

I'm released!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

last edited at Mar 19, 2019 10:28PM

joined Jun 5, 2016

I've been reading it for years. I'm glad that it got a good ending. I'll miss it.

joined Mar 16, 2018

So, it finally ended huh? I guess I should go back to this series and see if I can get through it.

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