Forum › Their Story discussion

joined Sep 11, 2014

Waaaaaaaahhhhhhhh ♥️♥️♥️♥️

joined Jun 27, 2017

So much for all the talk about what would never happen in the series ^^;

Although it might not happen. But if that's not an implication of feelings returned I don't know what is.

joined Mar 16, 2018

Don't talk about it, be about it!

joined Dec 4, 2017

keep it up sun jing!! you'll get a smooch if ya do XD

joined Sep 30, 2017

Fucking do It! Do it before the chinese goverment stops you!

joined Oct 1, 2014


joined Jan 31, 2015

is the taboo aspect wat makes yuri interesting in the first place for you guys?
i wonder if in the future it won’t be as special

I'm sure for everyone it's a little different. As for me, I avoid gratuitously sexual stuff; it's romance that interests me. The kinds of stories I like, where the characters seem to form a deeper, more emotional connection in the end, seem more common in yuri.

If the taboo aspect come into it at all, it's that traditional romance stories are more like a battle between the two characters, where one tries to wear down the other's defenses; whereas, the characters in yuri fight together to overcome the common foe of society's prejudices. Which one do you think sounds like a healthier recipe for a long-term relationship? (In Their Story, it's a little of a mix.)

In that sense, it's not merely being taboo that makes the story interesting, but that being taboo sets a framework which provides for a more interesting story. So, yes, I do believe it may be less special in the future. Though, probably not in my lifetime. Sadly.

joined Jul 30, 2015

I want them to kiss..But I'm also afraid if the author draw it again, she or he is in trouble for it ;x

joined Feb 23, 2016

I guess the artist is willing to go to jail for us now?? Excellent i need more asap...but QT is quite daring~ we all know SJ will probably go in for the kiss hehehe

last edited at Dec 22, 2018 8:32AM

joined Mar 16, 2018

is the taboo aspect wat makes yuri interesting in the first place for you guys?
i wonder if in the future it won’t be as special

I love yuri because I really like the different dynamic that it brings to a story. So much het stuff is the generic guff that I see countless times and am kind of tired of at this point. When it's two women in love they seem to play off each other differently than if it's a typical woman/man or man/woman romance.

joined Feb 14, 2016

is the taboo aspect wat makes yuri interesting in the first place for you guys?
i wonder if in the future it won’t be as special

You know some of us are like... lesbians right? like IDK about everyones else reasons, but for some its pretty obvious that they just don't find het romances appealing because they aren't het or it is just that they find both interesting. Girl romance dynamics are also different, like someone else said, which can make it more interesting.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Is that supposed to make her stop? XP

is the taboo aspect wat makes yuri interesting in the first place for you guys?
i wonder if in the future it won’t be as special

You know some of us are like... lesbians right? like IDK about everyones else reasons, but for some its pretty obvious that they just don't find het romances appealing because they aren't het or it is just that they find both interesting. Girl romance dynamics are also different, like someone else said, which can make it more interesting.

Do you think lesbian romance is comparable to that of gay guys?

I have lesbian relatives and none of their relationships are rosy/enviable like in these stories, especially the older ones. It’s just so much better in 2D.

last edited at Dec 22, 2018 11:30AM by

joined Jan 11, 2017

So I've had this series on hold for a while, is it still stuck in limbo?

last edited at Dec 22, 2018 12:26PM

joined Sep 3, 2017

I have lesbian relatives and none of their relationships are rosy/enviable like in these stories, especially the older ones. It’s just so much better in 2D.

I... are you of the impression that this is different for het romance/hentai? Sometimes there are realistic mangas or erotic stories, of the het or whatever variety, but they are few and far between.

Can anyone point to a realistic yuri romance? This one certainly isn't, there is about 8000% too little homophobia to take place anywhere near the real world.

joined Jun 27, 2017

Look for the depressing as fuck tag ^^;

(not that I think every real lesbian couple in Japan is living a life of misery; but I wouldn't want to deal with homophobia on top of the institutional sexism there)

last edited at Dec 22, 2018 2:24PM

joined Nov 13, 2015


joined May 1, 2018


joined May 1, 2018

Look for the depressing as fuck tag ^^;

(not that I think every real lesbian couple in Japan is living a life of misery; but I wouldn't want to deal with homophobia on top of the institutional sexism there)

? This is set in China bro

joined Sep 3, 2017

Well... there's room in realism for something in-between cutesy romance and "depressing as fuck". This one is on the cutesy side, but not that far from the real world.

I think something like Octave seemed pretty close to the real world. A one-off thing actually turning into a relationship, in a stumbling, 2-steps-forward-1-step-back sort of way.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

is the taboo aspect wat makes yuri interesting in the first place for you guys?
i wonder if in the future it won’t be as special

Taboo can add a little spice sometimes, but honestly it becomes tiresome really fast. I'm in it for girls liking girls, given that I'm a girl who likes girls myself. I can identify with the romantic feelings.

I have lesbian relatives and none of their relationships are rosy/enviable like in these stories, especially the older ones. It’s just so much better in 2D.

By counterpoint, I have known a number of older lesbians with just fine relationships who don't run into extreme homophobia at every turn. And younger ones too.

joined Jun 27, 2017

? This is set in China bro

Yesyes, but we were talking about mangas in general (or at least that was my understanding) and this and Beloved aside it's all Japan.

joined Jul 26, 2016

? This is set in China bro

Yesyes, but we were talking about mangas in general (or at least that was my understanding) and this and Beloved aside it's all Japan.

...I question the size of your reference pools.

joined Mar 22, 2013

So, it is safe to assume, I guess, that in another world those two would have kissed right now. I'm expecting tons of fanart and doujinshi to actually depict it.... Anyone? Pls? (Or I'll have to do it myself, and you don't want that :p)

theyve kissed once already

Well, they should kiss again >:3

joined Sep 3, 2017

At a glance something like 95% of the comics on this site are manga and most likely take place in Japan, but if you include mahnwa and manhua, then the statement becomes inaccurate... but if referring to manga? Then it's almost all japan :) We are getting a bit off-topic though and perhaps lost in particulars :D

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